Difficult days for Democrats, media and the Left in general

These are the Good Times for Democrats

We control the House, Senate and White House
Biden is delivering normalcy to our political climate.
Trump still has a strangle hold on Republicans and they still fear him
Amusing, but weak, vague, & substantially groundless.

Dems. are often accused of being "liberal". Liberal means:

LIBERAL: 1.a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded. 2.a. Tending to give freely; generous. 3. Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation. 4. Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education.

Thus it is "liberal" to accept / embrace a more broad category of self-expression, and even non-violent protest.

Ironically, Republican accusations of Democrats aside, Democrats happen to be more conservative than Republicans, a stain the GOP shall not soon shed.
JFK said it best


Quick let's close down the pipeline so gas and consumer good prices skyrocket then spend trillions of dollars on green energy companies like Solyndra to boost the economy. Then we'll extend the moratorium on rent payments so those consumers have money to spend on products while our buddies the corporate banks drive the landlords out of business with mortgage payments.


Quick let's close down the pipeline so gas and consumer good prices skyrocket then spend trillions of dollars on green energy companies like Solyndra to boost the economy

What are you smoking?
Keystone pipeline has nothing to do with gas prices
Solyndra or any other clean energy company ever received a trillion dollars
These are very difficult, depressing days for Democrats and the Left in general...American athletes of all races and backgrounds showing their love for country, proudly waving American flags and honoring the national anthem when they win gold medals.

As opposed to their idols who kneel and turn their backs when the anthem is being played, and trash and burn American flags. They are waiting for the Olympics to be over so they can go back to talking about what a horrible, racist country the United States of America is.
Awesome troll thread, kid. Next you should post about how Democrats are a actually communists and all gay people are pedophiles.
Who cares what happens at the Olympics, I don't. A TV character that I did watch forty and thirty years ago.
A TV character that did not exist 40 years ago. Yet another Leftie hypocrite. But don't worry the Olympics are over, we can now go back to watching your beloved millionaire idiots like Kaepernick and Lebron kneeling for the national anthem, while complaining how hard life has been for them.
A TV character that did not exist 40 years ago. Yet another Leftie hypocrite. But don't worry the Olympics are over, we can now go back to watching your beloved millionaire idiots like Kaepernick and Lebron kneeling for the national anthem, while complaining how hard life has been for them.
The Tracey Ulman Show had The Simpson's cartoons between comedy skits in the early 1980's..I don't watch pro football since they went on strike in the 1980's, got any more bullets of stupidity to fire off?
Awesome troll thread, kid. Next you should post about how Democrats are a actually communists and all gay people are pedophiles.
Awesome diversion, Leftie. Seems like you were also pissed off that American athletes of all colors, enthicities and genders were actually showing love for their country and respecting the national anthem.
The Tracey Ulman Show had The Simpson's cartoons between comedy skits in the early 1980's..
Who the hell watched the Tracy Ulman show, other than a TV addict like you? So you googled and found out that the Simpsons first appeared on that show and that's your alibi?
These are the Good Times for Democrats

We control the House, Senate and White House
Biden is delivering normalcy to our political climate.
Trump still has a strangle hold on Republicans and they still fear him
Normalcy: high gas prices, hypocricy and facism by Leftie leaders, inflation, out of control borders, high taxes, high crime and our enemies on the march again. Yup, it's back to those wonderful "Obama days", that caused Americans to vote for Trump in protest. Now they're up to the same shit, these retards have a very low learning curve.
Who the hell watched the Tracy Ulman show, other than a TV addict like you? So you googled and found out that the Simpsons first appeared on that show and that's your alibi?
I watched it on the Tracy Ulman Show

She had a good cast

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