Wales may be first country to outlaw lying politicians

It depends on who is determining what a lie is and what is not....

So now will any of our board libs finally admit Biden lied about Trump's Charlottesville comments?....
Sounds like the left came up with that plan. You know how it is, sue Fox News for zillions because of a lie, let left news go on about lies until the public's prepared for another.

Who here likes the idea?

Personally, I think all that would happen is that the globalist pets, like Hillary and Pelosi, would not be held to the same standards as Trump or Menendez who are the stepchildren of the elites.

They would claim that Hillary or Pelosi never meant to deceive or they have evolved on the issue or some sort of crap like that.

But as a rule, it makes a whole lot of sense considering the fact that your vote is worth nothing if it is based on a lie. Democracy simply ceases to be.

After all, if Obama were a CEO and sold you Obamacare telling you that you would not lose your doctor and rates would not go up and he lied to you, he would go to jail

However, he lied about those things, and he got reelected anyway.
The thing is, like Socialism, it sounds good on paper. But in real life, does it work?

All countries need to do is make politicians responsible for their actions.

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