dims Want To Tax Private Pensions To Pay For PUBLIC Pensions

Lived there for about a decade, don't plan to move back,

Good. As long as you can't vote.

You can be a typical Yankee, visit Florida with a $10 Bill and a pair of Blue Jeans without changing either one before you leave.

We had a very popular Bumper Sticker down here for years that read, "Happiness is seeing a Canadian headed North with a New Yorker under each arm."

Illinois? Not so much. It's the "Clean Restrooms" thing that keeps them busy
The state is a mess all over. The idiots in Springfield are clueless as to what goes on in the rest of the state, all they care about is Chicago.

The city itself is a shithole, the worst state capital I have ever visited. It was the rule, not sure if it has changed or not, that no building was allowed to be taller than the Capital building, as they did not want to become like Indianapolis...oh the horrors! :21::21::21::21::21:

There are few places that are truly a natural mess.

But Illinois, Kalifornication, New Yawk, Connecticut, etc...... Taxachusetts....

Those places aren't a mess.

The people are.

They're known as dimocrap scum.

You want to turn your State, your City into a shithole?

It's really easy to do -- Just elect dimocrap scum

I promise you, with one generation it will be an irredeemable shithole.

Nothing can save those places that dimocrap scum have ruined. Nothing.

You get the government you deserve, dimocrap scum.

And the rest of us are getting real goddamned tired of bailing you out

These lib utopias are begging people to leave so it seems.

NYC Considering Banning HOT DOGS And Other Processed Meats Over Climate Change
The state is a mess all over. The idiots in Springfield are clueless as to what goes on in the rest of the state, all they care about is Chicago.

The city itself is a shithole, the worst state capital I have ever visited. It was the rule, not sure if it has changed or not, that no building was allowed to be taller than the Capital building, as they did not want to become like Indianapolis...oh the horrors! :21::21::21::21::21:

There are few places that are truly a natural mess.

But Illinois, Kalifornication, New Yawk, Connecticut, etc...... Taxachusetts....

Those places aren't a mess.

The people are.

They're known as dimocrap scum.

You want to turn your State, your City into a shithole?

It's really easy to do -- Just elect dimocrap scum

I promise you, with one generation it will be an irredeemable shithole.

Nothing can save those places that dimocrap scum have ruined. Nothing.

You get the government you deserve, dimocrap scum.

And the rest of us are getting real goddamned tired of bailing you out

These lib utopias are begging people to leave so it seems.

NYC Considering Banning HOT DOGS And Other Processed Meats Over Climate Change
/----/ When politicians can’t solve the real problems, they focus on non-issues to remain relevant. Can’t stop the opioid crisis - rename a bridge after a dead politician. Can’t stem the flow of homeless Vets- Ban hot dogs, straws, and shopping bags. " Vote for me, I get things done." Mayor DiBlasio
In Illinois. Anybody else as shocked as I am?

Illinois may tax private retirement funds to pay public worker pensions


Plus the fact the dim governor of that state is being investigated by the Feds in something about some kind of toilet or something?

Not to mention Kim Foxx and Jessie Smollett, who are just too #woke to be questioned about -- Anything.

There's also the fact that Illinois is losing population faster than any State other than West By God Virginny.

Illinois population loss worsens for 5th straight year

Which, contrary to recent developments was a dimocrap state for decades. And decades. Witness Robert KKK Byrd.

Of course, since Illinois is so gosh-darn completely #woke, the media isn't going to report on it much at all. If at all.

Think about it, people. Think about what happens EVERYWHERE dimocraps take control. Without exception.


Kerry on

Illinois is fucking mess, we live there and within months of my son graduating high school and leaving the house we will be moving out of the state.

The pension problem here is a massive bomb just waiting to explode, i read where every single person in Illinois, man, woman and child would have to pay more than 11,000 dollars just to bring things under control.

As for the Governors, the one that just left was the first one in more than a decade that did not go straight from the State House to prison.

This is where Obies' $8T phony stimulus probably went.

I wish! The state could have used it. :21::21:

If Illinois is anything like California, they would have dumped it into government pensions or teacher pensions.

What's going to happen is when push comes to shove, these hell holes are going to be asking the federal government to bail them out, which depending on who is in leadership at the time, will happen.
As taxpayers we've been scammed by our elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats. This includes the Public Sector Unions which are just Democrat money laundering schemes that should be illegal because of the huge conflict of interest. Public sector retirement benefits are way out of market and too lucrative, and the taxpayer is on the hook. Look for more states to want Federal bail outs of their out of control public sector PENSION FUINDS. I say no way. Let them live within their means.

States like New Jersey, and New York can just raise their Property Taxes and Income Taxes again to help pay the Pensions. I am sure the citizens of those states that have voted solidly Democrat for decades will understand.
In Illinois. Anybody else as shocked as I am?

Illinois may tax private retirement funds to pay public worker pensions


Plus the fact the dim governor of that state is being investigated by the Feds in something about some kind of toilet or something?

Not to mention Kim Foxx and Jessie Smollett, who are just too #woke to be questioned about -- Anything.

There's also the fact that Illinois is losing population faster than any State other than West By God Virginny.

Illinois population loss worsens for 5th straight year

Which, contrary to recent developments was a dimocrap state for decades. And decades. Witness Robert KKK Byrd.

Of course, since Illinois is so gosh-darn completely #woke, the media isn't going to report on it much at all. If at all.

Think about it, people. Think about what happens EVERYWHERE dimocraps take control. Without exception.


Kerry on

Illinois is fucking mess, we live there and within months of my son graduating high school and leaving the house we will be moving out of the state.

The pension problem here is a massive bomb just waiting to explode, i read where every single person in Illinois, man, woman and child would have to pay more than 11,000 dollars just to bring things under control.

As for the Governors, the one that just left was the first one in more than a decade that did not go straight from the State House to prison.

This is where Obies' $8T phony stimulus probably went.

I wish! The state could have used it. :21::21:

If Illinois is anything like California, they would have dumped it into government pensions or teacher pensions.

What's going to happen is when push comes to shove, these hell holes are going to be asking the federal government to bail them out, which depending on who is in leadership at the time, will happen.

Thought cities going bankrupt was the solution lately, not sure how well that would work for a state to file.
The state is a mess all over. The idiots in Springfield are clueless as to what goes on in the rest of the state, all they care about is Chicago.

The city itself is a shithole, the worst state capital I have ever visited. It was the rule, not sure if it has changed or not, that no building was allowed to be taller than the Capital building, as they did not want to become like Indianapolis...oh the horrors! :21::21::21::21::21:

There are few places that are truly a natural mess.

But Illinois, Kalifornication, New Yawk, Connecticut, etc...... Taxachusetts....

Those places aren't a mess.

The people are.

They're known as dimocrap scum.

You want to turn your State, your City into a shithole?

It's really easy to do -- Just elect dimocrap scum

I promise you, with one generation it will be an irredeemable shithole.

Nothing can save those places that dimocrap scum have ruined. Nothing.

You get the government you deserve, dimocrap scum.

And the rest of us are getting real goddamned tired of bailing you out

you are a strange individual, I am not a Dem, never have been and never will be.

Most of the state is as red as Wyoming, sadly the idiots in Chicago have the numbers.

Here is what the state looks like voting wise in the last election...

Lets be clear...

Democrooks want to collectivize all the wealth in the world and distribute it as they see fit.

Naturally because of all their hard work and benevolence they'll get the premium picking before they dole the scraps out....

That's why the soviet union did so well.
As taxpayers we've been scammed by our elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats. This includes the Public Sector Unions which are just Democrat money laundering schemes that should be illegal because of the huge conflict of interest. Public sector retirement benefits are way out of market and too lucrative, and the taxpayer is on the hook. Look for more states to want Federal bail outs of their out of control public sector PENSION FUINDS. I say no way. Let them live within their means.

States like New Jersey, and New York can just raise their Property Taxes and Income Taxes again to help pay the Pensions. I am sure the citizens of those states that have voted solidly Democrat for decades will understand.

We have the same problem in our state. When Kasich first became Governor, he wanted to weaken the public sector unions. The dopes in my state voted it down. So now future taxpayers are going to have to try to find a way to pay all these retirees who will likely retire 12 years before most people can in the private sector.

So it's not just the politicians, it's the people as well.
Illinois is fucking mess, we live there and within months of my son graduating high school and leaving the house we will be moving out of the state.

The pension problem here is a massive bomb just waiting to explode, i read where every single person in Illinois, man, woman and child would have to pay more than 11,000 dollars just to bring things under control.

As for the Governors, the one that just left was the first one in more than a decade that did not go straight from the State House to prison.

This is where Obies' $8T phony stimulus probably went.

I wish! The state could have used it. :21::21:

If Illinois is anything like California, they would have dumped it into government pensions or teacher pensions.

What's going to happen is when push comes to shove, these hell holes are going to be asking the federal government to bail them out, which depending on who is in leadership at the time, will happen.

Thought cities going bankrupt was the solution lately, not sure how well that would work for a state to file.

The Taxpayer ends up the loser either way. I don't want to pay for another State's financial mismanagement, and corruption. The States that have unfunded Pension Funds need to figure out what cost cutting, and/or tax reform they need to do to make them solvent.
As taxpayers we've been scammed by our elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats. This includes the Public Sector Unions which are just Democrat money laundering schemes that should be illegal because of the huge conflict of interest. Public sector retirement benefits are way out of market and too lucrative, and the taxpayer is on the hook. Look for more states to want Federal bail outs of their out of control public sector PENSION FUINDS. I say no way. Let them live within their means.

States like New Jersey, and New York can just raise their Property Taxes and Income Taxes again to help pay the Pensions. I am sure the citizens of those states that have voted solidly Democrat for decades will understand.

We have the same problem in our state. When Kasich first became Governor, he wanted to weaken the public sector unions. The dopes in my state voted it down. So now future taxpayers are going to have to try to find a way to pay all these retirees who will likely retire 12 years before most people can in the private sector.

So it's not just the politicians, it's the people as well.

Well, it always comes down to the people. We are often our own worst enemies by enabling this crap. People always want something for nothing then kick the can down the road for the next generation to deal with it.
As taxpayers we've been scammed by our elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats. This includes the Public Sector Unions which are just Democrat money laundering schemes that should be illegal because of the huge conflict of interest. Public sector retirement benefits are way out of market and too lucrative, and the taxpayer is on the hook. Look for more states to want Federal bail outs of their out of control public sector PENSION FUINDS. I say no way. Let them live within their means.

States like New Jersey, and New York can just raise their Property Taxes and Income Taxes again to help pay the Pensions. I am sure the citizens of those states that have voted solidly Democrat for decades will understand.

We have the same problem in our state. When Kasich first became Governor, he wanted to weaken the public sector unions. The dopes in my state voted it down. So now future taxpayers are going to have to try to find a way to pay all these retirees who will likely retire 12 years before most people can in the private sector.

So it's not just the politicians, it's the people as well.

The people vote for the politicians, so it is always on the people to some extent.
As taxpayers we've been scammed by our elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats. This includes the Public Sector Unions which are just Democrat money laundering schemes that should be illegal because of the huge conflict of interest. Public sector retirement benefits are way out of market and too lucrative, and the taxpayer is on the hook. Look for more states to want Federal bail outs of their out of control public sector PENSION FUINDS. I say no way. Let them live within their means.

States like New Jersey, and New York can just raise their Property Taxes and Income Taxes again to help pay the Pensions. I am sure the citizens of those states that have voted solidly Democrat for decades will understand.

We have the same problem in our state. When Kasich first became Governor, he wanted to weaken the public sector unions. The dopes in my state voted it down. So now future taxpayers are going to have to try to find a way to pay all these retirees who will likely retire 12 years before most people can in the private sector.

So it's not just the politicians, it's the people as well.

Well, it always comes down to the people. We are often our own worst enemies by enabling this crap. People always want something for nothing then kick the can down the road for the next generation to deal with it.

It's the same thing with our government on every level. People don't study the issues and look beyond the BS they are being fed by the media, or in this case, the unions. I hate Kasich now, but at the time, I supported his stance on the unions. After it was voted down, Kasich lost half of his support in polls across the state. His name was MUD. He had to react quickly to win the voters back to be elected for a second term. Thanks goodness the economy kicked back into gear.
As taxpayers we've been scammed by our elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats. This includes the Public Sector Unions which are just Democrat money laundering schemes that should be illegal because of the huge conflict of interest. Public sector retirement benefits are way out of market and too lucrative, and the taxpayer is on the hook. Look for more states to want Federal bail outs of their out of control public sector PENSION FUINDS. I say no way. Let them live within their means.

States like New Jersey, and New York can just raise their Property Taxes and Income Taxes again to help pay the Pensions. I am sure the citizens of those states that have voted solidly Democrat for decades will understand.

We have the same problem in our state. When Kasich first became Governor, he wanted to weaken the public sector unions. The dopes in my state voted it down. So now future taxpayers are going to have to try to find a way to pay all these retirees who will likely retire 12 years before most people can in the private sector.

So it's not just the politicians, it's the people as well.

The people vote for the politicians, so it is always on the people to some extent.

Right. But you and StormyMac are above all the fray? While Mac voted Beast and probably both for Ears too. Once, forgiven. Twice = crazy.

Trump is killing it with no help and "many" working against him, however minor your contributions are. If not with him.....you against him, against common sense reforms.
In Illinois. Anybody else as shocked as I am?

Illinois may tax private retirement funds to pay public worker pensions


Plus the fact the dim governor of that state is being investigated by the Feds in something about some kind of toilet or something?

Not to mention Kim Foxx and Jessie Smollett, who are just too #woke to be questioned about -- Anything.

There's also the fact that Illinois is losing population faster than any State other than West By God Virginny.

Illinois population loss worsens for 5th straight year

Which, contrary to recent developments was a dimocrap state for decades. And decades. Witness Robert KKK Byrd.

Of course, since Illinois is so gosh-darn completely #woke, the media isn't going to report on it much at all. If at all.

Think about it, people. Think about what happens EVERYWHERE dimocraps take control. Without exception.


Kerry on
Being a libertarian/conservative, elections have consequences. If you vote for people who want to take your money and give it to those not worthy to get your money, that is on you. If you live in a state that have politicians taking your money to give it to someone else, that is your choice, you should choose to move. If you dont then you must suffer the effects of your poor decision. Back in the 1990's I moved out of the US to Saudi Arabia to make $70,000 tax free. Gave up a lot of my constitutional rights to live there for 5 1/2 years, but the choice ended up being a smart one. Sometimes to do something smart, you have to leave your comfort zone, i.e. home.
Right. But you and StormyMac are above all the fray? While Mac voted Beast and probably both for Ears too. Once, forgiven. Twice = crazy.

Trump is killing it with no help and "many" working against him, however minor your contributions are. If not with him.....you against him against common sense reforms.

I cannot speak for Mac or Stormy, but I did not vote for Obama ever and did not vote for Hillary or Trump.

From a fiscal point of view Trump is mediocre at best, maybe worse if you blame him for the deficit like people blamed Obama.
Right. But you and StormyMac are above all the fray? While Mac voted Beast and probably both for Ears too. Once, forgiven. Twice = crazy.

Trump is killing it with no help and "many" working against him, however minor your contributions are. If not with him.....you against him against common sense reforms.

I cannot speak for Mac or Stormy, but I did not vote for Obama ever and did not vote for Hillary or Trump.

From a fiscal point of view Trump is mediocre at best, maybe worse if you blame him for the deficit like people blamed Obama.

Its all beginning to kick in heavy 3.2% more to come. You think DumboBiden Kerry can clean up trade with China? Trump has a lot to attempt to fix. 50 years worth of malarkey to repair. It should get better when he breaks some foriegn backs.
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Right. But you and StormyMac are above all the fray? While Mac voted Beast and probably both for Ears too. Once, forgiven. Twice = crazy.

Trump is killing it with no help and "many" working against him, however minor your contributions are. If not with him.....you against him against common sense reforms.

I cannot speak for Mac or Stormy, but I did not vote for Obama ever and did not vote for Hillary or Trump.

From a fiscal point of view Trump is mediocre at best, maybe worse if you blame him for the deficit like people blamed Obama.

Its all beginning to kick in heavy 3.2% more to come. You think DumboBiden Kerry can clean uo trade with China? Trump has a lot to attempt to fix. 50 years worth of malarkey to repair. It should get better when he breaks some foriegn backs.

Trump is doing what no previous President has done, at least in my lifetime. He is holding both our allied trade partners and enemy trade partners like China accountable. We have bent over for Europe and Asia since WWII allowing them to eat our economic lunch. Trump is saying NO MORE. We want trade deals that are more fair, and that will benefit both parties, and also create jobs in the U.S.
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Its all beginning to kick in heavy 3.2% more to come. You think DumboBiden Kerry can clean up trade with China? Trump has a lot to attempt to fix. 50 years worth of malarkey to repair. It should get better when he breaks some foriegn backs.

I will believe the 3.2% is just a start with more to come when I see it. We have heard that every time Trump has a good Qtr, yet it never happens.

Some insight on the GDP rise...

Q1 GDP Smashes Expectations, Soars 3.2%, But The Real Story Is Below The Surface

That was the great news: the not so great news - the number was driven entirely by "one-time items" such as a surge in inventories and a far smaller trade deficit, pushing net trade sharply higher, neither of which is sustainable; meanwhile the core drivers of GDP - consumption and fixed investment - came in somewhat weak, dropping from Q4, with PCE and CapEx adding just 1.1%, or about a third, of the bottom line GDP number.
Trump is doing what no previous President has done, at least in my lifetime. He is holding both our allied trade partners and enemy trade partners like China accountable. We have bent over for Europe and Asia since WWII allowing them to eat our economic lunch. Trump is saying NO MORE. We want trade deals that are more fair, and that will benefit both parties, and also create jobs in the U.S.

Under the current trade deals we have...

1. the longest period of sustained job growth in the history of the country.

2. The 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country, which will become the longest in 3 months.

4. Sub 4% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

5. Record setting financial markets...until the start of the trade war.

Explain how those things happen if the trade deals do not benefit us as well

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