Dissecting John Stossel's Anti-Communist Lies

Terrorists who don't fall under US jurisdiction.

How do we know if they're "terrorists" if there is no due process? Seems like you like imperialist tyranny. You're not much of a freedom-lover and champion as you claim to be.
There would be 90 million or more if not for the genocidal campaigns of the 18th and 19th centuries to dispossess them of their lands. Tens of millions of Native Americans died both in North America and Central and South America, due to European colonization.
Take your bitching up with Spain, Portugal, and the UK.
There is the same number then as now. They got a bum deal, but were not "wiped out."

Virtually wiped out when you consider the tens of millions that died as a result of European colonization.
Because they committed acts of terrorism, dumbass.

Not necessarily. The only to establish that is through due process. You have no problem with the government deciding someone is a terrorist and throwing them in a dungeon somewhere to rot away. Looks like you're quite comfortable with tyranny.
Take your bitching up with Spain, Portugal, and the UK.

The United States in the 18th and 19th centuries had a hand in it as well, it wasn't just the European powers. The Chinese, your ancestors, and the Japanese as well, suffered an immense amount of discrimination and injustice in the United States.
Not necessarily. ....
When large buildings blow up; mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children are killed, it's pretty clear. Go ahead and defend murder and terrorism just because you want to defend communism. Go ahead and be that person. Live with yourself.
For over a decade, hundreds were held in custody without trial. The ones that remain need to be given their day in court.

Do you know why most of the people stayed there longer, jackass? Because we knew they would be killed if returned to their country of origin. Fuck you, idiot.
When large buildings blow up; mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children are killed, it's pretty clear. Go ahead and defend murder and terrorism just because you want to defend communism. Go ahead and be that person. Live with yourself.
You're the one defending terrorism, and funding it as well:

You defend whatever the US government does overseas, no matter how many people die:

So you are a capitalist defender of American imperialism and terrorism.

Do you know why most of the people stayed there longer, jackass? Because we knew they would be killed if returned to their country of origin. Fuck you, idiot.

That's a silly cop-out argument because they can be released somewhere else. If these people are terrorists, then it must be proven in court, if not they should be set free.
Buildings, buses, cars, schools blow up. Acts of terrorism. You will play the apologist for ANYTHING to defend the most deadly and failed ideology in history, scumbag.

You're the one defending that, not me. Your beloved capitalist-run US government is responsible for more buildings, buses, cars, and schools blowing up, than any terrorist organization. Your beloved capitalist-run plutocracy actually even funds the terrorists. You support that.
There is the same number then as now. Stop being fucking stupid.

Not even close, you're quite ignorant of history. Millions of native Americans died as a result of the Western expansion of American settlers. There would be ten times the number of native Americans today in the US if not for them almost being wiped out from disease, malnutrition due to the loss of their primary food source, namely the buffalo, and falling victim to violence.
In 1938 Soviet Russia wasn't poor and backward, it was actually quite developed, especially when compared to how it began approximately 20 years earlier under capitalism. Why should the people of the Donbas and Crimea move to Russia, leaving their homes and lands behind? You're not making any sense. If the Russian-hating Western Ukrainians decide to carry out a coup to take the power of the government and then engage in a campaign to eliminate ethnic Russians from the Donbas and Crimea, they deserve nothing but war. They're the ones unwilling to peacefully co-exist with Russo-Ukrainians, hence the people of Eastern Ukraine have the right to defend themselves.

The Berlin wall was in East Germany. All of Berlin was in East Germany, so there were several reasons for the wall. The defenders of capitalism and the West during the cold war don't have much moral high ground to stand on in view of the economic sanctions they imposed on East Germany and the USSR, and the wars they started against socialist countries. More, the fact that socialism didn't replace capitalism in the 20th century is irrelevant, because no one ever claimed that socialism has to replace capitalism immediately. It can take decades, centuries, just as capitalism took centuries to replace chattel slavery and feudalism. The kings and nobles of Europe weren't replaced by industrialists and republics until the material conditions were present for that to occur.

All of your arguments are flawed.

In 1938 Soviet Russia wasn't poor and backward, it was actually quite developed,

It was a commie shithole. Still is. It's what happens when you kill the innovators and all your economic decisions are made by geniuses like Stalin.

Why should the people of the Donbas and Crimea move to Russia

Why not? Russia is the biggest country in the world. And they're super socialist.
Sounds perfect. They should have moved there decades ago.

The Berlin wall was in East Germany. All of Berlin was in East Germany, so there were several reasons for the wall.

Was one of the reasons to keep East Germans from escaping to freedom?

The defenders of capitalism and the West during the cold war don't have much moral high ground to stand on in view of the economic sanctions they imposed on East Germany and the USSR

They didn't want to trade with the country that enslaved half of Europe? That's awful!!!

They should have traded extra with the USSR, for being so awesome!

More, the fact that socialism didn't replace capitalism in the 20th century is irrelevant,

Right. All the commie nations failed under communism. That's just more proof they're
gonna win next time...........300 years, easy. You'll see. All those loser nations are gonna rise up and
lose even more.
In 1938 Soviet Russia wasn't poor and backward, it was actually quite developed,

It was a commie shithole. Still is. It's what happens when you kill the innovators and all your economic decisions are made by geniuses like Stalin.

Why should the people of the Donbas and Crimea move to Russia

Why not? Russia is the biggest country in the world. And they're super socialist.
Sounds perfect. They should have moved there decades ago.

The Berlin wall was in East Germany. All of Berlin was in East Germany, so there were several reasons for the wall.

Was one of the reasons to keep East Germans from escaping to freedom?

The defenders of capitalism and the West during the cold war don't have much moral high ground to stand on in view of the economic sanctions they imposed on East Germany and the USSR

They didn't want to trade with the country that enslaved half of Europe? That's awful!!!

They should have traded extra with the USSR, for being so awesome!

More, the fact that socialism didn't replace capitalism in the 20th century is irrelevant,

Right. All the commie nations failed under communism. That's just more proof they're
gonna win next time...........300 years, easy. You'll see. All those loser nations are gonna rise up and
lose even more.
The stupidity is tiring...

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