Director Of Government Ethics Office Is Alarmed Trump Cabinet Picks Haven’t Been Fully Vetted


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
“The announced hearing schedule for several nominees who have not completed the ethics review process is of great concern to me.”

The head of the Office of Government Ethics expressed alarm Saturday that the Senate would begin considering President-elect Donald Trump’s nominees for cabinet positions before they’ve been fully vetted for conflicts of interests.

“As OGE’s Director, the announced hearing schedule for several nominees who have not completed the ethics review process is of great concern to me,” wrote OGE director Walter Shaub Jr. in a letter to Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

“This schedule has created undue pressure on OGE’s staff and agency ethics officials to rush through these important reviews,” he added. “More significantly, it has left some of the nominees with potentially unknown or unresolved ethics issues shortly before their scheduled hearings.”

The letter comes ahead of a week in which there will be a flurry of hearings for Trump’s cabinet picks. There will be hearings on six nominees on Wednesday alone.

More: Director Of Government Ethics Office Is Alarmed Trump Cabinet Picks Haven't Been Fully Vetted

Ethics office struggled to gain access to Trump team, emails Show

The GOP Has A Wily Plan To Keep You From Learning About Trump's Cabinet Picks

Trump is trying to slam-dunk his cronies before they are fully vetted with an overload stampede through the process. I applaud the OGE Director for holding them up until they are fully vetted.
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Then there should be no problem making sure that all those refugees Obama wants to release on the United States Of America should be fully vetted and turned away if there is any question about them.



Then there should be no problem making sure that all those refugees Obama wants to release on the United States Of America should be fully vetted and turned away if there is any question about them.



Duh, are they going to govern us...?
“The announced hearing schedule for several nominees who have not completed the ethics review process is of great concern to me.”

The head of the Office of Government Ethics expressed alarm Saturday that the Senate would begin considering President-elect Donald Trump’s nominees for cabinet positions before they’ve been fully vetted for conflicts of interests.

“As OGE’s Director, the announced hearing schedule for several nominees who have not completed the ethics review process is of great concern to me,” wrote OGE director Walter Shaub Jr. in a letter to Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

“This schedule has created undue pressure on OGE’s staff and agency ethics officials to rush through these important reviews,” he added. “More significantly, it has left some of the nominees with potentially unknown or unresolved ethics issues shortly before their scheduled hearings.”

The letter comes ahead of a week in which there will be a flurry of hearings for Trump’s cabinet picks. There will be hearings on six nominees on Wednesday alone.

More: Director Of Government Ethics Office Is Alarmed Trump Cabinet Picks Haven't Been Fully Vetted

Ethics office struggled to gain access to Trump team, emails Show

The GOP Has A Wily Plan To Keep You From Learning About Trump's Cabinet Picks

Trump is trying to slam-dunk his cronies before they are fully vetted with an overload stampede through the process. I applaud the OGE Director for holding them up until they are fully vetted.
I'm sure he will let us know when he's done vetting Obamas....

Then there should be no problem making sure that all those refugees Obama wants to release on the United States Of America should be fully vetted and turned away if there is any question about them.



Duh, are they going to govern us...?

Don't care. If you want the people chosen for those position fully vetted then my answer is all the refugees will be fully vetted or they can go to some other country that's willing to take them.


Mitch McConnell Doesn’t Want Trump Cabinet Picks Held To Standard He Set For Obama

McConnell is shrugging off the very confirmation procedures he insisted on in 2009.

The Senate has no plans to slow down confirmation hearings for a slew of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks scheduled this week, Senate Majority LeaderMitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Sunday.

McConnell waved off concerns that several of Trump’s nominees have not been fully vetted for conflicts of interest yet, even as at least seven confirmation hearings are set to begin in the next few days.

McConnell’s stance on the current Cabinet picks directly contradicts the one he took in 2009. Then the Senate minority leader, McConnell insisted that President Barack Obama’s Cabinet officials meet a list of requirements, including completing their financial disclosure statements and being cleared by the Office of Government Ethics, before the Senate began their confirmation hearings.

McConnell Won’t Delay Confirmation Hearings For Unvetted Trump Picks

Ethics Office Raises Alarm: ‘Great Concern’ About Unfinished Review Process

Mitch wants to herd them through like a cattle stampede. Hopefully Chuck Schumer can stop this nonsense. Maybe even some honorable Republicans will.

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