Difficult days for Democrats, media and the Left in general

Normalcy: high gas prices, hypocricy and facism by Leftie leaders, inflation, out of control borders, high taxes, high crime and our enemies on the march again. Yup, it's back to those wonderful "Obama days", that caused Americans to vote for Trump in protest. Now they're up to the same shit, these retards have a very low learning curve.
Made America Great Again
Almost a million jobs last month
Highest Stock Market EVER
GDP 6.5 last quarter

Awesome diversion, Leftie. Seems like you were also pissed off that American athletes of all colors, enthicities and genders were actually showing love for their country and respecting the national anthem.
I was?

I had no idea!
A TV character that did not exist 40 years ago. Yet another Leftie hypocrite. But don't worry the Olympics are over, we can now go back to watching your beloved millionaire idiots like Kaepernick and Lebron kneeling for the national anthem, while complaining how hard life has been for them.
Nope the Olympics with their skateboards and BMX bikes and oppressed Americans and women that aren't are gone from my lexicon along with all of those Professional oppressed prima donnas. I'd rather watch old Popeye cartoons.
Who the hell watched the Tracy Ulman show, other than a TV addict like you? So you googled and found out that the Simpsons first appeared on that show and that's your alibi?
You seem miffed you missed it since it was on HBO and HBO is extra...
The media does it's best to guarantee democrats that their most difficult days don't seem so bad to the public.
Made America Great Again
Almost a million jobs last month
Highest Stock Market EVER
GDP 6.5 last quarter

Thanks to Trump and his policies. Funny you weren't saying this when Trump was doing the same for 3 years until the Chinese released Covid just to get Biden elected so that he can save China from Trump's America first policies.
I’ll take these days……Thank you very much

Biden is delivering what we expected of him
Firm, stable leadership
Of course you will take these America last days run by an incompetent invalid that's actually a marionette controled by his handlers.
You seem miffed you missed it since it was on HBO and HBO is extra...
Unlike you that lives in your shack somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the boonies, I have around 1000 channels, which include HBO, Showtime, Epic, TMC, Stars plus Netflix, etc. which I rarely watch. Simply don't have the time to.

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