Dinesh D’Souza, Creator of ‘2000 Mules,’ Must Defend Film’s Election Denial Claims in Court

Yes, BackFlush, because all I ever talk about is Biden. :rolleyes: I'm sure you have tons of evidence to 'prove' all I do is suck Biden's cock 24/7. :rolleyes:

Ah Fumblin Stumbledick, you pathetic bullshit sucker.

For you to be a “Potato dick-sucker” doesn’t require that you post only about Potato.

Go away kid. You’re just a gnat.
Ah Fumblin Stumbledick, you pathetic bullshit sucker.

For you to be a “Potato dick-sucker” doesn’t require that you post only about Potato.

Go away kid. You’re just a gnat.
Welp, that was a load of nonsense. :dunno: But, your concession is accepted. Again and again. Weren't you a Liability at some point? Why'd you bitch out?
Dinesh didn't learn anything in that halfway house. They couldn't cure him of crackpotting.
Conspiracy theorist and former Christian leader Dinesh D’Souza has failed to halt a defamation lawsuit brought against him and others behind the popular election denial film 2000 Mules and defend his widely debunked movie’s supposed evidence in a courtroom.

U.S. District Judge Steven D. Grimberg said last month he will allow the lawsuit against D’Souza and True the Vote to move forward.

The film, which aired on Christian TV networks and was shown in hundreds of churches, argues that human “mules” harvested 400,000 fake ballots to steal the 2020 election from its rightful winner, Donald Trump.

But one of the 2,000 alleged mules says he wasn’t stuffing ballot boxes all over Black areas of Atlanta, but merely depositing votes from his wife and children in a drop box, which is perfectly legal.

D’Souza and others also used video and photos of Allen in promotional appearances on Christian and conservative media outlets, including Tucker Carlson’s former show on Fox News, which earlier this year paid its own whopping defamation fine.

Andrews claims he and his family have suffered threats and many other harms. He sued D’Souza along with Salem Media Group, which helped finance the film, Regnery Publishing, and Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips of the group True the Vote, which promotes election conspiracies, and is facing a separate lawsuit.

Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost for these liars. Let's see if he pays up or like Giuliani, he claims bankruptcy.
Don't cross the deep state. As long as they have dimbulb followers like you they will still be in business.
Those are the facts presented in 2000 Mules. I figured that if I'm joining in the conversation I should at least watch the fucking movie.

Obviously because I've just heard this I have not had time to vet it, however, I'm sure that I would have heard of it from the left by now if those stats were incorrect. I just searched Snopes too. Not a peep.

Are you suggesting that those stats are erroneous?
You're like a entitled Karen stumbling drunkenly into a movie 3/4 of the way through and demanding the viewers to explain the plot and all the missed scenes. :rolleyes:

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