Diversity Is Not A Strength

Couple generations of that, and all the people will be the same muddled brownish.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Latino Racist reporter Jorge Ramos said that Anglos are racist for not embracing illegal immigration because America needs diversity, but then why doesn't Univison TV have any Anglo reporters, Black reporters or Asian reporters?
It seems like all of these open minded Left Wingers are actually just racist assholes.
They are. However I don't hold that against them per day. They are doing what any culture would, and should do. Securing it own future; if not outright expanding it. Which brings us back to the point. Why, even amongst self hating whites; are such practices applauded as noble virtues when any non whites engage in it? Yet they scream, flail, an
Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.
yeah but ellis island and then fast forward fast forward...

Biggest Super power the world has ever known.

lacking diversity is literally limiting knowledge. the less diverse, the dumber. thats just math.
No it isn't "the math". The math shows that as whites continue to be displaced in their own nations, the overall quality of life in those nations slows, and then declines, as they get edged out. Again... Why is this outstanding idea of "diversity being strength" pushed only upon white founded nations?
Thats not true, its subjective White Supremacist brain washing.
Another anti white mantra... Let's explore this. Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
You want no diversity in culture cuz you think yours is best and then dont want to be called Supremacist.

makes total sense
You have no way of quantifying that. Bring facts. Do you hold the same view for the Chinese? The Japanese? The Rhodesians, ahem... I mean Zimbabweans? Can you, and have you been able to apply the same metric to non whites?
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I see beauty in diversity...


Couple generations of that, and all the people will be the same muddled brownish.

How is that diverse?
A very poignant obsevation. The reality, is that the current path set by those who claim to appreciate, and respect diversity; can only result in the total elimination of diversity. This same diversity which is only being forced on white nations. This isn't happening in the Congo, China, Mayanmar, or Saudi Arabia... Why?
Wrong. Cultures stand upon the accomplishment of their people, and the legacy they offer into the world, that other look to emulate. No one waxes nostalgic about the merits of the Egyptians. They are admired for their works.
you said "wrong" and then professed exactly what i had said.

gjob! :up:
I highlighted precisely what makes your assertion wrong.
i said cultures stand on merit, and you went forth to say this same exact sentiment in a larger paragraph

its rocket science is it?
Your comprehension has failed you. I said works. Pyramids, complex religion, and law. Things observable and admirable to this day. Not their opinions on social matters...
you have a tiny brained outlook on the world and think youre gunna school folks on culture?

its retarded

did you know by 2045, most humans will be half robot?

do you even modern science, bro?

google modern science advances...maybe itll take your mind off your toolbox insecurotoes for a sec dude.

have sex.
By 2045 most humans will be half robot...!? I think we're done here...
Funny you should mention prison. Prison is a forced microcosm, that quite aptly shows, at an accelerated rate, the inevitable result of cultural, and racial diversity.
yeah but ellis island and then fast forward fast forward...

Biggest Super power the world has ever known.

lacking diversity is literally limiting knowledge. the less diverse, the dumber. thats just math.
No it isn't "the math". The math shows that as whites continue to be displaced in their own nations, the overall quality of life in those nations slows, and then declines, as they get edged out. Again... Why is this outstanding idea of "diversity being strength" pushed only upon white founded nations?
Thats not true, its subjective White Supremacist brain washing.
Another anti white mantra... Let's explore this. Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
You want no diversity in culture cuz you think yours is best and then dont want to be called Supremacist.

makes total sense
Then directly answer the question...
you said "wrong" and then professed exactly what i had said.

gjob! :up:
I highlighted precisely what makes your assertion wrong.
i said cultures stand on merit, and you went forth to say this same exact sentiment in a larger paragraph

its rocket science is it?
Your comprehension has failed you. I said works. Pyramids, complex religion, and law. Things observable and admirable to this day. Not their opinions on social matters...
you have a tiny brained outlook on the world and think youre gunna school folks on culture?

its retarded

did you know by 2045, most humans will be half robot?

do you even modern science, bro?

google modern science advances...maybe itll take your mind off your toolbox insecurotoes for a sec dude.

have sex.
By 2045 most humans will be half robot...!? I think we're done here...
uh, yes.

I dont think you follow modern science much, ehh? Google some interviews with the Head of Engineers for Google.

Have you heard of the Corporation called Google?

Its interesting.

And arent you former military? Dont you even have a BASELINE knowledge, at minimum, of what theyre currently doing with computers and robotics?

And youre worried about small brained shit like this.
Rather than spew forth leftist catch phrases that make people feel good about the irrevesible life decisions they have made... Try actually watching videos. I'd be genuinely interested to hear well thought out counter points.
I highlighted precisely what makes your assertion wrong.
i said cultures stand on merit, and you went forth to say this same exact sentiment in a larger paragraph

its rocket science is it?
Your comprehension has failed you. I said works. Pyramids, complex religion, and law. Things observable and admirable to this day. Not their opinions on social matters...
you have a tiny brained outlook on the world and think youre gunna school folks on culture?

its retarded

did you know by 2045, most humans will be half robot?

do you even modern science, bro?

google modern science advances...maybe itll take your mind off your toolbox insecurotoes for a sec dude.

have sex.
By 2045 most humans will be half robot...!? I think we're done here...
uh, yes.

I dont think you follow modern science much, ehh? Google some interviews with the Head of Engineers for Google.

Have you heard of the Corporation called Google?

Its interesting.

And arent you former military? Dont you even have a BASELINE knowledge, at minimum, of what theyre currently doing with computers and robotics?

And youre worried about small brained shit like this.
You still haven't answered the question.
So. Tell us... Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i said cultures stand on merit, and you went forth to say this same exact sentiment in a larger paragraph

its rocket science is it?
Your comprehension has failed you. I said works. Pyramids, complex religion, and law. Things observable and admirable to this day. Not their opinions on social matters...
you have a tiny brained outlook on the world and think youre gunna school folks on culture?

its retarded

did you know by 2045, most humans will be half robot?

do you even modern science, bro?

google modern science advances...maybe itll take your mind off your toolbox insecurotoes for a sec dude.

have sex.
By 2045 most humans will be half robot...!? I think we're done here...
uh, yes.

I dont think you follow modern science much, ehh? Google some interviews with the Head of Engineers for Google.

Have you heard of the Corporation called Google?

Its interesting.

And arent you former military? Dont you even have a BASELINE knowledge, at minimum, of what theyre currently doing with computers and robotics?

And youre worried about small brained shit like this.
You still haven't answered the question.
So. Tell us... Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
ask the arbiter of labels

your whine is whiney

be you, youre too insecure in caring what your label is...thats pathetic
Your comprehension has failed you. I said works. Pyramids, complex religion, and law. Things observable and admirable to this day. Not their opinions on social matters...
you have a tiny brained outlook on the world and think youre gunna school folks on culture?

its retarded

did you know by 2045, most humans will be half robot?

do you even modern science, bro?

google modern science advances...maybe itll take your mind off your toolbox insecurotoes for a sec dude.

have sex.
By 2045 most humans will be half robot...!? I think we're done here...
uh, yes.

I dont think you follow modern science much, ehh? Google some interviews with the Head of Engineers for Google.

Have you heard of the Corporation called Google?

Its interesting.

And arent you former military? Dont you even have a BASELINE knowledge, at minimum, of what theyre currently doing with computers and robotics?

And youre worried about small brained shit like this.
You still haven't answered the question.
So. Tell us... Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
ask the arbiter of labels

your whine is whiney

be you, youre too insecure in caring what your label is...thats pathetic
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter? You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
Last edited:
you have a tiny brained outlook on the world and think youre gunna school folks on culture?

its retarded

did you know by 2045, most humans will be half robot?

do you even modern science, bro?

google modern science advances...maybe itll take your mind off your toolbox insecurotoes for a sec dude.

have sex.
By 2045 most humans will be half robot...!? I think we're done here...
uh, yes.

I dont think you follow modern science much, ehh? Google some interviews with the Head of Engineers for Google.

Have you heard of the Corporation called Google?

Its interesting.

And arent you former military? Dont you even have a BASELINE knowledge, at minimum, of what theyre currently doing with computers and robotics?

And youre worried about small brained shit like this.
You still haven't answered the question.
So. Tell us... Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
ask the arbiter of labels

your whine is whiney

be you, youre too insecure in caring what your label is...thats pathetic
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
By 2045 most humans will be half robot...!? I think we're done here...
uh, yes.

I dont think you follow modern science much, ehh? Google some interviews with the Head of Engineers for Google.

Have you heard of the Corporation called Google?

Its interesting.

And arent you former military? Dont you even have a BASELINE knowledge, at minimum, of what theyre currently doing with computers and robotics?

And youre worried about small brained shit like this.
You still haven't answered the question.
So. Tell us... Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
ask the arbiter of labels

your whine is whiney

be you, youre too insecure in caring what your label is...thats pathetic
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
uh, yes.

I dont think you follow modern science much, ehh? Google some interviews with the Head of Engineers for Google.

Have you heard of the Corporation called Google?

Its interesting.

And arent you former military? Dont you even have a BASELINE knowledge, at minimum, of what theyre currently doing with computers and robotics?

And youre worried about small brained shit like this.
You still haven't answered the question.
So. Tell us... Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
ask the arbiter of labels

your whine is whiney

be you, youre too insecure in caring what your label is...thats pathetic
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
I see beauty in diversity...

Beauty is not strength. Beauty doesn't secure a future. The fact is that what is being referred to as diversity, is actually pollution. Polluting, and damaging the systems, and demographics that allowed our nation to rise above the rest.

"Pollution" is anti-American cowards like you.

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