Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

North Korea is a dark, impoverished tragedy.
As you can see in the link you provided the GDP of North Korea/DPRK was always higher until the 1980s. Countries that openly identify their economies as Marxist or communist are always sanctioned and threatened with war. So whatever critique the defenders of capitalism have against socialism is moot, when the capitalist-run countries are encircling, threatening, and embargoing socialist economies. More, there are plenty of capitalist countries that are dirt poor, like Haiti, Uganda, and many others. There are also several countries with capitalist economies that are led by tyrant dictators. Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan..etc. Here is the list of dictatorships:

Most of the countries on that list have capitalist economies. So all of you just give the mud-slinging a break, because the mid sticks on you too. The socialists have had and have right now their own dictators, and communists have killed a lot of people. Yes yes, that's true, I won't deny it. But capitalist imperialism and colonialism have also killed millions as well. You're under the strong delusion that you have the moral high ground upon which to stand and condemn the communists. You don't. The mountain of dead rotting corpses is just as high for capitalism as it is for communism. Just as bad, if not worse. Give it a rest.
As you can see in the link you provided the GDP of North Korea/DPRK was always higher until the 1980s. Countries that openly identify their economies as Marxist or communist are always sanctioned and threatened with war. So whatever critique the defenders of capitalism have against socialism is moot, when the capitalist-run countries are encircling, threatening, and embargoing socialist economies. More, there are plenty of capitalist countries that are dirt poor, like Haiti, Uganda, and many others. There are also several countries with capitalist economies that are led by tyrant dictators. Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan..etc. Here is the list of dictatorships:

Most of the countries on that list have capitalist economies. So all of you just give the mud-slinging a break, because the mid sticks on you too. The socialists have had and have right now their own dictators, and communists have killed a lot of people. Yes yes, that's true, I won't deny it. But capitalist imperialism and colonialism have also killed millions as well. You're under the strong delusion that you have the moral high ground upon which to stand and condemn the communists. You don't. The mountain of dead rotting corpses is just as high for capitalism as it is for communism. Just as bad, if not worse. Give it a rest.

As you can see in the link you provided the GDP of North Korea/DPRK was always higher until the 1980s

Where did you see that?


As you can see in the link you provided the GDP of North Korea/DPRK was always higher until the 1980s. Countries that openly identify their economies as Marxist or communist are always sanctioned and threatened with war. So whatever critique the defenders of capitalism have against socialism is moot, when the capitalist-run countries are encircling, threatening, and embargoing socialist economies. More, there are plenty of capitalist countries that are dirt poor, like Haiti, Uganda, and many others. There are also several countries with capitalist economies that are led by tyrant dictators. Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan..etc. Here is the list of dictatorships:

Most of the countries on that list have capitalist economies. So all of you just give the mud-slinging a break, because the mid sticks on you too. The socialists have had and have right now their own dictators, and communists have killed a lot of people. Yes yes, that's true, I won't deny it. But capitalist imperialism and colonialism have also killed millions as well. You're under the strong delusion that you have the moral high ground upon which to stand and condemn the communists. You don't. The mountain of dead rotting corpses is just as high for capitalism as it is for communism. Just as bad, if not worse. Give it a rest.
No nation has murdered more people in the last 30 years than the US. All the wars have left these nations in ruin and full of dead bodies. Add to this the many who have died from our governmen’s heinous economic sanctions, and you get a very big number.

Of course most Americans have no understanding of this, and when told will call you a traitor or commie. Americans are the most propagandized people in the world.
No, they didn't enslave half of Europe,

Thank goodness!!!

What percentage of Europe did they enslave? Link?

Capitalists have enslaved the whole world.

Again, stop avoiding and running from the question, and finally answer it. What is your capitalist solution to the widely recognized and forecasted crisis of capitalists replacing their wage labor with advanced 21st-century automation technology?
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Capitalists have enslaved the whole world.

Again, stop avoiding and running from the question, and finally answer it. What is your capitalist solution to the widely recognized and forecasted crisis of capitalists replacing their wage labor with advanced 21st-century automation technology?

What percentage of Europe did they enslave? Link?

What is your capitalist solution to the widely recognized and forecasted crisis of capitalists replacing their wage labor with advanced 21st-century automation technology?

Not worried about it. Don't care.

Commies with their failed ideas will be the last people with input.
What percentage of Europe did they enslave? Link?

What is your capitalist solution to the widely recognized and forecasted crisis of capitalists replacing their wage labor with advanced 21st-century automation technology?

Not worried about it. Don't care.

Commies with their failed ideas will be the last people with input.

I'm not asking you if you care or not, I'm asking you how capitalism will resolve that crisis. Isn't capitalism superior to socialism? How will capitalists resolve the crises of advanced 21st-century automation technology replacing wage labor? What's the capitalist solution? You're the defender of capitalism, correct? You're probably a capitalist yourself with a few million dollars in the bank (probably why you don't care). How will capitalism solve the problem of mass unemployment as a result of 21st-century automation tech replacing human labor? Go ahead, enlighten us.
I'm not asking you if you care or not, I'm asking you how capitalism will resolve that crisis. Isn't capitalism superior to socialism? How will capitalists resolve the crises of advanced 21st-century automation technology replacing wage labor? What's the capitalist solution? You're the defender of capitalism, correct? You're probably a capitalist yourself with a few million dollars in the bank (probably why you don't care). How will capitalism solve the problem of mass unemployment as a result of 21st-century automation tech replacing human labor? Go ahead, enlighten us.

I'm asking you how capitalism will resolve that crisis.

How will the communist shithole countries. Oh, right, they won't have to worry.

How will capitalism solve the problem of mass unemployment as a result of 21st-century automation tech replacing human labor? Go ahead, enlighten us.

When is it going to happen? Will you be out of college by then?
What's your major?
I'm asking you how capitalism will resolve that crisis.

How will the communist shithole countries. Oh, right, they won't have to worry.

How will capitalism solve the problem of mass unemployment as a result of 21st-century automation tech replacing human labor? Go ahead, enlighten us.

When is it going to happen? Will you be out of college by then?
What's your major?

It's estimated that as much as 50% of jobs could be replaced with advanced automation within the next 20 years:

In 40 years, we're looking at 80%+ of all paid jobs being replaced with technology. Those who argue that new jobs will be created are correct. New jobs will be created, but unfortunately, not enough jobs will be created to replace the ones that were lost. More, it's naive to think that most people can become highly paid technicians. It takes a special type of person, with a certain degree of intelligence and patience to repair and maintain technology. Not everyone can do that. If that wasn't enough, in the not-too-distant future we can see artificially intelligent robots, repairing and maintaining other robots. The autonomous systems will repair themselves, eliminating the need for human technitians.

Forget about communism and socialism. Those two words are scary and they carry too much historical baggage in the American mind. I shouldn't have named my nick, "communist front", I should've adopted a less provocative nick like "BobR2D2" or something like that. Then promote the idea of a Resource Based Economy / RBE, the nice way of saying communism, without all of the scary baggage. That's what the Venus Project did:

I'm stuck on Marxism, and communism because I'm an old man, but the younger generation will realize when they see tens of millions of Americans living in squalor because technology has rendered them useless and ready for the compost heap ("Soylent Green"), that America must adopt a new economic system of production. That new system of production, won't produce the products that we consume on a daily basis, for the purpose of private capital accumulation, i.e. profits.

Money, markets, profits, all of these instruments of value and exchange will be replaced by necessity, with a system that is designed to meet everyone's material needs. Elevating the standard of living of all Americans, completely eliminating material scarcity and poverty. The American people will own the machinery and facilities of production together (i.e. "collectively", although I should avoid using such terms because they sound too "Stalinistic"). Together, we will own the technology and resources as a community, organizing production to meet our material needs.

A resource-based economy or RBE will become the obvious solution to the crisis of mass unemployment and poverty as a result of high-tech, 21st-century automation replacing human wage labor. We will socialize and democratize production, meeting all of our needs. The alternative to what I've just described is a new form of feudalism and slavery, where the rich own everything, and the rest of us are sent to the "soylent green" factory:

What is the secret of soylent green? Hmmm?​
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It's estimated that as much as 50% of jobs could be replaced with advanced automation within the next 20 years:

In 40 years, we're looking at 80%+ of all paid jobs being replaced with technology. Those who argue that new jobs will be created are correct. New jobs will be created, but unfortunately, not enough jobs will be created to replace the ones that were lost. More, it's naive to think that most people can become highly paid technicians. It takes a special type of person, with a certain degree of intelligence and patience to repair and maintain technology. Not everyone can do that. If that wasn't enough, in the not-too-distant future we can see artificially intelligent robots, repairing and maintaining other robots. The autonomous systems will repair themselves, eliminating the need for human technitians.

Forget about communism and socialism. Those two words are scary and they carry too much historical baggage in the American mind. I shouldn't have named my nick, "communist front", I should've adopted a less provocative nick like "BobR2D2" or something like that. Then promote the idea of a Resource Based Economy / RBE, the nice way of saying communism, without all of the scary baggage. That's what the Venus Project did:

I'm stuck on Marxism, and communism because I'm an old man, but the younger generation will realize when they see tens of millions of Americans living in squalor because technology has rendered them useless and ready for the compost heap ("Soylent Green"), that America must adopt a new economic system of production. That new system of production, won't produce the products that we consume on a daily basis, for the purpose of private capital accumulation, i.e. profits.

Money, markets, profits, all of these instruments of value and exchange will be replaced by necessity, with a system that is designed to meet everyone's material needs. Elevating the standard of living of all Americans, completely eliminating material scarcity and poverty. The American people will own the machinery and facilities of production together (i.e. "collectively", although I should avoid using such terms because they sound too "Stalinistic"). Together, we will own the technology and resources as a community, organizing production to meet our material needs.

A resource-based economy or RBE, will become the obvious solution to the crisis of mass unemployment and poverty as a result of high-tech, 21st-century automation replacing human wage labor. We will socialize and democratize production, meeting all of our needs. The alternative to what I've just described is a new form of feudalism and slavery, where the rich own everything and the rest of us are sent to the "soylent green" factory:

What is the secret of soylent green? Hmmm?​

I'm stuck on Marxism, and communism because I'm an old man,

So it's been failing for a long time, with you as a witness, and you're still stuck on it.

I guess continuing down the wrong path is easier than admitting your decades long failure.
It's estimated that as much as 50% of jobs could be replaced with advanced automation within the next 20 years:

In 40 years, we're looking at 80%+ of all paid jobs being replaced with technology. Those who argue that new jobs will be created are correct. New jobs will be created, but unfortunately, not enough jobs will be created to replace the ones that were lost. More, it's naive to think that most people can become highly paid technicians. It takes a special type of person, with a certain degree of intelligence and patience to repair and maintain technology. Not everyone can do that. If that wasn't enough, in the not-too-distant future we can see artificially intelligent robots, repairing and maintaining other robots. The autonomous systems will repair themselves, eliminating the need for human technitians.

Forget about communism and socialism. Those two words are scary and they carry too much historical baggage in the American mind. I shouldn't have named my nick, "communist front", I should've adopted a less provocative nick like "BobR2D2" or something like that. Then promote the idea of a Resource Based Economy / RBE, the nice way of saying communism, without all of the scary baggage. That's what the Venus Project did:

I'm stuck on Marxism, and communism because I'm an old man, but the younger generation will realize when they see tens of millions of Americans living in squalor because technology has rendered them useless and ready for the compost heap ("Soylent Green"), that America must adopt a new economic system of production. That new system of production, won't produce the products that we consume on a daily basis, for the purpose of private capital accumulation, i.e. profits.

Money, markets, profits, all of these instruments of value and exchange will be replaced by necessity, with a system that is designed to meet everyone's material needs. Elevating the standard of living of all Americans, completely eliminating material scarcity and poverty. The American people will own the machinery and facilities of production together (i.e. "collectively", although I should avoid using such terms because they sound too "Stalinistic"). Together, we will own the technology and resources as a community, organizing production to meet our material needs.

A resource-based economy or RBE will become the obvious solution to the crisis of mass unemployment and poverty as a result of high-tech, 21st-century automation replacing human wage labor. We will socialize and democratize production, meeting all of our needs. The alternative to what I've just described is a new form of feudalism and slavery, where the rich own everything, and the rest of us are sent to the "soylent green" factory:

What is the secret of soylent green? Hmmm?​


Communist society couldn't do that.
Capitalism does.
I'm stuck on Marxism, and communism because I'm an old man,

So it's been failing for a long time, with you as a witness, and you're still stuck on it.

I guess continuing down the wrong path is easier than admitting your decades long failure.
You should improve your reading comprehension skills. I'm stuck with obsolete labels because I'm old, but as far as socialism, that's the future. It doesn't matter what it's called, it's still the same. RBE is just a better way of saying socialism in the 21st century.

What's your capitalist solution to the replacement of human wage labor with advanced automation?
No nation has murdered more people in the last 30 years than the US. All the wars have left these nations in ruin and full of dead bodies. Add to this the many who have died from our governmen’s heinous economic sanctions, and you get a very big number.

Of course most Americans have no understanding of this, and when told will call you a traitor or commie. Americans are the most propagandized people in the world.

Hopefully, America will wake up and "smell the coffee" before it's too late. These capitalists are going to destroy everything for the sake of their profits. Billions of dollars are now being pumped into Ukraine in order for the US military-industrial complex to cash in $$$$$$$$$$........We're on the brink of fighting WW3 with Russia. The annihilation of all life on Earth.
I don’t think your living in reality. This isn’t Adam Smith’s free market capitalism. Your textbook thinking doesn’t apply when government and big business are one.

No shit Sherlock. Communism, and socialism are orders of magnitude worse than what we have.
How? Educate us.

Look at China. Commie shithole. Couldn't feed their people.

They try capitalism, soon they have the second largest economy in the world.

Meanwhile, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world swings from capitalism to
communism, soon their people are eating zoo animals or fleeing to Colombia and the US.
Is it a huge system of gulags?

No......that's the commie solution.

I've already explained the communist solution and it doesn't have anything to do with gulags. I'm asking you to provide us with your capitalist solution for the replacement of wage labor with advanced automation. Can you answer that question?
Look at China. Commie shithole. Couldn't feed their people.

They try capitalism, soon they have the second largest economy in the world.

Meanwhile, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world swings from capitalism to
communism, soon their people are eating zoo animals or fleeing to Colombia and the US.

The shithole is from where you get your silly capitalist rhetoric about China and communism in general. Show us all how capitalism will solve the crises of advanced technology replacing wage labor. We're ready, go ahead.

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