Dismantling Obamacare for political reasons

It's not getting defended no matter what garbage you are being spoon-fed. Give it a rest - we have needed reform for quite some time. When we elect a republican president, Obamacare will remain ... when are you bozos going to learn?
The Republicans intend to pass a health reform bill in the new year. It will likely include Tort Reform, the ability to sell insurance across State lines, protection against cancellation due to pre-existing conditions, and expanded coverage for the uninsured. The difference...the Government does not mandate coverage and you have choice over what your insurance plan looks like, not the Government.

This will effectively checkmate Obonzo and the Dems.

The Republicans also intend to pass incremental immigration reform.

The strategy appears to be setting themselves up perfectly for the 2014 mid-terms where the Dems only have one card to play, which is to stay dug in on Obonzocare no matter how bad it is. I would say that is not exactly playing a winning hand, but whatever.
It's not getting defended no matter what garbage you are being spoon-fed. Give it a rest - we have needed reform for quite some time. When we elect a republican president, Obamacare will remain ... when are you bozos going to learn?

I agree with you. See my post above. This is the likely Republican plan that will be voted on next year. See if there is anything you like.

Price Introduces Patient-Centered Health Care Solutions | Tom Price

I did read it and I like most of what I read, however, I would like the free ride for people who are stiffing hospitals to end. How do we fix this without insuring everyone? Maybe I missed that.

Sorry for calling anyone here a bozo. :lol:
It's not getting defended no matter what garbage you are being spoon-fed. Give it a rest - we have needed reform for quite some time. When we elect a republican president, Obamacare will remain ... when are you bozos going to learn?

I agree with you. See my post above. This is the likely Republican plan that will be voted on next year. See if there is anything you like.

Price Introduces Patient-Centered Health Care Solutions | Tom Price

I did read it and I like most of what I read, however, I would like the free ride for people who are stiffing hospitals to end. How do we fix this without insuring everyone? Maybe I missed that.

Sorry for calling anyone here a bozo. :lol:

The individual States already supplement hospitals for indigent patients. That has been going on for years. Obamacare actually increases these costs to the taxpayer...they are not lowered. It is one of many false arguments that Obamacare supporters have been using for a long time.

Bottom Line: If you are poor and get medical care, we the people will pay no matter if you were under the old system or Obamacare. The ACA only increases these costs...they do not go down.
I agree with you. See my post above. This is the likely Republican plan that will be voted on next year. See if there is anything you like.

Price Introduces Patient-Centered Health Care Solutions | Tom Price

I did read it and I like most of what I read, however, I would like the free ride for people who are stiffing hospitals to end. How do we fix this without insuring everyone? Maybe I missed that.

Sorry for calling anyone here a bozo. :lol:

The individual States already supplement hospitals for indigent patients. That has been going on for years. Obamacare actually increases these costs to the taxpayer...they are not lowered. It is one of many false arguments that Obamacare supporters have been using for a long time.

Bottom Line: If you are poor and get medical care, we the people will pay no matter if you were under the old system or Obamacare. The ACA only increases these costs...they do not go down.

I disagree. The states bail out the hospitals, but who bails out the states? Federal taxes do.

Rather than anyone subsidize hospitals, I would rather do away with subsidies all together. If you aren't insured, you don't get treated unless you pay cash - no exceptions.

Lets make it easy to insure people and force insurance companies to share the risks - not the government.
The Affordable Care Act First does Harm, Period

By Lloyd Billingsley

While much about Barack Obama remains mysterious, he was easily the most left-wing member of the U.S. Senate. As president of the United States, his left-wing orthodoxy is best manifest in his signature health plan. ObamaCare follows a principle beloved of Karl Marx and other socialist founding fathers: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Note the first word: from. In this order of priorities it is more important what the individual gives up and what the state takes. The individual's particular needs are secondary, and ObamaCare follows this pattern precisely.


So ObamaCare is first and foremost a taking. It not only follows Marx's "from each" principle but violates the principle precept of medical ethics: primum non nocere or "first do no harm," also known as non-maleficience. Faced with a health-related problem, in other words, better not to attempt something that will cause more harm than good.

Consider now the second part of Marx's principle: to each according to his need. Under ObamaCare, individuals do not determine their own needs. They get only the kind of health care government officials, in their infinite wisdom, want them to buy.


Karl Marx and other socialist founders believed themselves part of vanguard supposedly exempt from normal human foibles and possessed of extraordinary powers to plan society for the greater benefit of all. As F.A. Hayek and others have noted, no vanguard can possibly possess the wisdom and knowledge to accomplish that.

ObamaCare serves as evidence of that reality, and so did the former Eastern Bloc, along with Cuba and North Korea at the moment. For all their failures, those societies reserve special treatment for the vanguard. That is also true of ObamaCare.

In recent testimony, Obama's Health and Human Services boss Kathleen Sebelius could not tell legislators how many individuals had signed up, but she did know she was not one of them. Secretary Sebelius expressed contentment with her own federal health plan.


Read more: Articles: The Affordable Care Act First does Harm, Period
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I did read it and I like most of what I read, however, I would like the free ride for people who are stiffing hospitals to end. How do we fix this without insuring everyone? Maybe I missed that.

Sorry for calling anyone here a bozo. :lol:

The individual States already supplement hospitals for indigent patients. That has been going on for years. Obamacare actually increases these costs to the taxpayer...they are not lowered. It is one of many false arguments that Obamacare supporters have been using for a long time.

Bottom Line: If you are poor and get medical care, we the people will pay no matter if you were under the old system or Obamacare. The ACA only increases these costs...they do not go down.

I disagree. The states bail out the hospitals, but who bails out the states? Federal taxes do.

Rather than anyone subsidize hospitals, I would rather do away with subsidies all together. If you aren't insured, you don't get treated unless you pay cash - no exceptions.

Lets make it easy to insure people and force insurance companies to share the risks - not the government.

Obamacare vastly increases the risk for we the taxpayers with the Medicaid expansion. Those folks pay nothing and you and I are on the hook. Obamacare will also apparently subsidize insurance companies for "private insurance" if the patient mix is poor. Again, we the taxpayer are on the hook.
The individual States already supplement hospitals for indigent patients. That has been going on for years. Obamacare actually increases these costs to the taxpayer...they are not lowered. It is one of many false arguments that Obamacare supporters have been using for a long time.

Bottom Line: If you are poor and get medical care, we the people will pay no matter if you were under the old system or Obamacare. The ACA only increases these costs...they do not go down.

I disagree. The states bail out the hospitals, but who bails out the states? Federal taxes do.

Rather than anyone subsidize hospitals, I would rather do away with subsidies all together. If you aren't insured, you don't get treated unless you pay cash - no exceptions.

Lets make it easy to insure people and force insurance companies to share the risks - not the government.

Obamacare vastly increases the risk for we the taxpayers with the Medicaid expansion. Those folks pay nothing and you and I are on the hook. Obamacare will also apparently subsidize insurance companies for "private insurance" if the patient mix is poor. Again, we the taxpayer are on the hook.

He/she not going to understand, he/she says he's/she's MAD and probably an immigrunt from the ME via euroland home of the free stuff...:eusa_angel:
Obamacare may be law but it's going down. The only thing that can keep it afloat is young people bending over for the commies and paying astronomical prices for something they'll be discouraged from using so the welfare bums and other Dem voters can have a free ride. That ain't gonna happen, it's not happening now and won't happen no matter how many Hollywood celebrities he gets to lie for him.

Obama thought he could force young people to finance this shit by threatening them with fines and jail time but if none of them capitulate (and so far, they're not), what's he gonna do, arrest 100 million people?
Obamacare may be law but it's going down. The only thing that can keep it afloat is young people bending over for the commies and paying astronomical prices for something they'll be discouraged from using so the welfare bums and other Dem voters can have a free ride. That ain't gonna happen, it's not happening now and won't happen no matter how many Hollywood celebrities he gets to lie for him.

Obama thought he could force young people to finance this shit by threatening them with fines and jail time but if none of them capitulate (and so far, they're not), what's he gonna do, arrest 100 million people?
If you manage your taxes right you can't even be fined for not using ACA. Washington State's 1991-9 attempt at a similar bill on the state level is probably the better model of likely endgame: an expensive escalating disaster. Once ACA gets localized to blue and purple states by the next president medicaid migration will destroy their economies. As those states rid themselves of state and local government pensions through bankruptcies and defaults the D political machines will die.
Downgraded: Insurance Companies Taste Wrath of ObamaCare

January 24, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert

Another day, another dose of bad news for ObamaCare. On Thursday, Moody’s Investor Service announced it was downgrading its outlook for America’s healthcare insurance sector from “stable” to “negative,” due to ObamaCare. “While all of these issues had been on our radar screen as we approached 2014, a new development and a key factor for the change in outlook is the unstable and evolving regulatory environment under which the sector is operating,” Moody’s said. “Notably, new regulations and presidential announcements over the last several months with respect to the ACA have imposed operational changes well after product and pricing decisions had been finalized.”

Moody’s is being polite. It is no secret that President Obama has made unilateral and constitutionally suspect decisions to postpone or alter major sections of the law. His ham-fisted attempts to mitigate the political damage attending the disastrous website rollout, and his oft-repeated lie that Americans could keep their insurance policies and doctors, has wreaked havoc on insurers struggling to keep up with the massive fiscal adjustments those decisions engendered.

Moody’s also cited the the lack of enrollment by younger, healthier Americans needed to keep the healthcare plan fiscally viable as another reason for the downgrade. “Uncertainty over the demographics of those enrolling in individual products through the exchanges is a key factor in Moody’s outlook change,” the ratings agency added.


Michael Steel, spokesman for House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH), insisted that “a ‘clean’ debt limit increase simply won’t pass in the House.” Looks like Krauthammer is onto something. Moody’s may be as well. Both may have come to the same conclusion: an “unstable and evolving regulatory environment” can cut both ways.

Downgraded: Insurance Companies Taste Wrath of ObamaCare | FrontPage Magazine
ObamaCare’s Economic Destruction Exposed

February 5, 2014 by Matthew Vadum


A new government study projects that Obamacare will kill 2 million full-time American jobs in 2017, confirming the approaching economic devastation about which the budget-busting program’s critics have warned for years.

The study came as Obama administration allies unveiled plans to saturate the airwaves with animal videos in a bid to dupe young women into signing up for the failing government program.

As the government report shows, contrary to the promises of President Obama, the Obamacare law will boot people out of their health care plans, encourage idleness, drive wages down, increase the government’s tax take, and fail to put a dent in the number of Americans without health insurance coverage.

In other words, it’s Wednesday at the White House.


Anecdotal evidence suggests that only between 5 and 15 percent of the sign-ups “have actually paid their first premium and are in fact enrolled,” notes Cannon.

“Only the government can get away with this. If Amazon.com counted everything sitting in their customers’ shopping carts as ‘sales,’ they would probably find themselves under indictment and the subject of shareholder lawsuits. I’m guessing President Obama would be outraged.”

Of course Obama would be. But he’s an imperial president and the nation’s number one media celebrity, so the rules about accountability don’t apply to him, especially when it comes to his signature monstrosity.

ObamaCare?s Economic Destruction Exposed | FrontPage Magazine
Waivers, exemptions & postponements, so what's the problem, lets get rid of it...


Obama Dismantles Obamacare: Insurers Get Cost Cap Waivers

August 13, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

The perverse irony of the whole thing is that while the Republicans have done nothing to stop Obamacare, Obama is busily dismantling his own program by postponing important pieces of it for political reasons.

Obamacare was enough of a mess in its complete form. Then Obama decided to avoid some of the backlash by postponing pieces of it and then he had to try and balance the resulting imbalance by postponing more pieces of it.

The whole thing is manifestly illegal. He has no right to do it and he has admitted as much, claiming that he is acting on behalf of some nebulous public interest by crumpling and tearing out pieces of Obamacare in the hopes of doing better in the midterm elections and avoiding the public anger coming his way.

Instead all that Obama has done is make Obamacare more unstable. Each time he takes out a piece that disadvantages one interest, he is besieged by demands for exemptions from the interests who are hurt by it.

Obamacare messily hurt everyone from insurers to unions to consumers to employers, but tried to turn those pains into some sort of balance. Now the balance is undone and Obama is just tossing things out, granting waivers and exemptions, to try and keep the whole thing from turning over.


Obama Dismantles Obamacare: Insurers Get Cost Cap Waivers | FrontPage Magazine
Well, looking at your chart. I see they have managed to simplify the law some...
Waivers, exemptions & postponements, so what's the problem, lets get rid of it...


Obama Dismantles Obamacare: Insurers Get Cost Cap Waivers

August 13, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

The perverse irony of the whole thing is that while the Republicans have done nothing to stop Obamacare, Obama is busily dismantling his own program by postponing important pieces of it for political reasons.

Obamacare was enough of a mess in its complete form. Then Obama decided to avoid some of the backlash by postponing pieces of it and then he had to try and balance the resulting imbalance by postponing more pieces of it.

The whole thing is manifestly illegal. He has no right to do it and he has admitted as much, claiming that he is acting on behalf of some nebulous public interest by crumpling and tearing out pieces of Obamacare in the hopes of doing better in the midterm elections and avoiding the public anger coming his way.

Instead all that Obama has done is make Obamacare more unstable. Each time he takes out a piece that disadvantages one interest, he is besieged by demands for exemptions from the interests who are hurt by it.

Obamacare messily hurt everyone from insurers to unions to consumers to employers, but tried to turn those pains into some sort of balance. Now the balance is undone and Obama is just tossing things out, granting waivers and exemptions, to try and keep the whole thing from turning over.


Obama Dismantles Obamacare: Insurers Get Cost Cap Waivers | FrontPage Magazine
Well, looking at your chart. I see they have managed to simplify the law some...

Yep, they have a special word for it, clusterfuck...:eusa_angel:

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