Diversity Is Not A Strength

diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.
yeah but ellis island and then fast forward fast forward...

Biggest Super power the world has ever known.

lacking diversity is literally limiting knowledge. the less diverse, the dumber. thats just math.
No it isn't "the math". The math shows that as whites continue to be displaced in their own nations, the overall quality of life in those nations slows, and then declines, as they get edged out. Again... Why is this outstanding idea of "diversity being strength" pushed only upon white founded nations?
Thats not true, its subjective White Supremacist brain washing.

Hey life experience alone is good enough for me. I enjoy a siversity of friendships - if we were all the same culture it'd be boring as fuck.....Im not a jealous insecure lil bitch.
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

For every exams you might try to offer as a "strength"; two examples could be offered that suggest a liability. Mixing drugs, houshold cleaners, metric and standard hardware... On and on. But that really only serves to redirect the conversation from the actual topic. The actual topic is that diversity is not beneficial to the furtherance of our nation, and the continuity of the people who not only founded it, but who are also responsible for its rise to greatness.
Thats what Hitler thought too, but hes only liated in everyone's top 5 monsters of all time.

This is all insecurity. Cultures stand on merit.
Wrong. Cultures stand upon the accomplishment of their people, and the legacy they offer into the world, that other look to emulate. No one waxes nostalgic about the merits of the Egyptians. They are admired for their works.
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

For every exams you might try to offer as a "strength"; two examples could be offered that suggest a liability. Mixing drugs, houshold cleaners, metric and standard hardware... On and on. But that really only serves to redirect the conversation from the actual topic. The actual topic is that diversity is not beneficial to the furtherance of our nation, and the continuity of the people who not only founded it, but who are also responsible for its rise to greatness.
Thats what Hitler thought too, but hes only liated in everyone's top 5 monsters of all time.

This is all insecurity. Cultures stand on merit.
Wrong. Cultures stand upon the accomplishment of their people, and the legacy they offer into the world, that other look to emulate. No one waxes nostalgic about the merits of the Egyptians. They are admired for their works.
you said "wrong" and then professed exactly what i had said.

gjob! :up:
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.
yeah but ellis island and then fast forward fast forward...

Biggest Super power the world has ever known.

lacking diversity is literally limiting knowledge. the less diverse, the dumber. thats just math.
No it isn't "the math". The math shows that as whites continue to be displaced in their own nations, the overall quality of life in those nations slows, and then declines, as they get edged out. Again... Why is this outstanding idea of "diversity being strength" pushed only upon white founded nations?
Thats not true, its subjective White Supremacist brain washing.
Im not a jealous insecure lil bitch.
Why not? If you are white; you are the only race who is being pressured, and forced to assimilate. Why aren't you insecure? If you are white; your races future is anything but secure so long as non whites, and their self hating white counterparts would stand idly by, while the future that was built by their ancestors is discarded. So again... No one wants to answer... Why is this onus of "diversity" only placed upon whites?
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

For every exams you might try to offer as a "strength"; two examples could be offered that suggest a liability. Mixing drugs, houshold cleaners, metric and standard hardware... On and on. But that really only serves to redirect the conversation from the actual topic. The actual topic is that diversity is not beneficial to the furtherance of our nation, and the continuity of the people who not only founded it, but who are also responsible for its rise to greatness.
Thats what Hitler thought too, but hes only liated in everyone's top 5 monsters of all time.

This is all insecurity. Cultures stand on merit.
Wrong. Cultures stand upon the accomplishment of their people, and the legacy they offer into the world, that other look to emulate. No one waxes nostalgic about the merits of the Egyptians. They are admired for their works.
you said "wrong" and then professed exactly what i had said.

gjob! :up:
I highlighted precisely what makes your assertion wrong.
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.
yeah but ellis island and then fast forward fast forward...

Biggest Super power the world has ever known.

lacking diversity is literally limiting knowledge. the less diverse, the dumber. thats just math.
No it isn't "the math". The math shows that as whites continue to be displaced in their own nations, the overall quality of life in those nations slows, and then declines, as they get edged out. Again... Why is this outstanding idea of "diversity being strength" pushed only upon white founded nations?
Thats not true, its subjective White Supremacist brain washing.
Im not a jealous insecure lil bitch.
Why not? If you are white; you are the only race who is being pressured, and forced to assimilate. Why aren't you insecure? If you are white; your races future is anything but secure so long as non whites, and their self hating white counterparts would stand idly by, while the future that was built by their ancestors is discarded. So again... No one wants to answer... Why is this onus of "diversity" only placed upon whites?
i think you need to pop your bubble it sounds like.

youre reading too much brainwashing material, and not quite living life enough. this small minded piddly bullshit is a waste of your time.
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

For every exams you might try to offer as a "strength"; two examples could be offered that suggest a liability. Mixing drugs, houshold cleaners, metric and standard hardware... On and on. But that really only serves to redirect the conversation from the actual topic. The actual topic is that diversity is not beneficial to the furtherance of our nation, and the continuity of the people who not only founded it, but who are also responsible for its rise to greatness.
Thats what Hitler thought too, but hes only liated in everyone's top 5 monsters of all time.

This is all insecurity. Cultures stand on merit.
Wrong. Cultures stand upon the accomplishment of their people, and the legacy they offer into the world, that other look to emulate. No one waxes nostalgic about the merits of the Egyptians. They are admired for their works.
you said "wrong" and then professed exactly what i had said.

gjob! :up:
I highlighted precisely what makes your assertion wrong.
i said cultures stand on merit, and you went forth to say this same exact sentiment in a larger paragraph

its rocket science is it?
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.
yeah but ellis island and then fast forward fast forward...

Biggest Super power the world has ever known.

lacking diversity is literally limiting knowledge. the less diverse, the dumber. thats just math.
No it isn't "the math". The math shows that as whites continue to be displaced in their own nations, the overall quality of life in those nations slows, and then declines, as they get edged out. Again... Why is this outstanding idea of "diversity being strength" pushed only upon white founded nations?
Thats not true, its subjective White Supremacist brain washing.
Another anti white mantra... Let's explore this. Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.
yeah but ellis island and then fast forward fast forward...

Biggest Super power the world has ever known.

lacking diversity is literally limiting knowledge. the less diverse, the dumber. thats just math.
No it isn't "the math". The math shows that as whites continue to be displaced in their own nations, the overall quality of life in those nations slows, and then declines, as they get edged out. Again... Why is this outstanding idea of "diversity being strength" pushed only upon white founded nations?
Thats not true, its subjective White Supremacist brain washing.
Im not a jealous insecure lil bitch.
Why not? If you are white; you are the only race who is being pressured, and forced to assimilate. Why aren't you insecure? If you are white; your races future is anything but secure so long as non whites, and their self hating white counterparts would stand idly by, while the future that was built by their ancestors is discarded. So again... No one wants to answer... Why is this onus of "diversity" only placed upon whites?
i think you need to pop your bubble it sounds like.

youre reading too much brainwashing material, and not quite living life enough. this small minded piddly bullshit is a waste of your time.
Yet you choose not to answer the questions posed...
And in sociology diversity is a liability.

America is, and always has been a melting pot. Even the indigenous Americans had a wide-variety of cultures. Even those societies who pride themselves on racial purity, such as Japan and China, are much more racially diverse than they care to admit.

America wouldn't exist today without the contributions of immigrants from many cultures.

Sure it would. Smaller population, but the original colonies were well set up to expand over the stone age tribesmen in their path.
Sooo Diversity is one of the most important things in the world but White people are inversely proportional to Diversity.......
.........got it, Black left wingers are genocidal racist and White left wingers are suicidal crackpots
diversity is quite usually a strength

diversity of portfolio
diversity in diet
diversity in thoughts and ideas
diversity in biology
diversity in music and movies
diversity in your reading and studies
diversity in the types of people you congregate with

theres 1 place i can think of where its not a strength....

Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.
yeah but ellis island and then fast forward fast forward...

Biggest Super power the world has ever known.

lacking diversity is literally limiting knowledge. the less diverse, the dumber. thats just math.
No it isn't "the math". The math shows that as whites continue to be displaced in their own nations, the overall quality of life in those nations slows, and then declines, as they get edged out. Again... Why is this outstanding idea of "diversity being strength" pushed only upon white founded nations?
Thats not true, its subjective White Supremacist brain washing.
Another anti white mantra... Let's explore this. Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
You want no diversity in culture cuz you think yours is best and then dont want to be called Supremacist.

makes total sense
And in sociology diversity is a liability.

America is, and always has been a melting pot. Even the indigenous Americans had a wide-variety of cultures. Even those societies who pride themselves on racial purity, such as Japan and China, are much more racially diverse than they care to admit.

America wouldn't exist today without the contributions of immigrants from many cultures.
What your assertion fails to make note of; is that at the founding of our nation; what amounted to diversity, was the various Europeans, who flocked to our shores. And as more arrived our nation became stronger. Then... When the shift occured to the mass immigration of nonwhites that unprecedented rise to greatness, ground to a stand still. Today globally, and at home, America is recognized as a nation in decline.
Most people recognise that America is a better place to live than it has ever been. Despite your stupid gun laws and stone age healthcare system.
I see beauty in diversity...


Couple generations of that, and all the people will be the same muddled brownish.

How is that diverse?
And in sociology diversity is a liability.

America is, and always has been a melting pot. Even the indigenous Americans had a wide-variety of cultures. Even those societies who pride themselves on racial purity, such as Japan and China, are much more racially diverse than they care to admit.

America wouldn't exist today without the contributions of immigrants from many cultures.
What your assertion fails to make note of; is that at the founding of our nation; what amounted to diversity, was the various Europeans, who flocked to our shores. And as more arrived our nation became stronger. Then... When the shift occured to the mass immigration of nonwhites that unprecedented rise to greatness, ground to a stand still. Today globally, and at home, America is recognized as a nation in decline.
Most people recognise that America is a better place to live than it has ever been. Despite your stupid gun laws and stone age healthcare system.

Most people in America think America is on the wrong path, and have for quite some time.
yeah but ellis island and then fast forward fast forward...

Biggest Super power the world has ever known.

lacking diversity is literally limiting knowledge. the less diverse, the dumber. thats just math.
No it isn't "the math". The math shows that as whites continue to be displaced in their own nations, the overall quality of life in those nations slows, and then declines, as they get edged out. Again... Why is this outstanding idea of "diversity being strength" pushed only upon white founded nations?
Thats not true, its subjective White Supremacist brain washing.
Im not a jealous insecure lil bitch.
Why not? If you are white; you are the only race who is being pressured, and forced to assimilate. Why aren't you insecure? If you are white; your races future is anything but secure so long as non whites, and their self hating white counterparts would stand idly by, while the future that was built by their ancestors is discarded. So again... No one wants to answer... Why is this onus of "diversity" only placed upon whites?
i think you need to pop your bubble it sounds like.

youre reading too much brainwashing material, and not quite living life enough. this small minded piddly bullshit is a waste of your time.
Yet you choose not to answer the questions posed...
the questions assume i identify by race

i dont

people are people

my kids are amazing

your life must be shitty, you type like its imploding
Latino Racist reporter Jorge Ramos said that Anglos are racist for not embracing illegal immigration because America needs diversity, but then why doesn't Univison TV have any Anglo reporters, Black reporters or Asian reporters?
It seems like all of these open minded Left Wingers are actually just racist assholes.
For every exams you might try to offer as a "strength"; two examples could be offered that suggest a liability. Mixing drugs, houshold cleaners, metric and standard hardware... On and on. But that really only serves to redirect the conversation from the actual topic. The actual topic is that diversity is not beneficial to the furtherance of our nation, and the continuity of the people who not only founded it, but who are also responsible for its rise to greatness.
Thats what Hitler thought too, but hes only liated in everyone's top 5 monsters of all time.

This is all insecurity. Cultures stand on merit.
Wrong. Cultures stand upon the accomplishment of their people, and the legacy they offer into the world, that other look to emulate. No one waxes nostalgic about the merits of the Egyptians. They are admired for their works.
you said "wrong" and then professed exactly what i had said.

gjob! :up:
I highlighted precisely what makes your assertion wrong.
i said cultures stand on merit, and you went forth to say this same exact sentiment in a larger paragraph

its rocket science is it?
Your comprehension has failed you. I said works. Pyramids, complex religion, and law. Things observable and admirable to this day. Not their opinions on social matters...
Let us be honest.
"Diversity" has always been a term used by racist left wingers who want to make white people the minority.
Thats what Hitler thought too, but hes only liated in everyone's top 5 monsters of all time.

This is all insecurity. Cultures stand on merit.
Wrong. Cultures stand upon the accomplishment of their people, and the legacy they offer into the world, that other look to emulate. No one waxes nostalgic about the merits of the Egyptians. They are admired for their works.
you said "wrong" and then professed exactly what i had said.

gjob! :up:
I highlighted precisely what makes your assertion wrong.
i said cultures stand on merit, and you went forth to say this same exact sentiment in a larger paragraph

its rocket science is it?
Your comprehension has failed you. I said works. Pyramids, complex religion, and law. Things observable and admirable to this day. Not their opinions on social matters...
you have a tiny brained outlook on the world and think youre gunna school folks on culture?

its retarded

did you know by 2045, most humans will be half robot?

do you even modern science, bro?

google modern science advances...maybe itll take your mind off your toolbox insecurotoes for a sec dude.

have sex.

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