Dimocrats Blast Reckless Job Boom

No surprise. They mischaracterize everything

From the report-
Establishment Survey Data

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 213,000 in June and has grown by 2.4
million over the last 12 months. Over the month, job gains occurred in professional
and business services, manufacturing, and health care, while employment in retail
trade declined. (See table B-1.)

Employment in professional and business services increased by 50,000 in June and has
risen by 521,000 over the year.

Manufacturing added 36,000 jobs in June. Durable goods manufacturing accounted for
nearly all of the increase, including job gains in fabricated metal products (+7,000),
computer and electronic products (+5,000), and primary metals (+3,000). Motor vehicles
and parts also added jobs over the month (+12,000), after declining by 8,000 in May.
Over the past year, manufacturing has added 285,000 jobs.

Employment in health care rose by 25,000 in June and has increased by 309,000 over the
year. Hospitals added 11,000 jobs over the month, and employment in ambulatory health
care services continued to trend up (+14,000).

Construction employment continued to trend up in June (+13,000) and has increased by
282,000 over the year.

Mining employment continued on an upward trend in June (+5,000). The industry has
added 95,000 jobs since a recent low point in October 2016, almost entirely in support
activities for mining.

In June, retail trade lost 22,000 jobs, largely offsetting a gain in May (+25,000).
(Thank you amazon!)
What were Republicans calling Obama's economy in June 2016, when it added 287,000 jobs?
What were Republicans calling Obama's economy in June 2016, when it added 287,000 jobs?
A good month...

To be honest, Obama pulled us from the edge of the financial Abyss with heavy handed Keynesian policies, but those same policies ham-strung the economy from letting loose and growing as fast as it could.

And that they are now calling 'reckless growth', meaning the peons might get uppity all over again, lol.
What were Republicans calling Obama's economy in June 2016, when it added 287,000 jobs?

The Hussein economy took eight years to crawl out of the 2007 recession caused by idiotic mandated bank loans to anyone that applied.
Lol, I think the Dims are shooting for permzanent third partyu status, lol.

Dems blast booming jobs report, Trump worker agenda, ‘reckless’

Don't the Republicans realize that if Americans actually have jobs, they....they, won't need democrats? How on earth are the democrats going to tell everyone how to live their lives and enforce it with government agents, if they can't get people to vote for bad democrat policies.... because they have jobs and are living their own lives....

Republicans... you just don't understand what an economy is for....giving democrats power and control over the little people...

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