Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

I have several friends from South Korea. They keep me abreast of the news there. They are quite super charged.

Anyone who looks at them side by side can see the ridiculousness of the claim,

"North Korea was more industrialized and its citizens enjoyed a higher standard of living than the South Koreans until the 1990s"

Too much vodka.
I don't think you understood my point.

Without the signals of price and profit, how do you tell
if your product is one that is in demand by consumers?

Communist central planners had to come up with millions of prices
across their economies. They had to plan how many units of each product were made.

How successful were their plans?

More successful than capitalists?

Just as successful as capitalists?

Less successful than capitalists?
I don’t think your living in reality. This isn’t Adam Smith’s free market capitalism. Your textbook thinking doesn’t apply when government and big business are one.
Anyone who looks at them side by side can see the ridiculousness of the claim,

"North Korea was more industrialized and its citizens enjoyed a higher standard of living than the South Koreans until the 1990s"

Too much vodka.

My friends were part of a wave of immigrants in the late 1970s early 1980s. They have prospered in America. Now they say no one is immigrating because life is good in SK.
Big Pharma fucks up all the time. Sometimes their fuck ups kill thousands. Yet they continue to make enormous profits.

Isn’t crony capitalism GREAT!
Wrong. It's rare the a new drug ever kills anyone. Some have side effects, but rarely are they permanent.
I don’t think your living in reality. This isn’t Adam Smith’s free market capitalism. Your textbook thinking doesn’t apply when government and big business are one.
Your ignorant if you believe producers can arbitrarily set prices however they like them.
Wrong. It's rare the a new drug ever kills anyone. Some have side effects, but rarely are they permanent.
Dumb. Vioxx alone killed over 50k, to say nothing of the enormous deaths from OxyContin and the covid vaccines… and so many other big pharma poison.
Thats not the comparison I was going for. The loons are always going on about how wealth disparity is at its highest ever and that's complete bullshit. Compared to people like Khan and the common man in his day the poor today would be considered rich.
You are right, that's obvious bullshit. Wealth disparity is the greatest in authoritarian states
Can you name another first world nation with greater income inequality than the US?
India, Russia, China, every country in Africa, every country in South America, Ukraine, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, yada, yada, yada. . . .
Am increased rate of heart attack is not the same as out killing people. Eating chocolate cake will increase your chances of getting a heart attack. Does anyone go around saying chocolate cake kills thousands of people?
Stop. You’re not informed. Vioxx alone killed over 50k Americans. Look it up.
It increased the rate of heart attacks. So does chocolate cake. Look it up.
A company puts out a product that kills people and you think that’s okay. You dumb cons are something. You’ll do anything to support this crony capitalist quasi fascist system.
A company puts out a product that kills people and you think that’s okay. You dumb cons are something. You’ll do anything to support this crony capitalist quasi fascist system.
Id it OK for bakeries to sell chocolate cake?

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