Disgraceful 4 minute video of our President. This is pathetic.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
eots provided this video in my thread - Mind of an idiot Man tries to explain why cop killing is tit for tat.. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...but I think it deserves it's own thread.
I just can't believe what I saw here. Not even his supporters can excuse this away.
Kimmel asks him about how it FEELS for him to see these two police officers shot last night in Ferguson....unbelievable....he literally spends 3 seconds saying it was wrong, and the shooters are criminals - and then goes on a 4 minute diatribe about how bad the police department is there.
What the f*ck??
It is clear to see what side he is on.
And one other comment - he said "..and the original event in Ferguson was worthy of protest"...SAY WHAT???? Are you stupid??? Did you not pay any attention at all to your own DOJ investigation that 100%, categorically supported Wilson's innocence and 100% disputed the "hands up" nonsense.

This is unbelievable.
eots provided this video in my thread - Mind of an idiot Man tries to explain why cop killing is tit for tat.. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...but I think it deserves it's own thread.
I just can't believe what I saw here. Not even his supporters can excuse this away.
Kimmel asks him about how it FEELS for him to see these two police officers shot last night in Ferguson....unbelievable....he literally spends 3 seconds saying it was wrong, and the shooters are criminals - and then goes on a 4 minute diatribe about how bad the police department is there.
What the f*ck??
It is clear to see what side he is on.
And one other comment - he said "..and the original event in Ferguson was worthy of protest"...SAY WHAT???? Are you stupid??? Did you not pay any attention at all to your own DOJ investigation that 100%, categorically supported Wilson's innocence and 100% disputed the "hands up" nonsense.

This is unbelievable.

Oh that really is too bad. How could the President not deliver the diatribe you were hoping for, that was very inconsiderate of him.
I'm surprised the cops hadn't staked out high op' s yet considering how long this has been running
eots provided this video in my thread - Mind of an idiot Man tries to explain why cop killing is tit for tat.. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...but I think it deserves it's own thread.
I just can't believe what I saw here. Not even his supporters can excuse this away.
Kimmel asks him about how it FEELS for him to see these two police officers shot last night in Ferguson....unbelievable....he literally spends 3 seconds saying it was wrong, and the shooters are criminals - and then goes on a 4 minute diatribe about how bad the police department is there.
What the f*ck??
It is clear to see what side he is on.
And one other comment - he said "..and the original event in Ferguson was worthy of protest"...SAY WHAT???? Are you stupid??? Did you not pay any attention at all to your own DOJ investigation that 100%, categorically supported Wilson's innocence and 100% disputed the "hands up" nonsense.

This is unbelievable.

Oh that really is too bad. How could the President not deliver the diatribe you were hoping for, that was very inconsiderate of him.

What are you mumbling about?
I wouldn't want him to go on a diatribe about anything
How about - "It is terrible. And the people guilty of this have absolutely no excuse for their actions. In no way, even if the original event in Ferguson DID turn out to murder by the officer - would killing two innocent people just because they also wear a badge be justified. I am outraged by this. It is sickening, and we will find who did this and they will be punished"

But that is not what happened. He instead went on yet another rant about the Ferguson Police Dept. I don;t believe it is within his ability to see them as victims.
Since Ferguson is mainly black there will be more black arrests and well the cops are out in force here to give our speeding and parking tickets as they need to get their quota in for the end of the month, even in white areas. I really seen nothing wrong with his talk. Maybe I missed something. I have no doubt there are racist white as well as racist black cops. We really need to quit this "racist stuff".
Wow. What an embarrassment of a president.

He just smoothed over it saying "people dont want to be stopped and harrassed just because of their race".

What pathetic leadership. Supporting that false narrative that cops are just stopping and harnessing blacks for no reason (other than the violations of law theh commit).
Since Ferguson is mainly black there will be more black arrests and well the cops are out in force here to give our speeding and parking tickets as they need to get their quota in for the end of the month, even in white areas. I really seen nothing wrong with his talk. Maybe I missed something. I have no doubt there are racist white as well as racist black cops. We really need to quit this "racist stuff".

Yes what you missed is the President expressing how wrong it was that the shooting took place. This is the second time in just a month that officers were shot for no reason whatsoever. AND THE IMPORTANT THING is to convey to everyone that this is totally wrong. In fact it is worse than just "wrong" - how the hell is killing innocent people a way to protest the killing of innocent people???
It was NOT THE TIME for the President to go on about the Ferguson Police Dept...again... It was a time to speak on how wrong and terrible the shooting is.
Since Ferguson is mainly black there will be more black arrests and well the cops are out in force here to give our speeding and parking tickets as they need to get their quota in for the end of the month, even in white areas. I really seen nothing wrong with his talk. Maybe I missed something. I have no doubt there are racist white as well as racist black cops. We really need to quit this "racist stuff".

There are no quotas. DOJ said and found no iinformation about quotas.

Quotas are illegal and very rare. Its the boogeyman that bad driver use to justify their tickets for driving like an idiot.
Wow. What an embarrassment of a president.

He just smoothed over it saying "people dont want to be stopped and harrassed just because of their race".

What pathetic leadership. Supporting that false narrative that cops are just stopping and harnessing blacks for no reason (other than the violations of law theh commit).

I think it is worse than an embarrassment.
Think of the idiots in Ferguson. What are they to think? If I was one of the protesters, like the video in my thread in the OP link...who JUSTIFIES the shooting of the officers as "tit for tat"...I guarantee if you are stupid enough to think that - then you are clearly stupid enough to believe the President thinks so too after this idiotic rant he made.
Hes tried to hide his disgust for police officers for all his years in Senate and the White House.

I think now...hes ready to let it out. He ordered Eric Holder to make sure that report came out as a hit piece. And of course Holder was glad to do it.
Hes tried to hide his disgust for police officers for all his years in Senate and the White House.

I think now...hes ready to let it out. He ordered Eric Holder to make sure that report came out as a hit piece. And of course Holder was glad to do it.

Well the original investigation was supposed to be about Wilson. And when that didn't pan out - they decided to investigate the whole department, every arrest they ever made...and then saying they "dared to enforce laws to increase revenue" - what the hell - what police department doesn't??
Holder lamb-basted the police department...a week later two are shot at a protest...then the President when asked about it, repeats how bad the department is.
One does not have to inject racism into the explanation of why blacks are stopped/arrested/jailed disproportionately. Simple math and a realization of the existence of the street-gang sub-culture within inner-city black communities, created and promoted by the shortage of hard working, dedicated father-figures in too many homes brings the conclusion that blacks commit crimes disproportionately and thus will be stopped/arrested/jailed disproportionately.

As the gang sub-culture promotes more incidents worthy of intervention by police, it is also more likely to generate more incidents wherein the perpetrators turn violent on the police and end up shot or dead.

The fact that is often missing from the stories we see on TV that claim police brutality caused the death of a man solely because the man was black is that the thuggish behavior of any person against a LEO is not initiated by the LEO. It comes from the thug.

If black fathers would teach their children to respect the police, to be polite when questioned instead of turning on the 'I'm a tough guy' switch, there would be fewer needless deaths and the leaders of the black communities would have fewer occasions to blame cops (white or black) for the deaths.

The problems within the black community come from within the black community. Criminal behavior and being a tough guy is fostered mainly by a lack of family values and a disrespect for authority and control. For many misguided youth, anarchy would be fine.
Since Ferguson is mainly black there will be more black arrests and well the cops are out in force here to give our speeding and parking tickets as they need to get their quota in for the end of the month, even in white areas. I really seen nothing wrong with his talk. Maybe I missed something. I have no doubt there are racist white as well as racist black cops. We really need to quit this "racist stuff".

Yes what you missed is the President expressing how wrong it was that the shooting took place. This is the second time in just a month that officers were shot for no reason whatsoever. AND THE IMPORTANT THING is to convey to everyone that this is totally wrong. In fact it is worse than just "wrong" - how the hell is killing innocent people a way to protest the killing of innocent people???
It was NOT THE TIME for the President to go on about the Ferguson Police Dept...again... It was a time to speak on how wrong and terrible the shooting is.

I don't think it was, I was on the cops side. That guy had just robbed a store and bullied the owner. Those cops can't let the black run all over them, and then cry "racist" if the cop arrests or has to shoot one.
Since Ferguson is mainly black there will be more black arrests and well the cops are out in force here to give our speeding and parking tickets as they need to get their quota in for the end of the month, even in white areas. I really seen nothing wrong with his talk. Maybe I missed something. I have no doubt there are racist white as well as racist black cops. We really need to quit this "racist stuff".

He said the MB shooting needed to be protested when his own justice department found him innocent.
I have a problem with that.
He said the MB shooting needed to be protested when his own justice department found him innocent.
I have a problem with that.

Exactly what I am saying here...this is almost surreal.
You think he forgets he is the President of the United States? Maybe he thinks he is still a community organizer on a bigger scale.
I can't believe he said that. Like I said, if you look at the video I plced in the linked thread I made here --> Mind of an idiot Man tries to explain why cop killing is tit for tat.. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The President is no different. Both are so clouded with idealism that they just can't face the fact that it was a justified shooting. They don't accept it.
So, do you ODSers understand what a tiny lunatic fringe you are?

I suspect you do. That's why you don't dare talk like this in public. You only try it in the safety of a message board where you can stay anonymous. People who talk like you do in public end up shunned by all decent folk.
So, do you ODSers understand what a tiny lunatic fringe you are?

I suspect you do. That's why you don't dare talk like this in public. You only try it in the safety of a message board where you can stay anonymous. People who talk like you do in public end up shunned by all decent folk.

Ok I will bite - what the heck is "ODSers"

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