Dirty Money Is Now On The Table


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Things are ramping up as "dirty money" is now on the table and in play. So lets look at a statement by one runner shall we?

"— Hillary Rodham Clinton told a cheering crowd at her largest rally so far that "the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money" must be stopped"

She JUST said it two weeks ago. Grabbing that high moral and ethical ground right? But yet once AGAIN morals and ethics should be excused for the "ONE" its part of the Vagina factor right?

" Two weeks later, the main super PAC backing her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination accepted a $1 million contribution that cannot be traced"

UN-traceable money eh? No one knows where it REALLY came from. But we ARE left with a FEW clues.

"The seven-figure donation, made June 29 to the pro-Clinton Priorities USA Action, came from another super political action committee, called Fair Share Action."

Okay maybe just MAYBE these were honest everyday Americans give part of their pay to support her. Oh just ANOTHER small problem.

" Its two lone contributors are Fair Share Inc. and Environment America Inc., according to records filed with Federal Election Commission."

Okay so its NOT your average working folks it just two people HIDING who and where the money came from. But it's NOT like open money laundering ala Nixon and his "creep" fund right?

""This appears to be an out-and-out laundering operation designed to keep secret from the public the original source of the funds given to the super PAC, which is required to disclose its contributors," said Fred Wertheimer, director of one such group, the Washington-based Democracy 21."

So how exactly does Hillary shift this from "dark money" to "good" money?

So just how did Hillary gets this money laundering PAC?

"Clinton's allies have taken over Priorities USA, a super PAC that was set up in 2011 to help President Barack Obama win re-election. It's now led by Guy Cecil, a veteran of Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, and her longtime advocates Harold Ickes and David Brock are among its board members."

Well look at that! It WAS Obama's before. Very transparent huh?
So who else did this money laundering group work for?

"Tax and campaign finance records show Fair Share Inc. and Environment America Inc. — the nonprofit donors behind the $1 million Priorities USA contribution — did not give to Priorities USA in the Obama era. Fair Share advocates for job creation, and Environment America works on issues such as climate change. Both have existed since at least 2007"

Oh the good folks that brought you Climate Change. Surely SOME spokes person has come forward right?

" Elizabeth Ouzts, a spokeswoman for Environment America, described that nonprofit's funding as being from "itty, bitty donors," and not big check-writers or corporations."

TWO donors are "itty bitty" can you or I confirm this "itty bitty"?

"But because neither group is required to disclose its donors to federal regulators, as required of a campaign or super PAC, those statements are impossible to verify."

Seems we just need to TRUST Hillary. You can do that right? Anything ELSE this money laundering group does for her?

"Anonymous money is helping Clinton in other ways, too.

American Bridge 21st Century, founded by Brock, assists Clinton by providing her campaign and other Democrats with opposition research on Republicans. It operates both as a super PAC that reveals donors and a nonprofit that doesn't.

The latest FEC filings show that the super PAC side of American Bridge raised $5 million, and the nonprofit side gave the group about $1.2 million in overhead expenses such as office space and salaries. That nonprofit money can't be traced to any donors."

I'm sure you like I feel better now.
Group backing Clinton gets 1M from untraceable donors - Yahoo News

She can raise a billion dollars and Trump can still outspend her 2 to 1, more if he wants to. That's what scares them the most.
Please do whatever you can to make sure Donald Trump is on the ballot (GOP or otherwise) next November. Clinton will have no trouble defeating him.
Please do whatever you can to make sure Donald Trump is on the ballot (GOP or otherwise) next November. Clinton will have no trouble defeating him.
Yeah, yeah, think of something new.

Good to see you don't disagree.
I suggest you worry more about her not being knocked out of the box by Grandpa Bernie or Groping Joe.

George Pataki has a better chance of being President than either of those guys. I suggest you develop some political sophistication.
Please do whatever you can to make sure Donald Trump is on the ballot (GOP or otherwise) next November. Clinton will have no trouble defeating him.
Yeah, yeah, think of something new.

Good to see you don't disagree.
I suggest you worry more about her not being knocked out of the box by Grandpa Bernie or Groping Joe.

George Pataki has a better chance of being President than either of those guys. I suggest you develop some political sophistication.
Yes, he does have a better chance than those two. That's my point. Hillary is going down and one of those two will put her under.
Things are ramping up as "dirty money" is now on the table and in play. So lets look at a statement by one runner shall we?

"— Hillary Rodham Clinton told a cheering crowd at her largest rally so far that "the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money" must be stopped"

She JUST said it two weeks ago. Grabbing that high moral and ethical ground right? But yet once AGAIN morals and ethics should be excused for the "ONE" its part of the Vagina factor right?

" Two weeks later, the main super PAC backing her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination accepted a $1 million contribution that cannot be traced"

UN-traceable money eh? No one knows where it REALLY came from. But we ARE left with a FEW clues.

"The seven-figure donation, made June 29 to the pro-Clinton Priorities USA Action, came from another super political action committee, called Fair Share Action."

Okay maybe just MAYBE these were honest everyday Americans give part of their pay to support her. Oh just ANOTHER small problem.

" Its two lone contributors are Fair Share Inc. and Environment America Inc., according to records filed with Federal Election Commission."

Okay so its NOT your average working folks it just two people HIDING who and where the money came from. But it's NOT like open money laundering ala Nixon and his "creep" fund right?

""This appears to be an out-and-out laundering operation designed to keep secret from the public the original source of the funds given to the super PAC, which is required to disclose its contributors," said Fred Wertheimer, director of one such group, the Washington-based Democracy 21."

So how exactly does Hillary shift this from "dark money" to "good" money?

So just how did Hillary gets this money laundering PAC?

"Clinton's allies have taken over Priorities USA, a super PAC that was set up in 2011 to help President Barack Obama win re-election. It's now led by Guy Cecil, a veteran of Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, and her longtime advocates Harold Ickes and David Brock are among its board members."

Well look at that! It WAS Obama's before. Very transparent huh?
So who else did this money laundering group work for?

"Tax and campaign finance records show Fair Share Inc. and Environment America Inc. — the nonprofit donors behind the $1 million Priorities USA contribution — did not give to Priorities USA in the Obama era. Fair Share advocates for job creation, and Environment America works on issues such as climate change. Both have existed since at least 2007"

Oh the good folks that brought you Climate Change. Surely SOME spokes person has come forward right?

" Elizabeth Ouzts, a spokeswoman for Environment America, described that nonprofit's funding as being from "itty, bitty donors," and not big check-writers or corporations."

TWO donors are "itty bitty" can you or I confirm this "itty bitty"?

"But because neither group is required to disclose its donors to federal regulators, as required of a campaign or super PAC, those statements are impossible to verify."

Seems we just need to TRUST Hillary. You can do that right? Anything ELSE this money laundering group does for her?

"Anonymous money is helping Clinton in other ways, too.

American Bridge 21st Century, founded by Brock, assists Clinton by providing her campaign and other Democrats with opposition research on Republicans. It operates both as a super PAC that reveals donors and a nonprofit that doesn't.

The latest FEC filings show that the super PAC side of American Bridge raised $5 million, and the nonprofit side gave the group about $1.2 million in overhead expenses such as office space and salaries. That nonprofit money can't be traced to any donors."

I'm sure you like I feel better now.
Group backing Clinton gets 1M from untraceable donors - Yahoo News

In a way, I do feel better because you are exposing something we all figured was going on. I hope Congress goes after her ass.
Please do whatever you can to make sure Donald Trump is on the ballot (GOP or otherwise) next November. Clinton will have no trouble defeating him.
Yeah, yeah, think of something new.

Good to see you don't disagree.
I suggest you worry more about her not being knocked out of the box by Grandpa Bernie or Groping Joe.
I am going to vote for a democrat in the primary. I think Bush is done. I hope.
Please do whatever you can to make sure Donald Trump is on the ballot (GOP or otherwise) next November. Clinton will have no trouble defeating him.
Yeah, yeah, think of something new.

Good to see you don't disagree.
I suggest you worry more about her not being knocked out of the box by Grandpa Bernie or Groping Joe.
I am going to vote for a democrat in the primary. I think Bush is done. I hope.
We have open primaries here. I'm probably gonna vote for Sanders. Don't know if Bush is finished, there's still a lot of time for the media to prop him up.
George Pataki has a better chance of being President than either of those guys. I suggest you develop some political sophistication.
Pataki has a better chance of being the president than hilda beast does.
She can raise a billion dollars and Trump can still outspend her 2 to 1, more if he wants to. That's what scares them the most.

The thing that scares me is that Trump is actually stupid enough to spend $10 billion, take out a bunch of loans to do it, still lose the election, and then declare bankruptcy for the 100th time in his life....and yet people still think voting for him is a good idea.
Things are ramping up as "dirty money" is now on the table and in play. So lets look at a statement by one runner shall we?

"— Hillary Rodham Clinton told a cheering crowd at her largest rally so far that "the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money" must be stopped"

She JUST said it two weeks ago. Grabbing that high moral and ethical ground right? But yet once AGAIN morals and ethics should be excused for the "ONE" its part of the Vagina factor right?

" Two weeks later, the main super PAC backing her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination accepted a $1 million contribution that cannot be traced"

UN-traceable money eh? No one knows where it REALLY came from. But we ARE left with a FEW clues.

"The seven-figure donation, made June 29 to the pro-Clinton Priorities USA Action, came from another super political action committee, called Fair Share Action."

Okay maybe just MAYBE these were honest everyday Americans give part of their pay to support her. Oh just ANOTHER small problem.

" Its two lone contributors are Fair Share Inc. and Environment America Inc., according to records filed with Federal Election Commission."

Okay so its NOT your average working folks it just two people HIDING who and where the money came from. But it's NOT like open money laundering ala Nixon and his "creep" fund right?

""This appears to be an out-and-out laundering operation designed to keep secret from the public the original source of the funds given to the super PAC, which is required to disclose its contributors," said Fred Wertheimer, director of one such group, the Washington-based Democracy 21."

So how exactly does Hillary shift this from "dark money" to "good" money?

So just how did Hillary gets this money laundering PAC?

"Clinton's allies have taken over Priorities USA, a super PAC that was set up in 2011 to help President Barack Obama win re-election. It's now led by Guy Cecil, a veteran of Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, and her longtime advocates Harold Ickes and David Brock are among its board members."

Well look at that! It WAS Obama's before. Very transparent huh?
So who else did this money laundering group work for?

"Tax and campaign finance records show Fair Share Inc. and Environment America Inc. — the nonprofit donors behind the $1 million Priorities USA contribution — did not give to Priorities USA in the Obama era. Fair Share advocates for job creation, and Environment America works on issues such as climate change. Both have existed since at least 2007"

Oh the good folks that brought you Climate Change. Surely SOME spokes person has come forward right?

" Elizabeth Ouzts, a spokeswoman for Environment America, described that nonprofit's funding as being from "itty, bitty donors," and not big check-writers or corporations."

TWO donors are "itty bitty" can you or I confirm this "itty bitty"?

"But because neither group is required to disclose its donors to federal regulators, as required of a campaign or super PAC, those statements are impossible to verify."

Seems we just need to TRUST Hillary. You can do that right? Anything ELSE this money laundering group does for her?

"Anonymous money is helping Clinton in other ways, too.

American Bridge 21st Century, founded by Brock, assists Clinton by providing her campaign and other Democrats with opposition research on Republicans. It operates both as a super PAC that reveals donors and a nonprofit that doesn't.

The latest FEC filings show that the super PAC side of American Bridge raised $5 million, and the nonprofit side gave the group about $1.2 million in overhead expenses such as office space and salaries. That nonprofit money can't be traced to any donors."

I'm sure you like I feel better now.
Group backing Clinton gets 1M from untraceable donors - Yahoo News

I agree. Citizens United needs to go. Guess what party is committed to that end.
She can raise a billion dollars and Trump can still outspend her 2 to 1, more if he wants to. That's what scares them the most.

The thing that scares me is that Trump is actually stupid enough to spend $10 billion, take out a bunch of loans to do it, still lose the election, and then declare bankruptcy for the 100th time in his life....and yet people still think voting for him is a good idea.
Exaggerate much?

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