Dissenters & the need for a "New America" party


Apr 9, 2009

Welcome to the Dissenter's Club, one that could grow to be a "NEW AMERICA" Party.

Some of us
who voted for Obama,
or against Romney,
or for the straight democrat ticket,
and who did so despite disgust for and disagreement with substantial parts of Obama's policies,
believe that because of our votes we have a duty
to strongly support his policies when we agree with them
and to strongly oppose them when we disagree with them.

Dissenters that we are,
we believe that each of us has an especial duty to support those policies, internal and foreign, that Obama is not supporting that would be, if adopted, of benefit to the future of the Earth, the People, and other forms of Earthlife.

And we believe that should Obama continue to lead America down the perilous path it now is following,
that we would be obligated to attempt to remove him from office

Unfortunately, however, lacking a constitutional power of "recall",
and having to rely upon a
congress of fools
to do that which we cannot do,
we have no constitutional right to remove him,
whatever he might or might not do.

Being a dissenter, I thus ask not that you agree with those of us who might be called dissenters,
but that you seek, as some of us seek to do,
to use the Board to help to increase your knowledge of the needs of the Earth, Earthlife and The People
and to join together in using your posts and your responses not to support or to oppose Obama or a Democrat-Republican party faction, but to create basic agreement for principles and policies that would best serve the present and future needs of the Earth, Earthlife and The People,
and thereby create a

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1st rule of Dissenters Club? No one talks about Dissenters Club.

thanks, Dante and Bucs,
for publishing two good reasons
why we need a "NEW AMERICA" party

As for the painting of "Lilies"--
note the similariities
in the logos
of Dante & Buc.

In the old days
the Major (not yet one of ours) would not
have permitted that to happen.

stupidity hs been defined as the repeating of mistakes
such as we make each four years upon the basis of a foreign owned and/or controlled news media
and by means of fifty different systems of election offering fifty different means of falsifying and buying lection returns
creating a winner takes all result
with near 50% losers
creating near 50% gridlock.

stupid people
such as are pictured above
and who held
in thrall
to a system
that is genius
in respect to conferring bounty upon the winners,
the corporations and the elitists of America

Hail Columbia!

Come on Bucs---
Whatever your Mid-East sympathy---
what do you think of "winner take all"?
the electoral college?
the near outright buying of elections?
the lack of knowledge of the public of government internal and foreign affairs (compared, say, to its knowledge of football, basketball and baseball)
our world standing in health, education, etc (as shown, say, by the CIA Factbook)

there's a disaster ahead
and we need your help in avoiding it
for if we go down, so do the two of us.

let go-turn loose- speak up like you had a pair***
let's hear you sound off

thanks, Dante and Bucs,
for publishing two good reasons
why we need a "NEW AMERICA" party


The demented and disturbed, dissenters, were seen distributing, lists of demands that contained deceitful and deceptive messages on how to deconstruct imbecility

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