Disorder Breaks Out as Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Up Sexually Explicit Photos of Hunter Biden During IRS Whistleblower Hearing (VIDEO)

Yes, it turns out that the butt of a mean joke rarely if ever thinks it's funny. If you want people to laugh with you you gotta take the mean out.
Don't be a dumbass, foolish enough to attempt to put words in my mouth, unspoken, or unsupported by logic or fact, by creating a false equivalency, where none exists by injecting an unsupported premise between fact and conclusion.
Your silence on the issue raised is deafening.
Your problem is supporting filth in grade schools while pretending you don't.
I think it's sad that you have such a low opinion about teachers. I'm absolutely convinced that the vast majority of teachers chose the profession because they care about children and want nothing but the best for em. It really pisses me off that a whole profession gets smeared as groomers or some sort of perverts because the GOP has finally acknowledged to itself that they don't have an economic agenda for America and decided to run on that dumb culture war issues instead.
I think it's sad that you have such a low opinion about teachers. I'm absolutely convinced that the vast majority of teachers chose the profession because they care about children and want nothing but the best for em. It really pisses me off that a whole profession gets smeared as groomers or some sort of perverts because the GOP has finally acknowledged to itself that they don't have an economic agenda for America and decided to run on that dumb culture war issues instead.
I'm not sure 'care' is the word you're looking for, more like opportunity to exploit for their political agenda and personal degenerate needs. Teachers used to keep distance between personal and professional matters. Flying fag flags in classrooms, pushing gender confusion on children, and a slew of other non-intellectual endeavors, cross any lines of professionalism.
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I'm not sure 'care' is the word you're looking for, more like opportunity to exploit for their political agenda and personal degenerate needs. Teachers used to keep distance between personal and professional matters. Flying fag flags in classrooms, pushing gender confusion on children, and a slew of other non-intellectual endeavors, cross any lines of professionalism.
You sound like a raving lunatic.
Oh come on....You guys are a bunch of wussies. You get the 'vapors' and shrivel up at the notion that Trump touched a woman's pussy but when you see pictures of Hunter actually 'doing the dirty' you cheer. What a bunch of hypocritical perverts.
Quiet, magaturd. You have nothing pertainent to add.
Spoken like a true Marxist Democrat. "I don't agree with you so, I'm going to try to shut you up"
That Marxist shit is funny. Guess what Leo, I'm thinking about Marxist stuff again. Later on I'm gonna do Marxist stuff. And there is nothing you can do about it.

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