Disheveled Socialist outpolling Mrs. Clinton in New Hampshire


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Whenever the country is rejecting the dishonest, incompetent, mean-spirited, unhealthy, coat-tail riding wife of Bill Clinton---its a Good Thing, no matter the reason.

Like Evita Peron in Argentina, she thinks she is entitled to be President because her husband was once president. But, when you look at her record, and peel back the Democrat Bullshit, that's her only qualification. She bungled all the jobs her husband got her trying to build her a resume.

She is just Bill Clinton's bogus wife. And if she wasn't that, nobody would have ever heard of her.

So, what does it mean when Barney Sanders, or whatever his name is---the damn fool Socialist--is whipping Mrs. Clinton by 7 points in the latest poll out of New Hampshire?

Does it mean the Democrat Party is coming out of the closet, emulating their homosexual constituency, and admitting that they are actually Socialists too?

Or is it a healthier signal....that even Looney Liberals are smart enough to reject this clownish woman who would have spent her life in a desk job in some bureaucracy in a rotting city in the North....if she hadn't married an unfaithful Scots-Irish rogue who happened to be political genius?

Either way, New Hampshire has brought good news to sane people.

The difference between Crazy Bernie and Cankles is small. No doubt they agree on most things and remember Crazy Bernie votes 98% with the is that independent?

That said, Crazy Bernie deserves commendation in my view for his votes against the Iraq War and the Patriot Act, which certainly differs from Cankles.
I've forgotten the true meaning of the word socialist. But, I do know what disheveled means. Your dity dishes are strewn about the kitchen forcing you to eat off of paper plates. ;)
I think the DNC will go with Biden.

Sanders won't get elected and Hilbat is fast losing any momentum she may have had.

The only people who would vote for her are the die hard Democrats who would vote for Jack the Ripper for POTUS as long as he was a Dem.

If the DNC is smart they will kick Hilbat to the curb and go with Biden.
Republicans still showing they have NO CLUE to the difference between socialist,communist and democratic socialist which is what Sanders is and countries that have it are happier and better off.
Republicans still showing they have NO CLUE to the difference between socialist,communist and democratic socialist which is what Sanders is and countries that have it are happier and better off.
Perhaps you should check out their immigration policies?

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