Did you watched the latest Rambo?

Where he fights mexican pimps? Do you think that was anti-mexican or who gives a fuck because it is just a movie etc. And what do mexicans think?

First off, it was just a movie. Second off, it was RAMBO! Third off, over here in America, American moviegoers live to see hundreds of people chunked up in action movies. Fourth off, RAMBO's bullets NEVER discriminate. To keep things equal opportunity, RAMBO has to spread his knives, arrows and bullets around into the bodies of all races, ethnicities, creeds and cultures. In fact, I'm kinda concerned 'cause he didn't kill no Asians in his newest movies. Now that's discrimination!
First off, it was just a movie. Second off, it was RAMBO! Third off, over here in America, American moviegoers live to see hundreds of people chunked up in action movies. Fourth off, RAMBO's bullets NEVER discriminate. To keep things equal opportunity, RAMBO has to spread his knives, arrows and bullets around into the bodies of all races, ethnicities, creeds and cultures. In fact, I'm kinda concerned 'cause he didn't kill no Asians in his newest movies. Now that's discrimination!

I think he killed asians, they yellow type of asian. I think he was in Korea or Vietnam in his previous movie.
I think he killed asians, they yellow type of asian. I think he was in Korea or Vietnam in his previous movie.

What about Seventh Day Adventists? I don't think he killed a single one of those in all his movies. That's discrimination!

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