Didn’t The RAF Knock The Snot Out of Them Before

If you read carefully, I said the British did essentially nothing because they were never really successful.
I said the Soviets did 90% because we were not in most of the war, and the main fighting was on the eastern front.
But if you had read what I wrote, I said that the US was who did the remainder of the fighting.

And the US helped before entering the fight.
We gave the Soviets lots of P-39s, Grant tanks, Thompson machineguns, and most important were 100,000 Studebaker trucks the Soviets use to launch Katyushka rockets.

Read up more on the eastern front.
There were battles with more than a million men.
There are tank battles with 5000 tanks, and the western front only saw Tigers once, and was at Bastogne, and that was just 200 recalled temporarily to the western front.

Over the next few months, Germany amassed over 500,000 men, 10,000 guns and mortars, 2,700 tanks and assault guns and 2,500 aircraft to mount an attack on the Kursk Bulge and take Kursk. But the Soviets knew something big was in the works and their war machine went into overdrive producing top-of-the-line tanks, artillery and aircraft.

The Red Army dug in and amassed a formidable arsenal which included almost 1,300,000 men, over 20,000 guns and mortars, 3,600 tanks, 2,650 aircraft and five reserve field armies of another half million men and 1,500 additional tanks.

At the north of the Kursk Bulge was Germany’s 9th Army, made up of three Panzer divisions and over 300,000 men; at the south was their 4th Panzer Army, also with over 300,000 men and a combination of Panther and Tiger tanks. To the west was Germany’s 2nd Army with around 110,000 men.

Where is Normandy Beach in there, you fuck!? America kicked Nazi ass, you stupid fucker!

Stalin threw his army at Hitler, too.

That doesn't make Stalin good.

He probably killed more of his own than Nazis, whereas the US killed Nazis.

Look at the stats.
The US lost 420 thousand soldiers
The Soviets lost 20 to 27 million

That is over 50 times more.

The soviets were not as prepared. As far as extracting Nazi kills per man? US wins.

Like I said, Stalin killed more of his own.

They had guys at the back of their lines ready to shoot anyone that didn't move forward.

It was simply a pride thing, disgusting. Kudos to those that charged.

The Germans did not even put many men or machines on the western front.
I already showed you the specs on the battle of Kursk.
What tank battle did we ever win on the western front?
We let the bomber take out the old Pkw IVs they put on the western front.
We never defeated the Tigers and King Tiger tanks.
They brought a couple hundred back for the battle of Bastogne, and we were helpless.
We never defeated them, but they just ran out of fuel.

In many senses I agree with you. Don't take the point to the extreme though. While the Germans were inflicting 3 to 1 casualties on the Russians at Kursk and LOOSING, we were tying up troops in North Africa and eventually Italy and France.

The pinch point probably comes in if the Afrika Corps would have made a difference are in the December 1941 Moscow battle or Stalingrad the next year. The Africa Corps went through what, ~400,000 or 500,000 Germans and Italians? That isn't 4 or 5 million like the Eastern Front chewed up but what if Rommel was fighting for Moscow? What if Rommel was holding the flank at Stalingrad?

So I'll agree the Russians bore the brunt of the war. Just don't go to extremes just to make a point against those who can't find Orel on a map.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
My aunt was taken outside London during the Blitz. We are Allies Yanks and Brits...why are you letting Germany run you now? The center of Europe should br Britain. Am I wrong?
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Translation: Without the UK, the EU falls apart.
Exactly. But

This is about German control of Europe through the EU. Hope my British cousins have the knockers to tell them to go their way and the Isles will go their’s. I agree with your statement Duke.
The incredible thing is that Germany was a mess a decade before the war. In such a short time a smaller or medium sized nation aligned with Japan took the world to the brink. With no United States and our then production prowess....game over!
Germany was brilliant and their elected leader was a genius! The Swamp declared war on Germany and Germany said, "Say what?" The US is facing the same Swamp today.

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