Dinesh D’Souza, Creator of ‘2000 Mules,’ Must Defend Film’s Election Denial Claims in Court

Conspiracy theorist and former Christian leader Dinesh D’Souza has failed to halt a defamation lawsuit brought against him and others behind the popular election denial film 2000 Mules and defend his widely debunked movie’s supposed evidence in a courtroom.

U.S. District Judge Steven D. Grimberg said last month he will allow the lawsuit against D’Souza and True the Vote to move forward.

The film, which aired on Christian TV networks and was shown in hundreds of churches, argues that human “mules” harvested 400,000 fake ballots to steal the 2020 election from its rightful winner, Donald Trump.

But one of the 2,000 alleged mules says he wasn’t stuffing ballot boxes all over Black areas of Atlanta, but merely depositing votes from his wife and children in a drop box, which is perfectly legal.

D’Souza and others also used video and photos of Allen in promotional appearances on Christian and conservative media outlets, including Tucker Carlson’s former show on Fox News, which earlier this year paid its own whopping defamation fine.

Andrews claims he and his family have suffered threats and many other harms. He sued D’Souza along with Salem Media Group, which helped finance the film, Regnery Publishing, and Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips of the group True the Vote, which promotes election conspiracies, and is facing a separate lawsuit.

Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost for these liars. Let's see if he pays up or like Giuliani, he claims bankruptcy.

Given that True the Vote, the folks that D'Souza claimed was his 'source' for 2000 Mules have admitted before a judge that they have no such evidence.....

.....this is gonna get fun!
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Given that True the Vote, the folks that D'Souza claimed was his 'source' for 2000 Mules have admitted before a judge that they have no such evidence.....

.....this is gonna get fun!
Please quote the exchange. Tell us what was said. Maybe a transcript?
Try the truth. They will not look at the evidence.

The evidence True the Vote made available to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation shortly after the 2020 General Election cannot be understood to be like records stored somewhere. It consisted of massive quantities of electronic data that could only be appreciated and understood when you had multiple servers processing it and visually displaying how the information intersected in real-time. This is called geospatial analysis.

True the Vote provided this information to the FBI, which rendered it available to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation at the time. The GBI consequently has ready access to the summaries and underlying data, and could reconstruct it, but it declines to do that. It is in that sense that there is nothing more for True the Vote to provide that it has not already provided to the GBI.”

The state was unwilling to provide whistleblower protection in 2021, unwillingly to examine our data while it was still set up in active databases, and unwilling to act on the summary data which it could easily have done. Now, three years later, after the statute of limitations has expired on any election crimes, its apparent that the SEB’s interest is not in investigating. Rather, it is in silencing citizens from speaking out, lest they get the same treatment our group is now enduring. It is outrageous.

Mind you, at any point in this odyssey, the GBI could have gotten an administrative warrant to have the summarized cell phone data deanonymized and begin their investigation. There is nothing stopping them from taking that action even now. They have all the information they need. We are not law enforcement. It is up to them to do their jobs. As civilians, we cannot do more than what we have done.
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Please quote the exchange. Tell us what was said. Maybe a transcript?
Given your irrational commitment to a STORY by True the Vote, backed by absolutely nothing (they've never publicly released any data to support any of their claims), wouldn't you be the first person to look their quote up, given that there are articles linking to it?

Of course not. You don't research. You repeat. You regurgitate silly conspiracy theories without thought or question.

But don't worry, baby bear.......I've got you.

Now come up with yet another elaborate, fantastically complicated dipshit conspiracy to explain the spectacular failure of your last elaborate, fantastically complicated dipshit conspiracy.
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Why wont the GBI investigate?

Investigate what, FruitLoops? True the Vote has no evidence to support their bullshit.

Gregg Phillips lied about election fraud in 2016 and then lied again about election fraud in 2020. Seems lying about election fraud is his thing.
Try the truth. They will not look at the evidence.

The evidence True the Vote made available to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation shortly after the 2020 General Election cannot be understood to be like records stored somewhere. It consisted of massive quantities of electronic data that could only be appreciated and understood when you had multiple servers processing it and visually displaying how the information intersected in real-time. This is called geospatial analysis.

True the Vote provided this information to the FBI, which rendered it available to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation at the time. The GBI consequently has ready access to the summaries and underlying data, and could reconstruct it, but it declines to do that. It is in that sense that there is nothing more for True the Vote to provide that it has not already provided to the GBI.”

The state was unwilling to provide whistleblower protection in 2021, unwillingly to examine our data while it was still set up in active databases, and unwilling to act on the summary data which it could easily have done. Now, three years later, after the statute of limitations has expired on any election crimes, its apparent that the SEB’s interest is not in investigating. Rather, it is in silencing citizens from speaking out, lest they get the same treatment our group is now enduring. It is outrageous.

Mind you, at any point in this odyssey, the GBI could have gotten an administrative warrant to have the summarized cell phone data deanonymized and begin their investigation. There is nothing stopping them from taking that action even now. They have all the information they need. We are not law enforcement. It is up to them to do their jobs. As civilians, we cannot do more than what we have done.

Says gateway pundit. But if you ask the Georgia Judiciary or the Georgia Secretary of State, both have very different accounts of True the Vote's willingness to cooperate.

"A Fulton County Superior Court judge in Atlanta signed an order last year requiring True the Vote to provide evidence it had collected, including the names of people who were sources of information, to state elections officials who were frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence with investigators.

In their written response, attorneys for True the Vote said the group had no names or other documentary evidence to share.

Once again, True the Vote has proven itself untrustworthy and unable to provide a shred of evidence for a single one of their fairy-tale allegations,” Raffensperger spokesman Mike Hassinger said Wednesday. “Like all the lies about Georgia’s 2020 election, their fabricated claims of ballot harvesting have been repeatedly debunked.”

With the Georgia Bureau of Investigation VERY clear that the cell phone data didn't prove True the Vote's claims:

"As it exists, the data, while curious, does not rise to the level of probable cause that a crime has been committed," Reynolds wrote, adding that for the GBI to get the same cellphone data they would need probable cause. "We cannot make that showing with what has been provided."

Says gateway pundit. But if you ask the Georgia Judiciary or the Georgia Secretary of State, both have very different accounts of True the Vote's willingness to cooperate.

"A Fulton County Superior Court judge in Atlanta signed an order last year requiring True the Vote to provide evidence it had collected, including the names of people who were sources of information, to state elections officials who were frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence with investigators.

In their written response, attorneys for True the Vote said the group had no names or other documentary evidence to share.

Once again, True the Vote has proven itself untrustworthy and unable to provide a shred of evidence for a single one of their fairy-tale allegations,” Raffensperger spokesman Mike Hassinger said Wednesday. “Like all the lies about Georgia’s 2020 election, their fabricated claims of ballot harvesting have been repeatedly debunked.”

With the Georgia Bureau of Investigation VERY clear that the cell phone data didn't prove True the Vote's claims:

"As it exists, the data, while curious, does not rise to the level of probable cause that a crime has been committed," Reynolds wrote, adding that for the GBI to get the same cellphone data they would need probable cause. "We cannot make that showing with what has been provided."

There's a very good reason why True the Vote, and by extension, 2000 Mules, got flushed down the proverbial toilet...

5 states...

54,000 mules...

4 million minutes of video...

25,000,000 gigabytes of cellphone data...

ZERO people caught on video dropping off ballots more than once.
Given your irrational commitment to a STORY by True the Vote, backed by absolutely nothing (they've never publicly released any data to support any of their claims), wouldn't you be the first person to look their quote up, given that there are articles linking to it?

Of course not. You don't research. You repeat. You regurgitate silly conspiracy theories without thought or question.

But don't worry, baby bear.......I've got you.

Now come up with yet another elaborate, fantastically complicated dipshit conspiracy to explain the spectacular failure of your last elaborate, fantastically complicated dipshit conspiracy.
Have you heard the way the obvious fraud in GA. was explained away? You want to hear bullshit. How about the ridiculously lopsided ballot drops? None of those have been explained.
Have you heard the way the obvious fraud in GA. was explained away? You want to hear bullshit. How about the ridiculously lopsided ballot drops? None of those have been explained.

So True The Vote - the basis of the entire 2000 Mules fantasy- admits in court that the don't have evidence up their ballot stuffing claims in Georgia....

And your solution is to ignore True The Vote's admission of no evidence in court
.. ignore the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, ignore the Georgia Judiciary, ignore the Secretary of State of Georgia, ignore the fact that True the Vote has never publicly released any evidence,

.....and try to change the topic.

Good luck with that, Rube.
There's a very good reason why True the Vote, and by extension, 2000 Mules, got flushed down the proverbial toilet...

5 states...

54,000 mules...

4 million minutes of video...

25,000,000 gigabytes of cellphone data...

ZERO people caught on video dropping off ballots more than once.

Mark Andrews - one of the men that 2000 mules insisted was a criminal- is suing the HELL out of D'Souza for defamation. With the Georgia Bureau of Investigation already confirming that Mark Andrews violated no law, as he was dropping off the ballots of his adult family that lived with him.

And now True the Vote admitting that they have no evidence to back any of their claims of ballot stuffing in Georgia. And the Georgia Bureau of Investigation confirming that the 'cell phone data' most definitely does NOT prove any fraud.

Mark Andrews and others are gonna get paid!
So True The Vote - the basis of the entire 2000 Mules fantasy- admits in court that the don't have evidence up their ballot stuffing claims in Georgia....

And your solution is to ignore True The Vote's admission of no evidence in court
.. ignore the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, ignore the Georgia Judiciary, ignore the Secretary of State of Georgia, ignore the fact that True the Vote has never publicly released any evidence,

.....and try to change the topic.

Good luck with that, Rube.
I explained it, the evidence, has not been investigated or examined properly. The GBI refused to investigate.
I explained it, the evidence, has not been investigated or examined properly. The GBI refused to investigate.


Investigate what, FruitLoops? True the Vote already confessed they don't have evidence to support their claims. And D'Souza made a movie exemplifying that fact by failing to produce even ONE person dropping of ballots more than once.
I explained it has not been investigated. The GBI refused to investigate.

What hasn't been investigated? The allegations for which True the Vote has no evidence to support? They've already admitted as much, in court.

You can ignore this. But you can't make us ignore it.

Remember, the GBI already looked at the True the Votes 'cell phone data'. And confirmed it most definitely does NOT prove any fraud. It wasn't even enough for probable cause for a warrant.

"As it exists, the data, while curious, does not rise to the level of probable cause that a crime has been committed," Reynolds wrote, adding that for the GBI to get the same cellphone data they would need probable cause. "We cannot make that showing with what has been provided."

Time to spin an even bigger, more ludicrous, and baseless batshit conspiracy to explain the failure of your last ludicrous, elaborate, batshit conspiracy.

Investigate what, FruitLoops? True the Vote already confessed they don't have evidence to support their claims. And D'Souza made a movie exemplifying that fact by failing to produce even ONE person dropping of ballots more than once.
You did not read the link. The case can be reopened and activated even now. Why not investigate and view the evidence properly?
You did not read the link. The case can be reopened and activated even now. Why not investigate and view the evidence properly?

No, YOU didn't read the link. The GBI already looked at True the Vote's 'cell phone data'. And confirmed it most definitely did NOT prove fraud.

Worse, True the Vote has admitted, in court, that they don't have evidence to back their ballot stuffing claims in Georgia.

Nor has True the Vote EVER released their 'data' publicly. They've even gone to jail rather than release their 'evidence'. And now we know why.

There is none.

You've literally got nothing, Rube.
You did not read the link. The case can be reopened and activated even now. Why not investigate and view the evidence properly?

You're not answering my question, FruitLoops?

Investigate what?

True the Vote confessed they don't have evidence to prove their claims.

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