Difference between Rightwing Terrorist and Muslim Jihadist?

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Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
GOP Rep: 'There's A Difference' Between White And Islamic Terrorists (VIDEO)

Now HERE'S a brave person to publicly state there is a DIFFERENCE
between the rightwing terrorists who shoot innocent people to protest
vs. the Jihadist terrorists who shoot, bomb and attack innocent civilians.

Some points I would make to this end:

1. Conservatives, Constitutionalist and Christians will REBUKE and DENOUNCE the terrorists who abuse and break laws while claiming to enforce them.

When Muslims denounce Jihadist attacks, it doesn't get covered in the media.
I asked this very question to a head spokesman for CAIR, and he said he HAS spoken out, over and over. Generally the peaceful Muslims don't go around organizing publicly to either defend or impose their beliefs; so unlike Christians and Constitutionalists who are outspoken collectively as a group, the Muslims don't have a centralized spokesperson or system. So it appears they don't have an orchestrated way to rebuke those terrorists who abuse the name of their religion to violate laws in conflict with the true principles. The Christians and Constitutionalists are organized and will collectively and publicly rebuke abuses.

2. If problems were resolved by following Constitutional principles, both types of attacks would stop. These problems would not stop by enforcing Islamic principles because not everyone is bound by those. But Constitutional principles are based on natural laws that govern all people and society.

To be fair, the TRUE teachings of Islam also teach Natural laws similar to the Constitution. So yes, if these were enforced and followed, that is the same as enforcing Constitutional principles. In fact, I believe the Democrats and liberal side of the political spectrum won't be held to Constitutional principles UNLESS it's enforced by the Black Muslim and Black Christian leaders.

This unity depends on using the COMMON frame of reference of the CONSTITUTION to stop the oppression and abuse in BOTH cases of Jihadist and Rightwing terrorist attacks.

3. the CURE for the mental and criminal illness in both cases of terrorism,

Islam does teach to receive and respect ALL prophets and laws sent by God,
so this INCLUDES the Christian teachings spirit and law.

Islam alone is not enough to address and correct the root cause of EITHER type of act of terrorism.

But the combination of Christian and Constitutional principles is enough to stop, address and correct the cause of these abuses and attacks.

To the credit of Islam, since both Christian and Constitutional principles represent/reflect laws given by God, these ARE INCLUDED IN ISLAM.

And in fact, through the Muslim leadership in America, that's where there is hope to unite the LEFT with the Right on these principles.

The left REJECTS when the laws are given by the "white rightwing conservative" Christians and Constitutionalists.

But when these laws are enforced by the Progressive LEFT including Black Christian and Muslim leaders, then there is an opportunity and avenue to unite on these universal principles.

And this will stop the protests and attacks on all sides for whatever reasons.

Islam is NOT enough to stop and prevent attacks.
It will require unity among Christians and Constitutionalists.

But the key role Muslim leaders play in America is bringing together
left and right. The solution will come from some of the very people being blamed for the terrorism.
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