Didn't realize you could hire a state's national guard

Seems you can. Doesn't that technically make them mercenaries??...'So Wrong': GOP Donor Paying to Send South Dakota National Guard to Southern Border
If the Executive Branch fails to enforce the law, then it falls to the states to do so.
But not private citizens with money I hope.
What do you think taxes are?

God are you stupid
Public monies (taxes) are not being used..private money is..God are you stupid
Taxes are private money you fucking idiot and youre shocked the government takes donations?
Wow....you are definitely dense enough to be easily groomed by trump, by gum!
You certainly sound like it.
Who get's the liability if members of the SD Nat'l Guard injure or kill someone like what happened on the border years ago when those Marines shot and killed that American teenager who was out herding sheep?
We don't know, did the capitol police pay for assassination of that woman?
Who get's the liability if members of the SD Nat'l Guard injure or kill someone like what happened on the border years ago when those Marines shot and killed that American teenager who was out herding sheep?
This reminds me on the forth of July eve, did the British sue the swamp fox and his militia attacking the British?
Seems you can. Doesn't that technically make them mercenaries??...'So Wrong': GOP Donor Paying to Send South Dakota National Guard to Southern Border

Poor little commie, unless federalized, the CIC of a States National Guard is the Governor of the State and they can use them to provide assistance to other States, as is the case here.

Poor reading comprehension I see..the topic is can a private citizen pay for the use of a states national guard.
Seems you can. Doesn't that technically make them mercenaries??...'So Wrong': GOP Donor Paying to Send South Dakota National Guard to Southern Border

Poor little commie, unless federalized, the CIC of a States National Guard is the Governor of the State and they can use them to provide assistance to other States, as is the case here.

Poor reading comprehension I see..the topic is can a private citizen pay for the use of a states national guard.

That didn't happen, the donation was to the State. You obviously don't understand how military assignment orders are processed or how the military is paid and retirement points are accrued.

Seems you can. Doesn't that technically make them mercenaries??...'So Wrong': GOP Donor Paying to Send South Dakota National Guard to Southern Border

Yeah .. now you can have private armies.
We always had state militia you fucking idiot, ever read the second amendment?

State militias are not private, but public.
But you always could have private armies.
You just can't use them for intimidation.
The state of South Dakota is protecting the State of Texas from illegal rapist killer Mexicans and you have a problem with that why?

Another reason why the EC will never be abolished, your Ilk can not figure out in a million years what the united states means

South Dakota and even Texas, does not have the authority to hold anyone until they find out if they are rapist killers or not.
A state militia has no more authority to enforce federal law than any private army does.

You also forget that when we purchases states like TX from Mexico, there were hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens owning land there, so the treaties were written as to prevent anyone from interfering with open borders.
If you want to block Mexicans, then you have to start at Kansas, not Texas.
You ignorant history fuck, we didn't purchase Texas, it was its own country and asked to be apart of the UNITED STATES

Stop your name calling.

FAQ: How Did We Get Texas? - Texas
Did the US buy Texas from Mexico? Under the terms of the treaty, Mexico ceded to the United States approximately 525,000 square miles (55% of its prewar territory) in exchange for a $15 million lump sum payment, and the assumption by the U.S. Government of up to $3.25 million worth of debts owed by Mexico to U.S. citizens.
A private individual is defacto underwriting the deployment of South Dakota National Guard troops
He's a billionaire. Give him a little credit there. You aren't going to serve in the Texas national guard fighting border-crossers, and then live in peace at home in the same area of Texas after your tour of duty.

As if the people you fought don't already have control of the police unions and courthouses, and they're going to respect your property and home and let you live in peace because your record of service qualifies you to own a gun under a Democrat administration.

Life just isn't that peachy after a war where your superiors betray you to your enemies. At least from South Dakota, you'd go home and live more peaceably farther away from the battlefield where your enemies will still be living.
Seems you can. Doesn't that technically make them mercenaries??...'So Wrong': GOP Donor Paying to Send South Dakota National Guard to Southern Border

Yeah .. now you can have private armies.
We always had state militia you fucking idiot, ever read the second amendment?

State militias are not private, but public.
But you always could have private armies.
You just can't use them for intimidation.
The state of South Dakota is protecting the State of Texas from illegal rapist killer Mexicans and you have a problem with that why?

Another reason why the EC will never be abolished, your Ilk can not figure out in a million years what the united states means

South Dakota and even Texas, does not have the authority to hold anyone until they find out if they are rapist killers or not.
A state militia has no more authority to enforce federal law than any private army does.

You also forget that when we purchases states like TX from Mexico, there were hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens owning land there, so the treaties were written as to prevent anyone from interfering with open borders.
If you want to block Mexicans, then you have to start at Kansas, not Texas.
You ignorant history fuck, we didn't purchase Texas, it was its own country and asked to be apart of the UNITED STATES

Stop your name calling.

FAQ: How Did We Get Texas? - Texas
Did the US buy Texas from Mexico? Under the terms of the treaty, Mexico ceded to the United States approximately 525,000 square miles (55% of its prewar territory) in exchange for a $15 million lump sum payment, and the assumption by the U.S. Government of up to $3.25 million worth of debts owed by Mexico to U.S. citizens.
It became its own country, called the Republic of Texas, from 1836 until it agreed to join the United States in 1845. Sixteen years later, it seceded along with 10 other states to form the Confederacy. The Civil War forced it back into the Union, where it has stayed ever since.Mar 1, 2013
HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows › news
9 Things You May Not Know About Texas - HISTORY
Seems you can. Doesn't that technically make them mercenaries??...'So Wrong': GOP Donor Paying to Send South Dakota National Guard to Southern Border

Yeah .. now you can have private armies.
We always had state militia you fucking idiot, ever read the second amendment?

State militias are not private, but public.
But you always could have private armies.
You just can't use them for intimidation.
The state of South Dakota is protecting the State of Texas from illegal rapist killer Mexicans and you have a problem with that why?

Another reason why the EC will never be abolished, your Ilk can not figure out in a million years what the united states means

South Dakota and even Texas, does not have the authority to hold anyone until they find out if they are rapist killers or not.
A state militia has no more authority to enforce federal law than any private army does.

You also forget that when we purchases states like TX from Mexico, there were hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens owning land there, so the treaties were written as to prevent anyone from interfering with open borders.
If you want to block Mexicans, then you have to start at Kansas, not Texas.
You ignorant history fuck, we didn't purchase Texas, it was its own country and asked to be apart of the UNITED STATES

Stop your name calling.

FAQ: How Did We Get Texas? - Texas
Did the US buy Texas from Mexico? Under the terms of the treaty, Mexico ceded to the United States approximately 525,000 square miles (55% of its prewar territory) in exchange for a $15 million lump sum payment, and the assumption by the U.S. Government of up to $3.25 million worth of debts owed by Mexico to U.S. citizens.
From your own link

Six flags have flown over Texas.

Although Mexico’s war of independence pushed out Spain in 1821, Texas did not remain a Mexican possession for long. It became its own country, called the Republic of Texas, from 1836 until it agreed to join the United States in 1845.
This is somewhat troubling to me at least.
It should be troubling to everyone.

It’s yet another example of the right’s contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

By voting Trump out of office, the people likewise rejected his ‘wall’ of fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

Conservatives need to respect the will of the people and stop trying to circumvent that will.
This is somewhat troubling to me at least.
It should be troubling to everyone.

It’s yet another example of the right’s contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

By voting Trump out of office, the people likewise rejected his ‘wall’ of fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

Conservatives need to respect the will of the people and stop trying to circumvent that will.

What people? Who?

Your people started Balkanizing us. You will hate where it ends up. So ends all the books of history. Oh well
A private individual is defacto underwriting the deployment of South Dakota National Guard troops
He's a billionaire. Give him a little credit there. You aren't going to serve in the Texas national guard fighting border-crossers, and then live in peace at home in the same area of Texas after your tour of duty.

As if the people you fought don't already have control of the police unions and courthouses, and they're going to respect your property and home and let you live in peace because your record of service qualifies you to own a gun under a Democrat administration.

Life just isn't that peachy after a war where your superiors betray you to your enemies. At least from South Dakota, you'd go home and live more peaceably farther away from the battlefield where your enemies will still be living.
I could have eaten some Alpha-Bits-Cereal and vomited a more cogent response.

This is somewhat troubling to me at least.

A Tennessee Billionaire; Willis Johnson is donating money to South Dakota. Why? To fund the Governor of South Dakota sending troops to the Texas border.

A private individual is defacto underwriting the deployment of South Dakota National Guard troops

From the Article:

Johnson said he approached Noem about making a donation after hearing about Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s border barrier push. He figured Texas “has plenty of money” so he decided to help Noem, who governs a state with a significantly smaller budget. He also said he had no plans to donate to other states to send law enforcement officers to the border.

Johnson added that he would have preferred to stay anonymous but that Noem’s office told him they had to at least disclose his name. He declined to say how much he was giving.

“America gave a lot of money to get that border wall done,” Johnson said. “It takes private individuals now.”

Noem, a potential presidential contender, drew a distinction between her decision to send the National Guard and other governors who are sending state police officers.

Not sure what is more unbelievable...that the private individual was able to get a GOP governor to go along with privately hiring an army or that Texas was okay with South Dakota sending troops into their state.
So you're mad that the states are getting together to protect our border????

What if the next donor wants to shut down your next tRump rally?
Seems you can. Doesn't that technically make them mercenaries??...'So Wrong': GOP Donor Paying to Send South Dakota National Guard to Southern Border
If the Executive Branch fails to enforce the law, then it falls to the states to do so.
But not private citizens with money I hope.
What do you think taxes are?

God are you stupid
tenor (9).gif
This is somewhat troubling to me at least.
It should be troubling to everyone.

It’s yet another example of the right’s contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

By voting Trump out of office, the people likewise rejected his ‘wall’ of fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

Conservatives need to respect the will of the people and stop trying to circumvent that will.

What people? Who?

Your people started Balkanizing us. You will hate where it ends up. So ends all the books of history. Oh well
It’s the right’s dystopian, Orwellian dream of a future America: private armies, private cops, and private wealth maintaining Republican minority rule; democracy is gone, the will of the people ignored, and the rule of law abandoned.

This is somewhat troubling to me at least.

A Tennessee Billionaire; Willis Johnson is donating money to South Dakota. Why? To fund the Governor of South Dakota sending troops to the Texas border.

A private individual is defacto underwriting the deployment of South Dakota National Guard troops

From the Article:

Johnson said he approached Noem about making a donation after hearing about Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s border barrier push. He figured Texas “has plenty of money” so he decided to help Noem, who governs a state with a significantly smaller budget. He also said he had no plans to donate to other states to send law enforcement officers to the border.

Johnson added that he would have preferred to stay anonymous but that Noem’s office told him they had to at least disclose his name. He declined to say how much he was giving.

“America gave a lot of money to get that border wall done,” Johnson said. “It takes private individuals now.”

Noem, a potential presidential contender, drew a distinction between her decision to send the National Guard and other governors who are sending state police officers.

Not sure what is more unbelievable...that the private individual was able to get a GOP governor to go along with privately hiring an army or that Texas was okay with South Dakota sending troops into their state.
So you're mad that the states are getting together to protect our border????

What if the next donor wants to shut down your next tRump rally?
Why are there illegal Mexicans in the audience ?

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