Disney on target to lose 800 million in one quarter...with Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, Indiana Jones...wow.....

Other areas of the company more than made up for that $800 million loss from Disney+ and Hulu. They reported an 13% increase in their 3rd quarter earnings.
I just skipped over your word salad here, because frankly, I don't care if you claim you are left, when you still say crazy stuff. I've got a guy who claims he's on the left but still promotes racist social darwinism on threads.

My problem with Disney is that it "Disneyfies" things. The Jungle Book and Hunchback of Notre Dame are not stories with "Happy Endings", but man, Disney gave them some. The real story of Pocahontas was a fucking tragedy. But shit if Disney didn't make that a happy story! (The right wing didn't like it because it implied that colonialism was bad.)

Now, how pervasive is this? A while back, my then 11 year old niece was showing me her video of the 1942 version of "The Jungle Book". And she exclaimed with all sincerity.. "It's not the real Jungle Book by Walt Disney!"

"Sweetie, do you realize Walt Disney didn't write the Jungle Book. Do you know who did?"

"Someone who wasn't Walt Disney" she replied, and her mother laughed.

Disney isn't Marxist or Leninist... it's the worst kind of Capitalist. The on that takes something and squeezed all the flavor out of if for cheap profit.

But yeah, you’re a narcissist with no capacity to discern the worldviews of others, and Disney’s a slimy company which sometimes makes great flicks.
Other areas of the company more than made up for that $800 million loss from Disney+ and Hulu. They reported an 13% increase in their 3rd quarter earnings.
Thank you.

This is the second time i’ve seen you posting thoughtfully on this forum - you may be too good for us. :p

Haters fail to understand the economics of the Disney model, and where losses are compensated for elsewhere, often as anticipated/planned for.
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Disney will go on because Hollywood accounting is fungible. Don't believe these movies lost money.

What Hollywood does need to do (not just Disney) is worry less about production values and more about story and character.

Take the latest Indiana Jones Debacle.

The first Indiana Jones Movie cost $20 million to make ($67 million in today's dollars) to make in 1981 and earned $389 million dollars. (1.3 Billion in today's dollars)

The last one cost $295 million to make and earned $381 million. It actually made a profit, just not a very large one. If it had been made on a practical budget of $100 million, it would have been a smash hit.
^ Has no idea what he’s talking about in terms of Disney output; needs to work on paying attention to the voices outside his head.

Disney’s put out two of the greatest films in the history of cinema under it’s primary banner in just the last 10 years; some would say far more than just two.
But yeah, you’re a narcissist with no capacity to discern the worldviews of others, and Disney’s a slimy company which sometimes makes great flicks.

When you talk about Mary Poppins being a Communist, I JUST CAN'T TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY!!!

^ Has no idea what he’s talking about in terms of Disney output; needs to work on paying attention to the voices outside his head.

Disney’s put out two of the greatest films in the history of cinema under it’s primary banner in just the last 10 years; some would say far more than just two.

Meh, not really. Just two out of dozens of Disney, Marvel and Star Wars films they've put out. Even a Blind Squirrel finds a nut.
When you talk about Mary Poppins being a Communist, I JUST CAN'T TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY!!!

That was the idea, Einstein.

I’d say you can’t be this dense, but experience proves otherwise.
Meh, not really. Just two out of dozens of Disney, Marvel and Star Wars films they've put out. Even a Blind Squirrel finds a nut.
They’ve put out some fun movies, some great movies, and two classics, the last under the Disney banner.
Ugh, you think Taylor Swift is talented? No wonder you have no taste.
You are the target Disney Audience
I'm afraid you fail to see the agenda through the pride flags. Disney's target audience was the angry Dem / Socialist who was on board the crazy train of everything gay is OK. It's a whole lot of succumbing to the wokiest of the belligerent woke.

As with so much that defines the angry, self-loathing Dem / Socialist religion of crazy, they pandered to the most extreme element of the woke mob. The corporate mentality was to keep making the most pandering gayest of gay films even as each one was a bigger disaster than the last.

"each one was a bigger disaster than the last.''

Hey, that reads just like a documentary of the Biden, Dem / Socialist agenda.
I'm afraid you fail to see the agenda through the pride flags. Disney's target audience was the angry Dem / Socialist who was on board the crazy train of everything gay is OK. It's a whole lot of succumbing to the wokiest of the belligerent woke.

You see, this is why you need to turn off the Hate Radio.

I have family members who go to Disneyland every year with their kids. They don't describe what you seem to think is happening there at all. Imagine that.

Nothing wrong with being gay, by the way. Some of the best people I know are gay. Some of the worst people I know are religious fanatics.
You see, this is why you need to turn off the Hate Radio.

I have family members who go to Disneyland every year with their kids. They don't describe what you seem to think is happening there at all. Imagine that.

Nothing wrong with being gay, by the way. Some of the best people I know are gay. Some of the worst people I know are religious fanatics.
Disney is not as Prog Socialist as you believe. They will destroy people over the privileged.
You see, this is why you need to turn off the Hate Radio.

I have family members who go to Disneyland every year with their kids. They don't describe what you seem to think is happening there at all. Imagine that.

Nothing wrong with being gay, by the way. Some of the best people I know are gay. Some of the worst people I know are religious fanatics.
See, this is why the "... because I say so", weasel is such a glaring failure.

I have no reason to accept your " ...but ... but... but... I have family", claims.

What I found typical was your avoidance of the disaster that is woke, angry and belligerently gay Disney.

Despite CEO Bob Iger's call for quality over quantity earlier this year, The Walt Disney Company has lost nearly $900 million on recent movies, according to a recent analysis. The company's last eight films have suffered extravagant losses, according to box office analyst Valliant Renegade.

Yeah. Some of my best friends are gay™.

Tell your gay friends they might want to buy $Nine hundred million in tickets to Disney movies because the flaming gay flops are a gift that keeps on giving.
Ugh, you think Taylor Swift is talented? No wonder you have no taste.
You are the target Disney Audience

I’d hoped you’d get it, but kinda knew you’d miss it.


It’s a shame really - so much good Swift (and for so long), and so much good Disney.

See, this is why the "..

Your need for attention is amusing... you must have a sad life.

It’s a shame really - so much good Swift (and for so long), and so much good Disney.

Let me guess, you also think that McDonald's is fine dining!

Here's the thing. What makes Disney so awful isn't that it's too "pro-Gay" because they listened to their gay employees and stood up to DeSatan.

What makes it awful is that it's creativity by committee. Which inevitably leads to the "Lowest Common Denominator".

Let's take their stewardship of Marvel. Now, Phase 1, when Marvel was still its own thing, was pretty good. Having sold off the X-Men, Spiderman, and the Fantastic Four to big studios that had no idea what to do with them, they instead decided to run things themselves. Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America weren't the big-name IPs, but they were good enough when you put them with a good story and engaging actors.

Then Disney came in... and pretty much these movies started getting reduced to the same formula you saw in Iron Man. It worked once, why not again... and again.. and again.
Says the Moon Bat that is afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome and is absolutely bat shit crazy obsessed with hating Kyle Rittenhouse.
WOW......^^^^^^ this a bunch of Bat-Shit Crazy that you continually Bitch about.

You might need to change up your worn out seat on that couch.
Get up and move around, Dear Lord.

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