Difference between Obama and Romney's midicare cuts

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Before the usual whining about the source, note that it came from the CBO. If you disagree with their figures, I invite you to post your own PROOF that they are wrong.

Before the usual whining about the source, note that it came from the CBO. If you disagree with their figures, I invite you to post your own PROOF that they are wrong.


Yeah, but is that the new, new NEW Romney/Ryan plan? Based on Ryan's debacle in front of Brit Hume yesterday, I assume they were burning the midnight oil coming up with a newer version?
Before the usual whining about the source, note that it came from the CBO. If you disagree with their figures, I invite you to post your own PROOF that they are wrong.


So you got nothing.

It is bankrupt before the end of the next presidential term.

Has your side even offered a single Idea to save it.


Idiots every single one of you............
Before the usual whining about the source, note that it came from the CBO. If you disagree with their figures, I invite you to post your own PROOF that they are wrong.


Yeah, but is that the new, new NEW Romney/Ryan plan? Based on Ryan's debacle in front of Brit Hume yesterday, I assume they were burning the midnight oil coming up with a newer version?

I saw part of that. Looks like they need to get their stories straight before they go public again.

That's okay though ... rw's will swallow anything. As long as its bad for the country and bad for their own life, they're gonna love it.
Funny, no discussion about the elimination of Medicare Advantage that went away when ObamaTax was passed. Wonder how much more it has already cost my parents. I know it's a lot because she has been hospitalized 5 times since 2010 and has had to have hip surgery resulting in a $6,000.00 bill for rehab.
Funny, no discussion about the elimination of Medicare Advantage that went away when ObamaTax was passed. Wonder how much more it has already cost my parents. I know it's a lot because she has been hospitalized 5 times since 2010 and has had to have hip surgery resulting in a $6,000.00 bill for rehab.

Don't know your parents situation but I'm 65, have had two surgical procedures very recently - one was a week ago today, the other was the first week of May. Over the past couple of years, I've had other surgical procedures.

I came out a lot better because of the Affordable Care Act.

Put your hate aside for a moment and do a little research for your parents. You'll find easy to understand FACTS at Kaiser. Check the timeline as well as the explanation pages.

What the hell, I'll even give you the links -
Kaiser Health Reform Gateway: Health Care Reform and Health Insurance Reform Analysis, Data and Information
Implementation Timeline - Kaiser Health Reform

Do not believe the r's who say the savings won't be available until 2014. There is a lot of help available right now and you can still hate it while you're benefiting from it! ;)
Before the usual whining about the source, note that it came from the CBO. If you disagree with their figures, I invite you to post your own PROOF that they are wrong.


So... Obama diverts money away from Medicare, and they call it 'filtering back into the healthcare system' to avoid stating that he is actually diverting it from Medicare.

Dumb asses.
Funny, no discussion about the elimination of Medicare Advantage that went away when ObamaTax was passed. Wonder how much more it has already cost my parents. I know it's a lot because she has been hospitalized 5 times since 2010 and has had to have hip surgery resulting in a $6,000.00 bill for rehab.

Don't know your parents situation but I'm 65, have had two surgical procedures very recently - one was a week ago today, the other was the first week of May. Over the past couple of years, I've had other surgical procedures.

I came out a lot better because of the Affordable Care Act.

Put your hate aside for a moment and do a little research for your parents. You'll find easy to understand FACTS at Kaiser. Check the timeline as well as the explanation pages.

What the hell, I'll even give you the links -
Kaiser Health Reform Gateway: Health Care Reform and Health Insurance Reform Analysis, Data and Information
Implementation Timeline - Kaiser Health Reform

Do not believe the r's who say the savings won't be available until 2014. There is a lot of help available right now and you can still hate it while you're benefiting from it! ;)

considering most provisions have not been implemented yet, please.. tell us exactly how ACA 'turned out better for you in these surgeries.
Funny, no discussion about the elimination of Medicare Advantage that went away when ObamaTax was passed. Wonder how much more it has already cost my parents. I know it's a lot because she has been hospitalized 5 times since 2010 and has had to have hip surgery resulting in a $6,000.00 bill for rehab.

Don't know your parents situation but I'm 65, have had two surgical procedures very recently - one was a week ago today, the other was the first week of May. Over the past couple of years, I've had other surgical procedures.

I came out a lot better because of the Affordable Care Act.

Put your hate aside for a moment and do a little research for your parents. You'll find easy to understand FACTS at Kaiser. Check the timeline as well as the explanation pages.

What the hell, I'll even give you the links -
Kaiser Health Reform Gateway: Health Care Reform and Health Insurance Reform Analysis, Data and Information
Implementation Timeline - Kaiser Health Reform

Do not believe the r's who say the savings won't be available until 2014. There is a lot of help available right now and you can still hate it while you're benefiting from it! ;)

considering most provisions have not been implemented yet, please.. tell us exactly how ACA 'turned out better for you in these surgeries.

I've already done that a couple of times. You didn't like it then and you wouldn't like it now. You're free to go look for it but aside from that, I would invite you to sit on it and spin. :)
I just realized that you (conservative) really don't know what is already in effect.

Ignorance really is bliss, huh?

Go educate yourself. Quit depending on the left to do everything for you.
What a load of crap thread... So far Obamacare has failed to produce a single benchmark that it set and you want me to believe your bullshit charts? You fuckers rolling over in hypocrisy look ridiculous. Is Romney’s plan better? No… But to sit there and claim Obamacare is working just makes you look like the run of the mill Obama-bot butt boy you are.

I mean really... Obama = fucking awesome!!! Mitt = Holy shit America is dooOOoOomed! That's all you got?
I just realized that you (conservative) really don't know what is already in effect.

Ignorance really is bliss, huh?

Go educate yourself. Quit depending on the left to do everything for you.

Have you looked at the economy, have you looked at the costs in HC? Why come here and crap out your mouth for us all to see... Only hyper partisan Obama-bots will listen and you know that going into this. Hell, even the average liberal on these boards knows you’re full of shit.
Pay attention avorysuds

... claim Obamacare is working ...

I have never said that. Nor do I know of anyone who has.

What I have said and described at length in the past is that there are three areas where I have personally benefited.

In point of fact, I told naturegirl that I didn't know her parent's situation and that she should research it for herself.

Since you already know everything, you don't need to do that.

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