Victory! America routs Iran/Hamas forces at First Battle for California

America's powers against Iran and other Brics countries, ends at America's borders

. It's time to redirect the hate within to more productive hating 'without'.
Fk, if that were true
Yet another thread with dumb cons cheering on the police state. They have no idea the tyranny they support. Fox News has them by the balls. Fucking pussies.

I’ve Covered Violent Crackdowns on Protests for 15 Years. This Police Overreaction Was Unhinged.

When police attacked student protesters, a lone trash can was the only damaged property I saw around City College of New York.

A LONE TRASH CAN lay on its side at the intersection of W. 139th St and Amsterdam Ave in Harlem, in front of the gates of the City College of New York.

At around 11 p.m. on Tuesday night, this was the extent of damaged property that I witnessed outside the college campus. At the same time, New York Police Department officers in riot regalia had amassed in their hundreds, including members of the Strategic Response Group — a unit dedicated to public unrest and “counterterrorism.”

More police had stormed through the school’s neo-Gothic gates less than an hour before, at the behest of the college’s president, to arrest protesting students en masse.

Twenty blocks south, police had locked down and barricaded all streets in a two-block radius of Columbia University, brutally arresting students inside the inaccessible campus.

Between Columbia and City College, over 200 protesters — almost all students — were arrested before the night was out.

I’ve Covered Violent Crackdowns on Protests for 15 Years. This Police Overreaction Was Unhinged.
Yet another thread with dumb cons cheering on the police state. They have no idea the tyranny they support. Fox News has them by the balls. Fucking pussies.

I’ve Covered Violent Crackdowns on Protests for 15 Years. This Police Overreaction Was Unhinged.

When police attacked student protesters, a lone trash can was the only damaged property I saw around City College of New York.

A LONE TRASH CAN lay on its side at the intersection of W. 139th St and Amsterdam Ave in Harlem, in front of the gates of the City College of New York.

At around 11 p.m. on Tuesday night, this was the extent of damaged property that I witnessed outside the college campus. At the same time, New York Police Department officers in riot regalia had amassed in their hundreds, including members of the Strategic Response Group — a unit dedicated to public unrest and “counterterrorism.”

More police had stormed through the school’s neo-Gothic gates less than an hour before, at the behest of the college’s president, to arrest protesting students en masse.

Twenty blocks south, police had locked down and barricaded all streets in a two-block radius of Columbia University, brutally arresting students inside the inaccessible campus.

Between Columbia and City College, over 200 protesters — almost all students — were arrested before the night was out.

I’ve Covered Violent Crackdowns on Protests for 15 Years. This Police Overreaction Was Unhinged.
cause every protest is so peaceful right? hahahahaahahaha dude, you've lost your fking mind! what happened to you?
Yet another thread with dumb cons cheering on the police state. They have no idea the tyranny they support. Fox News has them by the balls. Fucking pussies.

I’ve Covered Violent Crackdowns on Protests for 15 Years. This Police Overreaction Was Unhinged.

When police attacked student protesters, a lone trash can was the only damaged property I saw around City College of New York.

A LONE TRASH CAN lay on its side at the intersection of W. 139th St and Amsterdam Ave in Harlem, in front of the gates of the City College of New York.

At around 11 p.m. on Tuesday night, this was the extent of damaged property that I witnessed outside the college campus. At the same time, New York Police Department officers in riot regalia had amassed in their hundreds, including members of the Strategic Response Group — a unit dedicated to public unrest and “counterterrorism.”

More police had stormed through the school’s neo-Gothic gates less than an hour before, at the behest of the college’s president, to arrest protesting students en masse.

Twenty blocks south, police had locked down and barricaded all streets in a two-block radius of Columbia University, brutally arresting students inside the inaccessible campus.

Between Columbia and City College, over 200 protesters — almost all students — were arrested before the night was out.

I’ve Covered Violent Crackdowns on Protests for 15 Years. This Police Overreaction Was Unhinged.

Beat their dumb asses.
Brain rot from overconsumption of far-left media. Sadly, a common condition in our country in 2024.
and the mthr fker points at us as the nut jobs, hilarious at the max!!!!

demofks take over buildings, stop people from getting to the airports, smack other students around, ban them from getting to class and we're the ones with an issue. hahahaahahahahahaahahaahahahaaha fk can't make it up I tell ya!
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Hope and change in all of its rainbow colors. Our nation has real issues to improve on. Many of them caused or made worse from our elected and non-elected powerful.
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

Against all Jews.

And more...

And more...

Responding to thread by Islamist quoting a fake piece by infamous CJ Werleman.
30 Jan 2024

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.

In whitewashing HER-Hitler and Nazis' worshipping, Luiza claimed to "deny" Kristallnacht .(Feb 5, 2024).

More from the horrific Luiza on WW2, IT wrote:
The disabled , Roma and Jews were probably top of the list which was fiendishly brilliant.... .(Mar 6, 2023).
If you want to fight the police state, do it from your own front porch. Do not choose a college campus where you have denied entrance to other people who ALSO paid tuition, ALSO live there and ALSO have as much right to be there as YOU do. After all, that's VERY authoritarian of you.

No wonder democrats squat on private property. They think they own the world.
The Battle of the Bulge

The Battle of Britain

The Battle of California.

How times have changed.
Yeah, the right wing need to feel macho is pretty pathetic. I don’t know if that is an example of the phrase “toxic masculinity” but it sure sounds like it.

10 years from now, a bunch of dudes sitting in a bar exchanging war stories...

“My squad was pinned down by 3,500 VietCong.”
“My squad had to face MG42’s off the coast of Normandy"
“My squad had to face the stale stench of 3 day old Panera bagels”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy the police did what they did but it’s not “the battle of California”. Grow the fuck up.
I agree that those protesting don't give a damn abut Palestinians or Israel and probably could find neither on a map. Not sure I agree that we should not push back though. Appeasement instead of resisting evil has never resulted in anything good in the history of the world.
I never said a word about appeasement.

They have to be fought but fought intelligently
Okay I'll bite. How do you fight intelligently with rioting bigots chanting death to Israel, drive out all the Jews, we stand with Hamas?
Some Americans sided with the Vietnamese people, who were America's enemy, but that didn't subtract from their winning cause of ending America's war.
WInning what? Stupid Spoiled Brats of the Year trophies?
Taking away your parental rights. Restricting your property rights. Advancing the cause of socialism in response to climate change. Weakening the criminal justice system to spread crime and chaos. Dominatinmg and controlliung education.
The list goes on
Okay I'll bite. How do you fight intelligently with rioting bigots chanting death to Israel, drive out all the Jews, we stand with Hamas?
Officiually trhe government needs to be pressured to ignore both sides in that war. And the war in Ukraine.

Wea should be supporting and funding none of the sides in either of those wars.

ON the ground at universities those protestors need to have the tables turned which means ignoring them until THEY precipitate some violence which they will

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