Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!

Read the comments in the artciles about her. Libs are really letting their antisemitism show..

"jew controlled media" this and that... Praising her calls for ethnic cleansing, etc..
she was such a nice lady

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtQBkaOJAYw]Vile Racist Helen Thomas Gets Racist Award from CAIR - YouTube[/ame]


I remember when the stinking left went after Tony Snow...:eusa_shhh:
The left goes after its own just as does the right.

She was a natural force, for some good and some bad.

If anyone doubts the propaganda power of the state of Isreal on the US culture, a study of the destruction of this woman's career and reputation ought to be very informative.

But let's face it, nobody who pays attention to this issue doubts the propaganda power in America of the State of Israel.
She lived a long life and had an admirable career

Sad that some would celebrate her passing

Disgusting that she would call for ethnic cleansing....

That's just a rw lie. She never did any such thing.

OTOH, you should read what the rw's on this board have to say about killing off innocent black kids. Now THAT is ethnic cleansing.

Not unlike abortion's "cleansing" effect on humanity...

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