Dismantling Obamacare for political reasons


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Waivers, exemptions & postponements, so what's the problem, lets get rid of it...


Obama Dismantles Obamacare: Insurers Get Cost Cap Waivers

August 13, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

The perverse irony of the whole thing is that while the Republicans have done nothing to stop Obamacare, Obama is busily dismantling his own program by postponing important pieces of it for political reasons.

Obamacare was enough of a mess in its complete form. Then Obama decided to avoid some of the backlash by postponing pieces of it and then he had to try and balance the resulting imbalance by postponing more pieces of it.

The whole thing is manifestly illegal. He has no right to do it and he has admitted as much, claiming that he is acting on behalf of some nebulous public interest by crumpling and tearing out pieces of Obamacare in the hopes of doing better in the midterm elections and avoiding the public anger coming his way.

Instead all that Obama has done is make Obamacare more unstable. Each time he takes out a piece that disadvantages one interest, he is besieged by demands for exemptions from the interests who are hurt by it.

Obamacare messily hurt everyone from insurers to unions to consumers to employers, but tried to turn those pains into some sort of balance. Now the balance is undone and Obama is just tossing things out, granting waivers and exemptions, to try and keep the whole thing from turning over.


Obama has apparently succeeded where Hillary previously failed.

Health care reform.

The difference?

Black VS White.

Black is the new white in America.

You black? Bring it.

You bring it? We take it.

Up the fucking ass.

Up the ass.
Obozo is busily dismantling his own program by postponing important pieces of it for political reasons.

this proves liberals can not think ahead, they only feel their way thru life, when one of them do realize their laws will damage them politically in an up coming election, they scramble to nullify the law or delay it's implementation date.., what a bunch of fucking maroons :lmao: :up:
How ObamaCare Will Expose Americans’ Personal Information

August 14, 2013 By Michael Volpe

Just a day after the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) testified in front of the House Energy and Commerce Committee that everything was on track as far as CMS was concerned in implementing Obamacare, a Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHSOIG) report concluded that CMS was behind schedule on testing key Information Technology security necessary for the automated rollout of key parts of Obamacare.


On August 2, 2013, HHSOIG released a report which concluded that CMS is about two months behind in testing a key IT security system necessary for the smooth rollout of the health care exchanges, and because of this their last test is currently scheduled for the day before, September 30, enrollment officially is supposed to start in these healthcare exchanges.

The system is referred to as the “hub” and it is supposed to be designed to protect the personal information of tens of millions of people from hackers and identity thieves when they enter in their personal information in order to apply for health insurance through these exchanges.


This latest revelation comes on the heels of a report last week by Front Page Magazine on a key loan program which is also attacking the rest of Obamacare like a bureaucratic cancer. Both stories illustrate that Obamacare is a complicated nightmare, with thousands of moving parts, and if any of those parts ever breaks down, that breakdown leads to a domino effect in the system at large.

How ObamaCare Will Expose Americans? Personal Information | FrontPage Magazine
Waivers, exemptions & postponements, so what's the problem, lets get rid of it...


Obama Dismantles Obamacare: Insurers Get Cost Cap Waivers

August 13, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

The perverse irony of the whole thing is that while the Republicans have done nothing to stop Obamacare, Obama is busily dismantling his own program by postponing important pieces of it for political reasons.

Obamacare was enough of a mess in its complete form. Then Obama decided to avoid some of the backlash by postponing pieces of it and then he had to try and balance the resulting imbalance by postponing more pieces of it.

The whole thing is manifestly illegal. He has no right to do it and he has admitted as much, claiming that he is acting on behalf of some nebulous public interest by crumpling and tearing out pieces of Obamacare in the hopes of doing better in the midterm elections and avoiding the public anger coming his way.

Instead all that Obama has done is make Obamacare more unstable. Each time he takes out a piece that disadvantages one interest, he is besieged by demands for exemptions from the interests who are hurt by it.

Obamacare messily hurt everyone from insurers to unions to consumers to employers, but tried to turn those pains into some sort of balance. Now the balance is undone and Obama is just tossing things out, granting waivers and exemptions, to try and keep the whole thing from turning over.


Obama Dismantles Obamacare: Insurers Get Cost Cap Waivers | FrontPage Magazine

AND all of this based on a gigantic fraudulent number: 46 million supposedly uninsured!
NO one has yet refuted these numbers YET NOT ONE of the MSM has picked up on these FACTS!

1) 10 million of supposedly uninsured : ARE NOT CITIZENS!
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Yet Obama has said: "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"

2) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are covered by Medicaid! He of ALL people should know THAT!!!
(NOTE : maybe that's why Obama is NOW saying "30 million"!!!

3) 18 million don't want health insurance as they are under 34, make over $50k and spend less then their share of employers' plans.

AND this is where Obama et.al. are so dishonest! WHY FORCE 18 million people to buy something they don't NEED?

It would be CHEAPER for the government to pay the $20 billion a year in premiums to cover each and every single one of
the 4 million Americans that need and want coverage !

The savings would come from FORCING hospitals to stop padding and passing on to Medicare/insurance companies the
supposedly $49 billion in costs from seeing the "uninsured" in emergency rooms.
Up to $49 billion unpaid by uninsured for hospitalizations - USATODAY.com

Most hospitals because of seeing the "uninsured" pad and pass on to recoup these expenses.
Some hospitals bill Medicare sometimes 6,000% above the hospitals' cost to cover these uninsured!
Force hospitals to register the uninsured. Then honestly send the claims to the ins. companies managing this program!

ALL of this without altering the remaining 99% of Americans' health system.
The Worst Part Of Obamacare

September 10, 2013 By Mark Hendrickson

If you were to ask a group of Americans to name the worst part of ObamaCare, you undoubtedly would get a wide variety of answers.

Trying to pick the worst aspect of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a daunting task. There isn’t enough space in one article even to list all of its problematical aspects, but let’s mention several.

Surely, it’s sad to see the growing number of American hourly workers whose employers are cutting their hours to less than thirty per week to avoid triggering Obamacare expenses. Another bummer is that millions of Americans are finding—surprise!—that their health insurance premiums are rising smartly, despite Obama’s campaign promises that this wouldn’t happen.

I suspect that many voters are really ticked that Obama has colluded with Congress to exempt them and their high-income staffs from Obamacare. This brazen double standard—government officials being exempt from the very laws that they impose on citizens—is an egregious departure from the principles of American government.


One of the least popular provisions of Obamacare involves the so-called death panels. Despite Team Obama’s vigorous denunciations of such a characterization of the Independent Payment Advisory Board that will handle the unpleasant task of rationing health care resources, but what else would you call an unaccountable, unelected panel whose budgetary mandate inevitably will lead to decisions to withhold treatments from patients who consequently will die? It may take awhile for IPAB to “advance” as far as its United Kingdom counterpart whose decisions to withhold care, according to some reports, are responsible for close to one-sixth of all deaths there.


The Worst Part Of Obamacare | FrontPage Magazine
We'd be better off repairing our educational system.

17th on earth...Should be number 1#!
Numbers Aren’t Adding Up for ObamaCare

November 14, 2013 By Arnold Ahl


The Obama administration did its best to inflate the number of ObamaCare enrollees yesterday, but it’s clear even the administration’s most vigorous efforts have fallen short.

The initial announcement made at 3:30 p.m. EST revealed that 106,185 people nationwide had “selected” an ObamaCare health insurance plan. The word “selected” is critical here, because the administration was forced to admit the figure includes people who have signed up for the plan, but have yet to pay for their premiums. At the House Oversight Committee hearing on ObamaCare yesterday, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) forced White House Chief Technology Officer Todd Park to reveal the folly of the administration’s position. “Have you ever shopped on Amazon.com? Chaffetz asked. “Yes sir,” he replied. “When you put something in your shopping cart, is that considered a sale?” Chaffetz continued. “No,” replied Park.

Thus, the “most transparent administration in history” continues to obfuscate, more than likely because there are a lot more Americans who have put a policy from ObamaCare in their “shopping cart,” than those who have actually paid for a premium. As for shopping cart sales per se, the average shopping cart abandonment rate is 65.23 percent. A government-mandated product will undoubtedly see a lower abandonment rate, but the notion that the administration is counting shoppers as enrollees reeks of duplicity and desperation.


Unsurprisingly, the political recriminations are ramping up in earnest. Former President Bill Clinton piled on Obama regarding his bald-faced lie that Americans who like their insurance plan could keep it. Clinton said Obama should keep his promise. ”So I personally believe, even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got,” Clinton said. According to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, Obama was on board with the idea.


Numbers Aren?t Adding Up for ObamaCare | FrontPage Magazine


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The dirty laundry that keeps cropping up on business sites I hardly ever see on any political board to take two cases

Emergency Care vs. Urgent care. Emergency care has to treat everyone whether they can pay or not. Urgent care is restricted to 24 hours of on site care but can treat only those who can and will pay. Not all but the majority of ECUs are going to close. The IPOs for urgent care chains are probably a year or more away but that is one area that will be red-hot as hospitals go out of business due to Obamacare.

Concierge medical care and possibly medical tourism is compliant with Obamacare so long as catastrophic care insurance is purchased as well. This will eventually reduce Obamacare to people with pre-existing conditions. IPOs for concierge medical services will also get hot.

Why isn't this stuff covered in the political threads?

I like you man. When you do a thread, you bring out all the evidence. It is overwhelming. Much respect. :)

I guess if opinions are facts, then it is chock-full-O-facts!


Republicans handle everything that frightens them in the same, misguided, manner ... they trash it so badly that even the dems get confused by it.

During the height of the birther garbage, I asked my dem friends where Obama was born - half of them said "Kenya."
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I guess Barry, Reid and Pelosi can see trouble brewing for the Dems in the next elections.

Of course any sane person would have read a bill before they passed it.

Guess that ain't sayin much for the Dems.
I guess Barry, Reid and Pelosi can see trouble brewing for the Dems in the next elections.

Of course any sane person would have read a bill before they passed it.

Guess that ain't sayin much for the Dems.

You hope and pray, anyway.

That way, no one has to talk about real issues.
I guess Barry, Reid and Pelosi can see trouble brewing for the Dems in the next elections.

Of course any sane person would have read a bill before they passed it.

Guess that ain't sayin much for the Dems.

You hope and pray, anyway.

That way, no one has to talk about real issues.

Oh. So the non affordable care act isn't a real issue?

Okay. Got it.

Carry on.
I guess Barry, Reid and Pelosi can see trouble brewing for the Dems in the next elections.

Of course any sane person would have read a bill before they passed it.

Guess that ain't sayin much for the Dems.

You hope and pray, anyway.

That way, no one has to talk about real issues.

Oh. So the non affordable care act isn't a real issue?

Okay. Got it.

Carry on.
That's not just catty but shortsighted.

by slashing hospital subsidies the overuse and oversupply of medical services will end.

the catastrophic care option will help eliminate incompetent drugs and doctors.

The effective abolishment of non-teaching hospitals means that emergency treatment for the uncovered will end. And that means the undocumented will self-deport in ever greater numbers.

ACA will make the Ds a regional party of no national importance for at least 20 years.
I guess Barry, Reid and Pelosi can see trouble brewing for the Dems in the next elections.

Of course any sane person would have read a bill before they passed it.

Guess that ain't sayin much for the Dems.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV-05TLiiLU]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]


"I didnt read the dry cleaners long bill"

"So they kept my green pant suit"

13 People Lost Health Insurance for Every Person Buying an ObamaCare Plan

December 11, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield


It’s for the greater good. Of the minority. Apparently.

I emphasize bought because ObamaCare is mainly there so far as a Medicaid funnel. But even if you assume that all the people getting their Medicaid on through ObamaCare’s sites were the same people who lost their health insurance because of ObamaCare, we still have a mere gap of 4 million people.

Or as the media would call it a tiny minority. Unfortunately the number of people actually getting health insurance is an even tinier minority.

Just about 1.2 million people have gained health coverage through Obamacare, according to new federal data released Wednesday morning. Approximately 365,000 of those people have purchased private insurance and 803,000 have been determined to be eligible for the public Medicaid program. These numbers count data from both October and November, and show an especially quick growth in HealthCare.gov enrollment.

Surprisingly the majority of users of a government website want free stuff. The users of government who are most adept at this sort of thing, who head right to be an ObamaCare navigator in their local community center tend to be experienced consumers of taxpayer money.


13 People Lost Health Insurance for Every Person Buying an ObamaCare Plan | FrontPage Magazine

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