Discussion Regarding the Use of Force Against Burning, Looting, Mobs and Rioters.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

I have been a follower and reader of Massad Ayoob for decades. The man is a scholar when it comes to self defense law among many other subjects. His expertise transcends just 2nd Amendment issues, use of force laws, and the sort of weapons that are the best choices for armed professionals and civilians alike.

Of all the unfortunate trends leftists have created in recent times we have vacuous drones in the streets in cities across the country literally raising hell and it has created a new paradigm in use of force considerations.


Our United States congresspersons have shown that it's alright to kill a unarmed female protestor because they felt threatened. If that's a good enough reason for them then it should be the law of the land.

Tell your congresspersons that a Castle Doctrine Amendment needs to be codified into the Constitution making castle doctrine, concealed carry, and stand your ground, the law across the nation.



I have been a follower and reader of Massad Ayoob for decades. The man is a scholar when it comes to self defense law among many other subjects. His expertise transcends just 2nd Amendment issues, use of force laws, and the sort of weapons that are the best choices for armed professionals and civilians alike.

Of all the unfortunate trends leftists have created in recent times we have vacuous drones in the streets in cities across the country literally raising hell and it has created a new paradigm in use of force considerations.

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The thread premise is a lie.

The ‘left’ neither ‘created’ nor ‘condones’ acts of violence or lawlessness.
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Our United States congresspersons have shown that it's alright to kill a unarmed female protestor because they felt threatened. If that's a good enough reason for them then it should be the law of the land.

Tell your congresspersons that a Castle Doctrine Amendment needs to be codified into the Constitution making castle doctrine, concealed carry, and stand your ground, the law across the nation.



My congress scum doesn't like me because I told the smug loser bastard just what I thought of him for doing nothing about the murder of Ashli Babbitt.
My congress scum doesn't like me because I told the smug loser bastard just what I thought of him for doing nothing about the murder of Ashli Babbitt.


All the more reason to write your congressperson demanding that the Castle Doctrine Amendment be codified to the Constitution.

If it's good enough for them to kill unarmed protestors when they feel threatened then it's good enough for the rest of us.



Get serious.

Yes, I would love it if the police or the national guard announced: "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. You have 15 minutes to clear this area. Then we will shoot anyone we see in the street or looting a store. Have a nice day."

But this is the United States of America.

It is not China or Russia or North Korea or even South Africa in apartheid times.

So there is nothing that can be done about rioting.

The mobs rule all the cities now. The idealism of the 1960s are now in flames.

So let's just make looting, for example, legal. Just call it reparations, as some activists have demanded. Make the insurance companies pay for the looted merchandise.

In fact, every store should be required to leave behind delicious refreshments and clean restrooms for the looters.
The thread premise is a lie.

The ‘left’ neither ‘created’ nor ‘condones’ acts of violence or lawlessness.
Absolute fucking bullshit. In the last 120 years the most violent and destructive pack of mindless 2 legged animals are leftist parasites that have not only destroyed cities and nations, murdered millions of people for resisting their tyranny, deliberately caused famines, genocides and industrial murders but continue to terrorize people in the free world are leftist pieces of shit like you. You're just butthurt because in the US we have the right to blow your fucking faces off or run you down in the street if you get just a little too fuckin stupid. You malignant pieces of shit OWN violence and terrorism in this country. The jihadists pretty much gave up but you asshole maggots just had to push the envelope and are pissed because we returned it for lack of postage.

Eat shit and die fuckface.


I have been a follower and reader of Massad Ayoob for decades. The man is a scholar when it comes to self defense law among many other subjects. His expertise transcends just 2nd Amendment issues, use of force laws, and the sort of weapons that are the best choices for armed professionals and civilians alike.

Of all the unfortunate trends leftists have created in recent times we have vacuous drones in the streets in cities across the country literally raising hell and it has created a new paradigm in use of force considerations.

View attachment 500905

Traitor. You advocate murder of peaceful protesters, while white-right inciters create violence at protests so you can blame non-white people for it. Racist turd. You are scum. You are fighting only for racism and fascism.

You white-rights are the ones causing the violence and terrorism in this country. Even Homeland Security identifies you as our #1 terrorist threat. Stinking terrorist is all you are, boy.

You best not ever be heard spewing your treason in my presence, little incel punk.
Roof Koreans....Start shooting and don't stop until the mob disperses...There are no bystanders in an enraged violent mob.
You're advocating mass murder. I know you white-rights would LOVE to shoot down as many black people as possible, but you're just going to have to keep that wet dream in your mind and not act on it, boy.

We decent folks will not stand for your terrorist shit, traitor.
Buckshot to the head for all of them.
Did you just advocate mass murder, you vile lowlife treasonous scum?

Homeland Security has a file on you, you stupid shit.

And try acting on your fantasies and watch how fast some patriotic leftist puts one in your head.
Roof Koreans....Start shooting and don't stop until the mob disperses...There are no bystanders in an enraged violent mob.
You're advocating mass murder. I know you white-rights would LOVE to shoot down as many black people as possible, but you're just going to have to keep that wet dream in your mind and not act on it, boy.

We decent folks will not stand for your terrorist shit, traitor.
I'm advocating the protection of private property and commerce against rabid violent mobs, that have shown no compunction against torching buildings that are occupied, you race baiting Marxist peckerhead.

I have been a follower and reader of Massad Ayoob for decades. The man is a scholar when it comes to self defense law among many other subjects. His expertise transcends just 2nd Amendment issues, use of force laws, and the sort of weapons that are the best choices for armed professionals and civilians alike.

Of all the unfortunate trends leftists have created in recent times we have vacuous drones in the streets in cities across the country literally raising hell and it has created a new paradigm in use of force considerations.

View attachment 500905

Traitor. You advocate murder of peaceful protesters, while white-right inciters create violence at protests so you can blame non-white people for it. Racist turd. You are scum. You are fighting only for racism and fascism.

You white-rights are the ones causing the violence and terrorism in this country. Even Homeland Security identifies you as our #1 terrorist threat. Stinking terrorist is all you are, boy.

You best not ever be heard spewing your treason in my presence, little incel punk.


Kill yourself.

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Roof Koreans....Start shooting and don't stop until the mob disperses...There are no bystanders in an enraged violent mob.
You're advocating mass murder. I know you white-rights would LOVE to shoot down as many black people as possible, but you're just going to have to keep that wet dream in your mind and not act on it, boy.

We decent folks will not stand for your terrorist shit, traitor.
I'm advocating the protection of private property and commerce against rabid violent mobs, that have shown no compunction against torching buildings that are occupied, you race baiting Marxist peckerhead.
No, you're advocating the mass murder of leftists and especially black people, because you are a fascist and a racist, in other words, a Republican traitor, boy.

You need to watch your mouth, little boy, because in person you'd not be happy with the result of your treasonous spew. So, catch a clue, and shut up now. And I'd suggest you start packing for Russia, where the racist gangster-capitalist ambience will be more to your liking, treasonous scum.

I have been a follower and reader of Massad Ayoob for decades. The man is a scholar when it comes to self defense law among many other subjects. His expertise transcends just 2nd Amendment issues, use of force laws, and the sort of weapons that are the best choices for armed professionals and civilians alike.

Of all the unfortunate trends leftists have created in recent times we have vacuous drones in the streets in cities across the country literally raising hell and it has created a new paradigm in use of force considerations.

View attachment 500905

Traitor. You advocate murder of peaceful protesters, while white-right inciters create violence at protests so you can blame non-white people for it. Racist turd. You are scum. You are fighting only for racism and fascism.

You white-rights are the ones causing the violence and terrorism in this country. Even Homeland Security identifies you as our #1 terrorist threat. Stinking terrorist is all you are, boy.

You best not ever be heard spewing your treason in my presence, little incel punk.

View attachment 502045
Kill yourself.


Confirmed traitor is all you are, boy. You're a terrorist and therefore reported to Homeland Security. Your racist frog meme, your idiotic spew, your dysfunctional life, your incel angst, your poor upbringing... you are clearly of no use to humanity. Eat shit and die today, little punk.

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