Dishonesty about HIV/AIDS isn't the Answer in the First World...

Again, Quote me, or Shut the Fuck up about things you Perceive outside of this Venue, GTH... You are Baiting about the other Site, and this Site doesn't like it.

Why are Educated and Relatively Wealthy Homosexual Men continuing to Spread AIDS at the Highest Rate of any Group after 30 Years then?... Condoms are a Known "Solution"... So are they Deliberately Chancing AIDS in Cities like San Fran where HIV Infection for them is 1 in 4?

Lesbians Embracement of anything is Irrelevant... If they were doing something that was Infecting and Killing Hundreds of Thousands of them, then they would be a Concern.

I don't Care what ANYONE does unless they Push it on Society and if they Cost Society an Inordinate amount of Money because of their Choices.

Eventually they End up on the State Dime in a Hospice...

Because of an Individual Choice in Defiance of the Obvious Risk of Death.

First of all, If I were King, I would Criminalize Engaging in Sex if you are HIV Infected... I would Probably Mandate Testing, and then Enforce the First Suggestion after the Fact.

It's UnFUCKINGacceptable that Homosexual Men continue to Spread this Disease in the Numbers they are 30 Years AFTER Knowing how NOT to...



he's describing the behavior you've displayed since we were blessed with your presence.

man up, jettboi, or go home.

Fuck Off del... You have yet to Debate with me since I've been here.

You are a Troll and you've Walked away from More than one Difficult Retort to your Trolling by me...



in your dreams
Taking your Joke Seriously, it is Primarily the Woman's Responsibility for Abortion...

That's the way the Law of the Land is, ain't it?



Yes. Like I said. A cheap shot for yucks.

Now, what is your workable solution to this HIV crisis you think we are in?

"We" are not in one, the Homosexual Community is Primarily and Secondarily the Low to Moderate Income Black and Hispanic Female Community who is being Lied to by Homsexual Men about what they do at Night are.

Unless when you said "we", you were Including yourself.



how much time do you spend cruising the 'hood for rough trade?

you're certainly a font of information on the subject.
Eliminating almost ALL of the New HIV Cases could be Done if People Stopped Engaging in the Practice that Continues to Infect and Kill Hundreds of Thousands of People in this Country after 30 Years.
We could eliminate all birth defects if women stopped having children. Where's the anti-motherhood movement?

We will happily withdraw from the society of men and you guys can fuck each other into nonexistence.
Eliminating almost ALL of the New HIV Cases could be Done if People Stopped Engaging in the Practice that Continues to Infect and Kill Hundreds of Thousands of People in this Country after 30 Years.
We could eliminate all birth defects if women stopped having children. Where's the anti-motherhood movement?

We will happily withdraw from the society of men and you guys can fuck each other into nonexistence.

as will you.
Like the Black and Hispanic Communties that are Honestly Homophobic, and yet you are not Intellectually Courageous Enough to Denounce them for their Oppression of their Homosexuals, and the Product of it, Increased HIV Infections amongst their Women...

What does that have to do with anything? And why, of all the points I made, would you only respond to that?

Keep Acting like there'ss not a Problem and instead Blame it all on Homosexuals being Denied a False Equality in Marriage in Law.

Something your President also wants to Continue to Deny Homosexuals.

When did I say HIV among the homosexual population wasn't a problem? What does gay marriage have to do with any of this?

Let's try this again:

You've pointed out something you think is a problem.

We've asked you for a workable solution to the problem.



"We've"... That's my Favorite part of your Evasive Responses...

Go back and ReRead why I said what I said...

You were the one who said "Fake Marriages", you Hammerhead...

Retention Issues?


Yes. Like I said. A cheap shot for yucks.

Now, what is your workable solution to this HIV crisis you think we are in?

"We" are not in one, the Homosexual Community is Primarily and Secondarily the Low to Moderate Income Black and Hispanic Female Community who is being Lied to by Homsexual Men about what they do at Night are.

Unless when you said "we", you were Including yourself.



how much time do you spend cruising the 'hood for rough trade?

you're certainly a font of information on the subject.

About as much time as you Spend Tossing Salad at the Local Prison... You Eat a lot of Men's Ass in Prison, del?... "Community Service"?...

How did I Know it would be you who was so Incapable in Debate that it would go to the Homosexuality as a Pejorative Route?...

Fucking Child.

Do you do ANYTHING else on this Site besides Trolling?...


We could eliminate all birth defects if women stopped having children. Where's the anti-motherhood movement?

We will happily withdraw from the society of men and you guys can fuck each other into nonexistence.

as will you.

We have a hard time giving each other aids. And we can clone female babies and carry them.

We officially no longer need men.

However, being the defender of human rights that I am, I will protect you from extinction. We need you around to fix our cars.
"We" are not in one, the Homosexual Community is Primarily and Secondarily the Low to Moderate Income Black and Hispanic Female Community who is being Lied to by Homsexual Men about what they do at Night are.

Unless when you said "we", you were Including yourself.



how much time do you spend cruising the 'hood for rough trade?

you're certainly a font of information on the subject.

About as much time as you Spend Tossing Salad at the Local Prison... You Eat a lot of Men's Ass in Prison, del?... "Community Service"?...

How did I Know it would be you who was so Incapable in Debate that it would go to the Homosexuality as a Pejorative Route?...

Fucking Child.

Do you do ANYTHING else on this Site besides Trolling?...



pejorative is in the eye of the beholder, spanky.

apparently, you've got some issues to address beyond your pathetic passive/aggressive tendencies.

good luck, jett boi.

"We've"... That's my Favorite part of your Evasive Responses...

Go back and ReRead why I said what I said...

You were the one who said "Fake Marriages", you Hammerhead...

Retention Issues?

Okay, let me try this again:

You deem that married men who are cheating on their spouses and having gay sex, contracting HIV from gay sex (as opposed to cheating on their spouses in the heterosexual way and giving their spouse HIV from that), and passing it on to their partners is a major societal problem.

Now I have asked you what your proposed solution to the problem is.

When I said "fake marriages", I was talking about homosexual men who get married tow women because they want to put up a facade to avoid societal castigation for being gay.

I said nothing about gay marriage. You've inferred something out of my post that I never stated. I don't see gay marriage as being germane to this issue.
Like the Black and Hispanic Communties that are Honestly Homophobic, and yet you are not Intellectually Courageous Enough to Denounce them for their Oppression of their Homosexuals, and the Product of it, Increased HIV Infections amongst their Women...
The Black community is the most violently homophobic known...and has the highest HIV rates of any ethnicity, both gay and straight.

A coincidence? I think not.

You have made it clear, Mal, that the only way to stop HIV is to openly accept homosexuals into mainstream society.
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Like the Black and Hispanic Communties that are Honestly Homophobic, and yet you are not Intellectually Courageous Enough to Denounce them for their Oppression of their Homosexuals, and the Product of it, Increased HIV Infections amongst their Women...
The Black community is the most violently homophobic known...and has the highest HIV rates of any ethnicity, both gay and straight.

A coincidence? I think not.

You have made it clear, Mal, that the only way to stop HIV is to openly accept homosexuals into mainstream society.

And I Support Civil Unions for all other than One Man and One Woman... That would Assist them with the Issues they have with Estates, Health and the rest.

I don't Support the Persecution of Homosexuals, be it in the Minority Communities in the First World, or the Outright Tyranny Against them in the Middle East where they are Executed in the Name of Allah and Law.


how much time do you spend cruising the 'hood for rough trade?

you're certainly a font of information on the subject.

About as much time as you Spend Tossing Salad at the Local Prison... You Eat a lot of Men's Ass in Prison, del?... "Community Service"?...

How did I Know it would be you who was so Incapable in Debate that it would go to the Homosexuality as a Pejorative Route?...

Fucking Child.

Do you do ANYTHING else on this Site besides Trolling?...



pejorative is in the eye of the beholder, spanky.

apparently, you've got some issues to address beyond your pathetic passive/aggressive tendencies.

good luck, jett boi.


^Projection... And your Continued Inability in Debate is Noted.


"We've"... That's my Favorite part of your Evasive Responses...

Go back and ReRead why I said what I said...

You were the one who said "Fake Marriages", you Hammerhead...

Retention Issues?

Okay, let me try this again:

You deem that married men who are cheating on their spouses and having gay sex, contracting HIV from gay sex (as opposed to cheating on their spouses in the heterosexual way and giving their spouse HIV from that), and passing it on to their partners is a major societal problem.

Now I have asked you what your proposed solution to the problem is.

When I said "fake marriages", I was talking about homosexual men who get married tow women because they want to put up a facade to avoid societal castigation for being gay.

I said nothing about gay marriage. You've inferred something out of my post that I never stated. I don't see gay marriage as being germane to this issue.

Part of the Solution would be to have a National Discussion about who and which Communities in the US are Genuinely Homophobic...

The Guilty White Liberals in the Media have a Hard Time Pointing out ANY Ills in this Society unless it's a White Christian Heterosexual Male.

Calling People like me who Opposed Homosexual Marriage, but Support Civil Unions, "Homophobes" and who Oppose the Continued Intrusion into Younger and Younger Classrooms with the Homosexual Agenda, "Homophobes" isn't Dealing with the REAL Problems in our Society, and Specifically in the Minority Communities.

A National Campaign being HONEST about the Inherent Dangers of Homosexual Male Sex would be another thing that could Help.

It's a Type of Sex that NO Respectable Doctor would say was "Safe" at ANY Time... Homo or Hetero, and since it Continues to Overwhelmingly be the Primary Cause of New HIV Infections, even though they only make up about 2-3% of the Population, it's Time to Stop being Dishonest about it.

The Fake Argument that it would Promote "Hate" Against Homosexual is Silly.

The White Community which is about as Tolerant as ANY EVER will be, isn't going to be Shocked of the Surgeon General Starts a Program for the Cities that are Most Affected that Targets the Inherent Dangers of Anal Sex and Alternatives to it for Homosexual Men.

Condoms are OBVIOUSLY NOT the Answer...

30 Years in and the Arguably the Most Affluent and Educated Group in the Country is Continuing the Plague like no other, so Save me the "Condoms" and "Save Sex" Avenue.

It hasn't Worked.

In my OP these is a Link and (3) Top Items of (8) from that Link...

The First (2) do NOT Deal with the Primary Cause of HIV Spread in the First World Today...

The 3rd FINALLY Does.

This is EXACTLY the same way it's Dealt with on a Day to Day, and Most of it is Justified by Continued Reflection of the AIDS Scare of the 80's...

That's Argument is Tired and Irrelevant in the Face of all of these Deaths and Continued New Infections.

Even in the "Heterosexual" HIV Numbers, it is still Primarily "Gay Related", to Use an Old Term that was and Continues to be Valid.

As for a "Solution" that Fixes it?... There isn't one.

But this Society isn't going to Embrace Deviant Sexual Practices for another Generation at Least and in the Meantime, there will be a LOT More Homosexuals Infected and Die and some of them will Infect their Heterosexual Show Partner who will Eventually Leave those Children Orphaned.

The Path we have Traveled for at least the Last (2) Decades hasn't really Changed ANYTHING in the Homosexual Community.

Something Needs to Change.

A Forced Marriage Against the Will of the People, Considering the Liberal State of California's Rejection of it, will Cause MORE Homophobia than you have Witnessed from ALL Races like you haven't Seen since AIDS itself.


he's describing the behavior you've displayed since we were blessed with your presence.

man up, jettboi, or go home.

Fuck Off del... You have yet to Debate with me since I've been here.

You are a Troll and you've Walked away from More than one Difficult Retort to your Trolling by me...



in your dreams



I am curious as to what Mal wants to do about this drastic problem.

I thought that was obvious. tha malignant wants to resurrect and enforce anti-sodomy laws.

He simply lacks the spine to come right out and say it.
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I am curious as to what Mal wants to do about this drastic problem.

I thought that was obvious. tha malignant wants to resurrect and enforce anti-sodomy laws.

He simply lacks the spine to come right out and say it.

Nope... I have Stated Exactly what I would do...

Public Policy Towards Honesty Regarding this Issue.

If People Insist after that, then let them Die...

Just don't Burden Future Generations with the Bill.

I was Against Anti-Sodomy Laws when the Last one was Put Down by the SCOTUS...

But I am NOT going to be Forced by Law to Embrace the Deviancy that is Leading to the Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands, if not Millions at some Point in the First World.

And Fuck you, Mani... ;)


Is this it? That's what it's all about, Mani?


I am curious as to what Mal wants to do about this drastic problem.

I thought that was obvious. tha malignant wants to resurrect and enforce anti-sodomy laws.

He simply lacks the spine to come right out and say it.

Nope... I have Stated Exactly what I would do...

Public Policy Towards Honesty Regarding this Issue.

If People Insist after that, then let them Die...

Just don't Burden Future Generations with the Bill.

I was Against Anti-Sodomy Laws when the Last one was Put Down by the SCOTUS...

But I am NOT going to be Forced by Law to Embrace the Deviancy that is Leading to the Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands, if not Millions at some Point in the First World.

And Fuck you, Mani... ;)



Public Policy Towards Honesty Regarding this Issue. :confused:

wtf does that mean??

You've not stated anything tangible.

You are clearly being coy and a pussy about what you actually propose.

That much is patently obvious.

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