Disgusting Pre-K Teacher Doesn't Believe In Keeping Childhood Innocence

If he is bringing SEX into it then he is a sick bastard.

There's a big difference between acceptance of transgender people that have a genetic problem/brainwiring and being a pedophile. Being a pedophile isn't acceptable and should result in severe punishment.

I am 100% against adults trying to have sex with our children. We all know millions of christain fudies want to do just that and we must tell everyone of these mother fuckers that they will rot in prison before they touch our babies!!!
I have no problem teaching children to be tolerant of people with handicaps. Teaching them that questioning their born sex is 'normal' is abuse.
I would not be interested in anything this piece of shit had to say.


William "Willy" Villalpando said "Queerness" and "sexuality" needed to be discussed in classrooms. (iStock | TikTok/screenshot)
He already knows what he is.

Do you really think that male teachers are 45% of the entire population? No. But male pedophiles are certainly drawn to the teaching profession.

Women crazies become teachers as they see that as a place to advance their activitism. That's why when I hear stories like "body of a teacher found", it's not too troubling. Likely they deserve it.
No as a % of population. But you doubled down and insulted all teachers. Wow
He taught everyone. You think male teachers are all Pedos too? You're not all there are you.

No, I don't, but I do notice how desperately you are trying to deflect and derail.

Why is that?
I just want it to answer. EvilCat Breath You have Gay Family Friends.
WHY? Do you fail to answer?
We Know. Prove us wrong.

I have a least 20 Gay Couples that I know Personally.
EVER Family is well Adjusted.
W/Children, either through Surrogate or from previous Family.

Gawd I know that PAINS the RWI EvilCat Breath , but I KNOW these peoples character.
No. I certainly would not. There was a time when I formed these families. Before same sex marriage adopting a child into a family relationship was incredibly complicated. Only one partner could adopt. The other partner had to be Legal Guardian, then each partner had to construct elaborate estate planning with Trusts, Wills, Powers of Attorneys. I did that. Dozens and dozens for years. I also had a chance to see these children grow up. Every one a dysfunctional mess in a lifetime of therapy. I regretted my work. I never did if again.
Thread locked for evaluation and clean up to re-open shortly, with reminder to get back on topic Which isn't personal attack of the night, who has gay friends or not, or whether male teacher are somehow inappropriate, otherwise, the THREAD BANS will begin.
Thread locked for evaluation and clean up to re-open shortly, with reminder to get back on topic Which isn't personal attack of the night, who has gay friends or not, or whether male teacher are somehow inappropriate, otherwise, the THREAD BANS will begin.
Thread open. Food fight is over in the junior high cafeteria. The post topic is the highly degreed nut-ball in California and his ideas of what is appropriate for children to lean in early grades and pre-K.

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