Differences Aside

Originally posted by Sally
Funny, funny Jose. Naturally you don't puke at the thought of the tens of thousands your new friends have murdered and are still busy murdering in the rest of the Middle East. Maybe it excites you to see the videos made by your friends of the people whose heads have been cut off by them.

Sally, I posted this message in 2004 so there is no way I could have typed it just to refute what you said about me:

Sunni Man... stop deluding yourself and face reality.

10 centuries from now, arabs won’t be living under islamic laws anymore...

They will be exploring newly discovered solar systems and planets up close through the windows of their spaceships!!

Come on Sunni...

Reject this prehistoric form of government known as theocracy and embrace the future of our species wholeheartdly!!!


You like to play these little games with everybody, Sally...

Putting words on their mouths, attributing to them imaginary sympathies for islamic theocracies they never expressed in an deliberate attempt to derail the conversantion demoralize them and the arguments they're making.

Now you finally met your match, Sally...

At long last, someone has decided to play your little games proving to you that you don't know shit about him\her, having read no more than a handful of posts by them.

Someone finally showed the entire board that your arrogant approach trying to speak for people you hardly know is just a dishonest debating tactic.

I got so sincerely pissed off by Sunni Man's constant defence of islamic theocracies that I even said something totally out of line, of bad taste, that I regret having said and am ashamed to reproduce here... check the link if you want to see it... it was the very first thing I said there. You can find many more brutal, crushing attacks on muslim theocracies there if you take the time to read my participation.

Sally said I am a friend of muslim theocrats and I proved her a liar.

Sally said I unfairly target Israel and I'm gonna prove her a liar in my next post.

Now I want you to get down on your knees in front of me and beg my forgiveness for having made a false assumption about me, Sally!!
José;9273840 said:
Originally posted by Sally
Funny, funny Jose. Naturally you don't puke at the thought of the tens of thousands your new friends have murdered and are still busy murdering in the rest of the Middle East. Maybe it excites you to see the videos made by your friends of the people whose heads have been cut off by them.

Sally, I posted this message in 2004 so there is no way I could have typed it just to refute what you said about me:

Sunni Man... stop deluding yourself and face reality.

10 centuries from now, arabs won’t be living under islamic laws anymore...

They will be exploring newly discovered solar systems and planets up close through the windows of their spaceships!!

Come on Sunni...

Reject this prehistoric form of government known as theocracy and embrace the future of our species wholeheartdly!!!



So, tell us, Jose, how are tricks down at the group that is trying to get the entire Southwest given back to Mexico? Or, could your name really be Yousef, but you found it expedient to use the name of Jose. Meanwhile, you friends are still murdering thousands and thouands of people just like they have in the past, and there is no apartheid in Israel. Check out what your friends do to others who are non Muslims and Muslims of different sects. Maybe you will want to join them in their fight against humanity.
I have just exposed you as the liar you are, Sally... you and your silly games.

Stop playing them so you don't get any more demoralised and embarrassed than you already are.

I don't want to hear excuses, I don't want to hear blah, blah, blah...

I want to see you get down on your knees begging my forgiveness for all the lies you told.



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José;9274066 said:
I have just exposed you as the liar you are, Sally... you and your silly games.

Stop playing them so you don't get any more demoralised and embarrassed than you already are.

I don't want to hear excuses, I don't want to hear blah, blah, blah...

I want to see you get down on your knees begging my forgiveness for all the lies you told.




Is that what you do, Yusef, when you go attend the mosque on Friday -- get down on your knees? Meanwhile, we see how concerned you are with the dead bodies of innocent people piling up in the rest of the Middle East. Just whom do you think you are fooling?
Originally posted by ForeverYoung436
Jose, you must be speaking about the unbearable situations today in Iraq and Syria. I agree with you there.

FY... This post was one of those "hydrogen bombs" I dropped on the board from time to time.

It had a tremendous psychological impact on toastman as I could realize by his silence after this post.

For a brief moment toastman realized the difference he always believed existed between Israel and the arab countries was a mere figment of his immagination... After a few moments he reverted to his pro-Israel stance but it doesn't matter... that magical, brief moment in which I managed to make him realise the moral depravity of the israeli state was worth my presence on this board for all these years.

Here's my conversation with toastman in case you haven't seen it before:

TOASTMAN: José, I want a straight answer from you.

Who's more democratic: Israel or its arab neighbours

JOSÉ: Toastman, I agree with you that arab countries are not exactly the poster boys for democracy, freedom of press, etc...

With some notable exceptions politics in the Middle East is the closest thing to a living NIGHTMARE, to a horror movie you can imagine as far as political systems are concerned.

An endless, horrifying parade of civil and military dictatorships, theocracies, absolutist monarchies, etc, etc...

We agree entirely on this... they are totalitarian political regimes to the core that should be peacefully dismantled and replaced by democratic states YESTERDAY!!!

Give up your hope because you simply won't get an argument with me on this... our only disagreement (and the only reason for my presence on this board is try convince you about this) is the following:

Israel, the jewish racial dictatorship, is part of this nightmare, not the exception!!
Let's all put our differences aside and pray for the safety of those 3 kidnapped Yeshiva students. Let's all sign the petitions on social media and call the White House. This also includes you: Tinmore, Billo, pbel, and others. Imagine the horrors those savage animals will put them thru!! I'm sure we can all agree that this is a worthy cause.

Thank you.for this post.

May HaShem grant mercy and compassion on Gil-ad, Naftalie and Eyal; may they return home safe and sound and let there be no more sadness this week

You forgot to mention the thousands of political prisoners held by Israel.

Care to prove that they did not break any INTERNATIONAL LAWS then tinman . As I do believe engaging in terrorist activity is a breach of such laws, and the definition of terrorism is widely known.
I wonder how well fed the youngsters are, not as well fed as the Palestinian "political" prisoners
Thousands of secular teens gathered today at Tel Aviv port in a prayer for the well being of our 3 brothers, along with Chabad Rabbies.

It is truly heartwarming, to see this brotherhood at times of distress.

Yes it is.

Prisoners' Day demonstration in Ramallah (Hamde Abu)

Prisoners who know they why they have been arrested are different to young boys kidnapped by terrorist scum
José;9268304 said:
You forgot to mention the thousands of political prisoners held by Israel.

You forgot to mention how much these prisoners cost Israel and how much better shape they're in when they get released with the continuing desire to murder Jews.

Tinmore is absolutely right.

There are few things in the world that are more despicable, pornographic and morally depraved than a racial dictatorship imprisoning the natives of the land for the crime of fighting against the dehumanisation imposed by the racist state.

I makes anyone feel like puking... at least those who managed to keep their moral bearings.

So isn't it about time the Palestinians stopped kidnapping the natives and went back to their arab muslim nations.............
After my devastating, demoralising post Sally was reduced to little more than a dead horse not worth kicking anymore...

Sally is a dishonest, arrogant poster who assumes to know everybody's stances on everything better than the persons themselves (often after reading just one post by them) in an effort to demoralise their arguments using these silly little games to compensate her lack of solid counter-arguments.

Not to mention the fact that this is one of the most childish ridiculous fallacies someone can use is a discussion:

The famous two wrongs make a right... It's OK to corral palestinians in Gaza because someone somewhere in the ME is doing the same or similar.

Absolutely laughable.

I proved her wrong on both counts:

I'm have no sympathy for muslim theocrats and don't treat the jewish racial dictatorship any differently than the other oppressive middle east regime.

But you is an entire different story, FY...

You always debate in good faith, have never seen you say a single word you didn't truly believe, just to get a reaction from people, you moved the entire board sharing the story of how your father lost his entire family.

I also remember you posted a moving, tremendously heartfelt post I unfortunately didn't have the time to reply to at that time.

A post in which you passionately described the need of the jewish people of a safe haven, of how the jewish people isn't really safe even in the United States, even a rock would be moved by your words.

I don't even know what to say to you, FY...

I would love to defend the right of a jewish homeland to exist, anyone would be hard-pressed to find a people that needs a homeland in which they can be a majority, a place where their security is not in the hands of other peoples than the jewish people.

One of the few things I can say to you to "prove" that my criticism of Israel is not motivated by any kind of anti-semitism, by prejudice against the jewish people is this:

At the beggining of XX century, Europe discussed the possibility of creating a jewish homeland in Uganda.

If this plan had been implemented, and the people of Uganda had accepted (or even welcomed) the mass immigration of european jews, if there had been no mass displacement of the native population I would be here defending the jewish state right to exist.

But as far as ethnic supremacism is concerned I have to draw a line to my support of a jewish homeland, FY...

I'd love to see a country where jews can be a majority without depending on the goodwill of any "host", but I can not support a jewish country where the native population is kept herded in racial enclaves against their will surrounded by barbed wire, electric fences, minefields and machine gun nests manned by soldier with orders to shoot of kill.

You accept this obscenity, not only because you're an askhenazi, not only because of the tragic events that happened to your uncles, the brothers and sisters of your dad and the rest of his family.

You accept this immorality because you like 99% of the people in the West are the result of the prevalent mindset that dominated the world in the second half of the last century.p

A mindset based on the superhumanization of the jewish people and the dehumanization of the palestinian people.

I seriously doubt you'll be able to get rid of this mindset because it is deeply embedded into your upbringing like most people in the West.

But people who managed to get rid of the dehumanization of the palestinian people, like Tinmore and I, have to draw the line here, FY:

We would wholeheartdly support a jewish homeland where the security of the jewish people is on the hands of the jews where it doesn't depend on the charity of the goyim but without discrimination of any other people native to the homeland where the state is created.

I can't speak for Tinmore but from what I can gather from his posts I think he wouldn't oppose a non-supremacist homeland for the jewish people either.

Show us a jewish state that does not murder the other ethnic groups of the land when they tried to move about and I'm sure we will both immediately support it.

I tell you all this so that you understand that I'm not opposed to the idea of a homeland for your people, on the contrary I would be an ardent supporter of it, provided no ethnic supremacism were involved.

There is a very simple test you can do to see if a given person criticizes Israel out of anti-semitism or not, to see what motivates their criticism.

If someone criticizes the discrimination of the palestinian people but is always making up excuses for what happened in South Africa, Nazi Germany, always lamenting the dismantlement of those white racial dictatorships than this person is clearly lambasting Israel due to a dislike or resentment towards the jewish people.

All i can say to you is that I would pass this test if it was applied to me. I dont care if the racial dictatorship was created:

1 - By the English and their descendents like 17, 18 and 19th century America.

2 - By the Dutch like Apartheid South Africa.

3 - By germans like Nazi Germany.

4 - or by Jews like Israel.

Do you remember when I dropped another of my "hydrogen bombs" on the US Message Board some time ago, when I posted pictures of South Africa under apartheid and compared them with photos from the Israeli\Palestinian border calling South Africa a white racial dictatorship?

People can "accuse" me of hating the jewish racial dictatorship and wanting to see its peaceful dismantlement.

I plead "guilty" of all these charges.

But I totally, strongly reject any accusation of unfairly targetting the racial dictatorship created by the jewish people because I criticise them all regardless of which race created them.

If you don't see me here lambasting 19th century America, Nazi Germany and South Africa everyday is simply because unlike Israel those apartheid states do not exist anymore.
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José;9274553 said:
After my devastating, demoralising post Sally was reduced to little more than a dead horse not worth kicking anymore...

Sally is a dishonest, arrogant poster who assumes to know everybody's stances on everything better than the persons themselves (often after reading just one post by them) in an effort to demoralise their arguments using these silly little games to compensate her lack of solid counter-arguments.

Not to mention the fact that this is one of the most childish ridiculous fallacies someone can use is a discussion:

The famous two wrongs make a right... It's OK to corral palestinians in Gaza because someone somewhere in the ME is doing the same or similar.

Absolutely laughable.

I proved her wrong on both counts:

I'm have no sympathy for muslim theocrats and don't treat the jewish racial dictatorship any differently than the other oppressive middle east regime.

But you is an entire different story, FY...

You always debate in good faith, have never seen you say a single word you didn't truly believe, just to get a reaction from people, you moved the entire board sharing the history of how your father lost his entire family.

I also remember you posted a moving, tremendously heartfelt post I unfortunately didn't have the time to reply to at that time.

A post in which you passionately described the need of the jewish people of a safe haven, of how the jewish people isn't really safe even in the United States, even a rock would be moved by your words.

I don't even know what to say to you, FY...

I would love to defend the right of a jewish homeland to exist, anyone would be hard-pressed to find a people that needs a homeland in which they can be a majority, a place where their security is not in the hands of other peoples than the jewish people.

One of the few things I can say to you to "prove" that my criticism of Israel is not motivated by any kind of anti-semitism, by prejudice against the jewish people is this:

At the beggining of XX century, Europe discussed the possibility of creating a jewish homeland in Uganda.

If this plan had been implemented, and the people of Uganda had accepted (or even welcomed) the mass immigration of european jews, if there had been no mass displacement of the native population I would be here defending the jewish state right to exist.

But as far as ethnic supremacism is concerned I have to draw a line to my support of a jewish homeland, FY...

I'd love to see a country where jews can be a majority without depending on the goodwill of any "host", but I can not support a jewish country where the native population is kept herded in racial enclaves against their will surrounded by barbed wire, electric fences, minefields and machine gun nests manned by soldier with orders to shoot of kill.

You accept this obscenity, not only because you're an askhenazi, not only because of the tragic events that happened to your uncles, the brothers and sisters of your dad and the rest of his family.

You accept this immorality because you like 99% of the people in the West are the result of the prevalent mindset that dominated the world in the second half of the last century.p

A mindset based on the superhumanization of the jewish people and the dehumanization of the palestinian people.

I seriously doubt you'll be able to get rid of this mindset because it is deeply embedded into your upbringing like most people in the West.

But people who managed to get rid of the dehumanization of the palestinian people, like Tinmore and I, have to draw the line here, FY:

We would wholeheartdly support a jewish homeland where the security of the jewish people is on the hands of the jews where it doesn't depend on the charity of the goyim but without discrimination of any other people native to the homeland where the state is created.

I can't speak for Tinmore but from what I can gather from his posts I think he wouldn't oppose a non-supremacist homeland for the jewish people either.

Show us a jewish state that does not murder the other ethnic groups of the land when they tried to move about and I'm sure we will both immediately support it.

I tell you all this so that you understand that I'm not opposed to the idea of a homeland for your people, on the contrary I would be an ardent supporter of it, provided no ethnic supremacism were involved.

There is a very simple test you can do to see if a given person criticizes Israel out of anti-semitism or not, to see what motivates their criticism.

If someone criticizes the discrimination of the palestinian people but is always making up excuses for what happened in South Africa, Nazi Germany, always lamenting the dismantlement of those white racial dictatorships than this person is clearly lambasting Israel due to a dislike or resentment towards the jewish people.

All i can say to you is that I would pass this test if it was applied to me. I dont care if the racial dictatorship was created:

1 - By the English and their descendents like 17, 18 and 19th century America.

2 - By the Dutch like Apartheid South Africa.

3 - By germans like Nazi Germany.

4 - or by Jews like Israel.

Do you remember when I dropped another of my "hydrogen bombs" on the US Message Board some time ago, when I posted pictures of South Africa under apartheid and compared them with photos from the Israeli\Palestinian border calling South Africa a white racial dictatorship?

People can "accuse" me of hating the jewish racial dictatorship and wanting to see its peaceful dismantlement.

I plead "guilty" of all these charges.

But I totally, strongly reject any accusation of unfairly targetting the racial dictatorship created by the jewish people because I criticise them all regardless of which race created them.

If you don't see me here lambasting 19th century America, Nazi Germany and South Africa everyday is simply because unlike Israel those apartheid states do not exist anymore.

My goodness, here is Yusef blabbering on in on. We all see how concerned Yusef is with what is happening in the rest of the Middle East as the dead bodies keep on piling up. Keep entertaining us, Yusef, wth your nonsense. Don't you just love it when those like Yusef bring up apartheid in Israel when people who actually lived in South Africa under apartheid say there is no apartheid in Israel? However, we do know that this "apartheid" issue is a big thing on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites, and that is why you constantly see it being dragged up here, but no mention of course the way people are treated in Muslim countries when it comes to other religions. Way to go, Yusef!!! It's nice to get some free entertainment. However, as funny as you are, don't give up your day job.

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