And yet statistics show that the more diversity you have, the more successful your economy. The most successful economies are ones where women share power with men. The least successful are those where women are marginalized have no power.
The more points of view you have, the more ideas you have. Different cultures, races and ethnicities bring a diverse set of ideas and traditions to the business world.
I lived in one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world for 30 years. Now I live in a homogenous white Christian rural community. The closest thing to "ethnic" cuisine in this town is an Italian pasta restaurant. I've been learning to cook Indian food because I miss it, and don't get me started on Asian cuisine. I'm currently on the lookout for a good Pad Thai recipe because I miss Thai food and sushi.
Just as the WASP diet is fairly boring, so are the business ideas in a predominantly white European culture. Innovation comes from looking at things from differing perspectives. Non-white immigrant co-workers in the city were an incredible resource base of new ideas and points of view that aren't available where I live now. I miss having those resources.
The snowflakes have been bleating aobut the wonders of "diversity" ever since I can remember. However, it's actually a big lie, in the Goebbels sense of the term. Here's an interesting article that explains why it's bullshit. We don't benefit from immigration. We are positively harmed by it.
"Diversity is a strength” is one of those Orwellian maxims that’s just generally accepted as truth by most Americans despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Granted, if you’re talking about a DIVERSITY OF IDEAS, you can certainly come up with some situations where it’s a strength. For example, in the movie World War Z, Israel is saved (at least temporarily) by having a “tenth man” whose job is to forcefully argue for the alternative viewpoint to a situation where everyone agrees. So instead of laughing off the idea that Israel might face a zombie invasion, Israelis realized there was merit to it and was prepared in time to protect the country. Back in the real world, the NFL certainly could have used someone pointing out the potential long-term downsides of allowing players disrespect the flag when just Colin Kaepernick was doing it. Donald Trump might benefit from a diversity of opinions when he’s about to tweet about Rosie O’Donnell or Mark Cuban at 4 AM. The Democrat Party could certainly use the input of a few random white factory workers from flyover country about the latest rhetoric and proposals they’re about to pitch.
On the other hand, even when diversity of thought is useful, it’s only in limited doses. The New York Yankees don’t want players who think the Boston Red Sox should win the pennant. A Republican President doesn’t want a Democrat in his Cabinet who will undermine him at every opportunity. Our military doesn’t want soldiers hoping the other side will defeat us in a war.
All that being said, when most people talk about “diversity,” they don’t mean a diversity of ideas. They believe a Hispanic guy, a black guy, a transsexual and a woman bring something to the table just by virtue of their race or gender.
This is seldom true.
For example, it is true that a group of white economists working on tax policy could benefit from having Thomas Sowell come out of retirement to join their ranks, but that’s because he’s Thomas freakin’ Sowell, not because he’s black. An all-Hispanic baseball team would benefit from adding Mike Trout to its roster, but it’s because he can play, not because of his white perspective. An all-female start-up would be lucky to get Bill Gates on board, not because he can mansplain things to them, but because he has lots of friends with infinite amounts of money who might invest if he’s on board.
In fact, diversity is often a huge minus. The new black employee may claim you discriminated against him, even if he’s fired for legitimate reasons. The woman may sue for sexual harassment after seeing a swimsuit calendar on some random guy’s wall. The Satanist you hire may call it religious discrimination if you don’t offer him a goat to sacrifice to Lucifer on Halloween.
Diversity can work just fine, but only if there’s strong pressure on people to assimilate to the existing culture. That’s why our very diverse military functions so well. However, we don’t have those conditions in America as a whole. Instead, we have liberals promoting tribalism and grievance mongering non-stop. In other words, every racial, sexual and religious difference is used as a way to split people further apart. Many of the same people who claim diversity is a strength will also tell you white people can’t understand the concerns of black Americans, men are oppressing women and women who don’t want to share a bathroom with a transsexual man are bigots.
You're quoting a blog which uses an example from a television show about a zombie apocalypse to make political point about diversity???? Are you really that stupid??
As for Republican Presidents having Democrats in cabinet, and vice versa, it happens all of the time, and quite successfully too, going back to George Washington and continuing to President Obama.
List of United States political appointments across party lines - Wikipedia
There really is no cure for stupid.
You're proof of that. There's nothing stupider than communism, yet you are all for it.
The source of the information isn't relevant. You can accept the argument on it's merits or not. You have done nothing to discredit it except resort to logical fallacies.
In George Washington's day it wasn't nearly so dangerous because at least the parties had the same goal: the welfare of the United States. However these days one of the parties is intent on destroying this country and enslaving eveyrone in it.
You're the one with the flawed and irrevelants arguments here. For example, you claim I'm in favour of communism when there's absolutely no evidence that I am nor have I ever made any statements to that effect. If your only argument against what I've posted is an out and out lie, it doesn't say much for your ideas does it?
The only people who fear diversity are those who are so inferior that they are unable to compete with the new ideas and experiences of a more diverse pool of workers. Racism is based on fear and the inferiority of those who know they can't compete on a level playing field. That's why they seek to exclude as many people as possible from the pool of applicants available.
Your racism and fear of diversity is proof positive of your own inferiority.