Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

I'm at the bottom, not even trying for the top of the pond. It's great! I get to point out stupidity and assholery on both sides, without guilt and still get all the benefits from making my way in the world, without having to be beholding to either of the two political parties. I've been in the military and in the business world and sales, making me pretty resistant to sales pitches by just about everybody. I just cannot see the benefit to ME to believing and committing. Both fringe sides (the ones doing all the shouting) are pretty much asshole, and I wouldn't want one of them hanging around my pool. Friends might think I had lost my standards.
To be neutral in such times is taking the side of the insane Left. It’s no different than saying you were neutral during the Civil War. You’ve picked a side by claiming neutrality.
To be neutral in such times is taking the side of the insane Left. It’s no different than saying you were neutral during the Civil War. You’ve picked a side by claiming neutrality.
That’s a BS statement of I’ve ever heard one. We aren’t in a civil war. Two sides of wingnuts are fighting like school children. Both are embarrassing themselves. The best position to be in is neutral and not feeding either of the whacko partisan parties
That’s a BS statement of I’ve ever heard one. We aren’t in a civil war. Two sides of wingnuts are fighting like school children. Both are embarrassing themselves. The best position to be in is neutral and not feeding either of the whacko partisan parties
Lot of people denied we were in a divided nation in 1860 too.
The only unknown is can the evil people be crushed peacefully or not.
You guys are really after the Mouse. I'd take my kids there again if they were small. They ain't the great Satan, though your cancel culture is doing an excellent marketing job.
I would not and will not. So they lost me not you. I we cancelled our Disney trip. Sucks for us and for Disney.
The problem with what the State is doing (and I'm a big DeSantis supporter) is that they're now trying to say this is being done because Disney has unfair business concessions, but anyone with a pulse knows that's not why they're doing it, at all.

I'm all in favor of the law prohibiting sex education to kids in grammar school, but I'm vehemently against the State now punishing a corporation for expressing an opinion. This will set a monumentally dangerous precedent, in that it will now be perfectly acceptable to financially attack any entity at all for expressing an opinion. Florida Republicans need to pray to whatever God they believe in that a democrat never becomes Governor, because this will come back to bite them in the proverbial ass, and they won't have a leg to stand on when trying to contest it.

As big a supporter of DeSantis as I am, I think he's dead wrong for doing this, and I think it could very easily hurt his political aspirations beyond the State House...
Disney is pushing shit too far, in my mind, but going too far the other way is seldom the correct answer.

in Orlando this week and it's interesting get the locals opinion. yes it may hurt Disney, but their taxes are going up now.

just a question of how much.
They are dangerous if people follow them. Several on this board trying desperately to get people to throw away your vote on av3rd party.

Which would have put Hillary in. No way
Several of them are just lefties pretending to be Libertarians/Independants. Which…can you blame them? How embarrassing is it to be a Biden supporter?
To be neutral in such times is taking the side of the insane Left. It’s no different than saying you were neutral during the Civil War. You’ve picked a side by claiming neutrality.
Take them to court and win on something. I have personally not seen them grooming or abusing or indoctrinating any kids, nor have I seen video of them grooming or abusing or indoctrinating any kids. I have no doubt, if you took your kid to Disney World, nobody from Disney would harm your kid. If you want to attack them, knock yourself out and enjoy yourself. I have no problem with that, either. I just don't feel a need to jump on your bandwagon and I don't own any Disney stock. You already know, I'm not much of a joiner. It is unlikely you could change me. Not everything is a war to me, and never has been or will be.
Corporations usually have very effective 'lobbyists' that 'convince' 'representatives' to pass laws they like. Perhaps Disney was trying to go cheap and appeal directly to the clientele.
It’s tragic that such people were allowed to take over the once great company that was established to entertain children.

I don’t know whether it was Trump or what, but some catalyst occurred to make all of these sexual deviants come out of the closet and expose themselves. And Americans are taking names.

Disney’s stock has lost nearly $50 billion in value since the start of March, when it took a political gamble to oppose Florida’s controversial new education law.

Disney’s stock was down more than 2% on Friday and by more than 8.5% over the past few days as Florida lawmakers work to punish the company for wading into the state’s politics. The stock’s market cap has declined by about $46.6 billion since March 1, just days before the company came out against the legislation.

Fake News

Walt Disney Company (The) stock downgraded from Sell Candidate to Strong Sell Candidate after Friday trading session

Just kidding. Real news. When the BOD alienates half the country well sales and future sales will look bleak.

Fort Fun Indiana this has little to nothing to do with the Florida legislature. Disney Fla is just one aspect of Disney. The fact that the company has moved too far left is the real reason and many parents are moving away from it. Myself and my wife included. Thank you for allowing me to educate you.
Hmm. Good to hear from someone on the scene, but I still suspect it is just cancel culture BS.
cancel culture is demanding someone gets, fired or business goes under cause you hate them.

when you simply decide to stop supporting something and move on, it's a personal decision.
It’s tragic that such people were allowed to take over the once great company that was established to entertain children.

I don’t know whether it was Trump or what, but some catalyst occurred to make all of these sexual deviants come out of the closet and expose themselves. And Americans are taking names.

Disney’s stock has lost nearly $50 billion in value since the start of March, when it took a political gamble to oppose Florida’s controversial new education law.

Disney’s stock was down more than 2% on Friday and by more than 8.5% over the past few days as Florida lawmakers work to punish the company for wading into the state’s politics. The stock’s market cap has declined by about $46.6 billion since March 1, just days before the company came out against the legislation.

In stock value? That just means it's a good buy.

As far as Disney in Florida goes, every tourist dollar that doesn't come in, is a loss for Florida.

Disney is in a no lose situation.

Florida is in a no win situation.
Take them to court and win on something. I have personally not seen them grooming or abusing or indoctrinating any kids, nor have I seen video of them grooming or abusing or indoctrinating any kids. I have no doubt, if you took your kid to Disney World, nobody from Disney would harm your kid. If you want to attack them, knock yourself out and enjoy yourself. I have no problem with that, either. I just don't feel a need to jump on your bandwagon and I don't own any Disney stock. You already know, I'm not much of a joiner. It is unlikely you could change me. Not everything is a war to me, and never has been or will be.
Nah I ll just Have my kids watch other sources and old Disney DVDs. Most of the country is straight and kids shows should reflect that or remain neutral. Just my view as a parent. Disney has lost my business.

You guys are really after the Mouse. I'd take my kids there again if they were small. They ain't the great Satan, though your cancel culture is doing an excellent marketing job.
I live in Florida and I have 9 grandkids (one biological) and I am a very overindulgent grannie----I won't be taking any to any Disney properties. I loved Walt Disney growing up---------but his descendents such as his grand neice is just a narcissitic woke nutcase....I will enjoy watching the Disney empire suffering.
I would not and will not. So they lost me not you. I we cancelled our Disney trip. Sucks for us and for Disney.
You've always struck me as a family responsible guy. This is something for people like you with actual kids, to make whatever decision or stand, you choose, not me. You will spend your vacation dollar somewhere and in the end. These are the decisions that have a potential to changed Disney, not the online culture war hoopla on the internet, although, I don't think decisions by ticket buyers have changed the NFL and it's kneeling employee spokespersons.

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