Diversity Is Not A Strength

Interracial couples has a long tradition in our country.


If everyone is brown, that traditions ends.
You don't like my Grandmother that was Cherokee, like I give a fuck what you think..

Do you want to see the tradition of interracial couples end?
What follows is a rather simple explaination, as to why the perpetuated lie that "diversity is our strength"; is not a strength at all. But rather a liability.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius
He talks about diversity causing so many racial and religious problems.

Well the source of those racial or religious problems are down to systems of inequality that are put in place by the dominant group that comes to dominate a particular geographic space, a particular nation-state.

Another problem with his argument is that he ignores that white Europeans, spent the vast majority of history killing each other even though they were of “one race”

What's he talking about ?

And if it were so natural for white folks to separate then why would it be necessary to encourage whites to do this or to form groups to push that notion?

If it was natural, it would be impossible to move whites or any other group from that natural species instinct.

Whites wouldn’t have needed segregation laws to force separation


Whites wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.


Those laws were passed because white people weren’t so sure that they weren’t prepared to stray, weren’t so sure that it was natural to separate.

Questions ?

What about white flight ? Surely that shows that whites have a natural instinct to separate

White flight demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbours.

If you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you go to Russia, Serbia, Bosnia, Poland places were there hardly any black people and you talk to white folks who have never even been around black folks, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience. They’re getting it from somewhere, not from their own reality.

And finally whites will become half or roughly maybe 48% of the USA nation’s population by the latter part of the twenty-first century.

But this idea that whites will be able to have no influence on the culture.

Whites would still be the largest single group by far of any group in the United States.

This idea that white people can’t hang on at 45-50% when these other groups have managed to survive and thrive at 4% in the case of Asians in this country, 12% in the case of blacks, 12% in the case of Latinos, their cultures are doing quite well at being manifested and celebrated and the idea that whites can’t do that at 45%

I mean, whites must be an incredibly weak-willed or genetically defective or culturally retarded group of people if they can’t maintain their own influence at 45%, that just seems insane.
A quick breakdown on how diversity has failed, and is failing the native people's of Britain...

What have you been dispossessed from?

Well for one thing... Proportionate representation in government positions. The percentage of minorities in both government jobs, and even elected positions is not proportionate to their actual numerical representation in society. The ability to have freedom of association, is another. Try starting a United White Peoples College fund. Let me know how it works out.
Interracial couples has a long tradition in our country.


If everyone is brown, that traditions ends.
You don't like my Grandmother that was Cherokee, like I give a fuck what you think..

Do you want to see the tradition of interracial couples end?
I don't care who people marry, that is their business..

So, why you respond to my post about the tradition of interracial marriages if you don't care?
A quick breakdown on how diversity has failed, and is failing the native people's of Britain...

What have you been dispossessed from?

Well for one thing... Proportionate representation in government positions. The percentage of minorities in both government jobs, and even elected positions is not proportionate to their actual numerical representation in society. The ability to have freedom of association, is another. Try starting a United White Peoples College fund. Let me know how it works out.

The White Males-Only College Scholarship Fund
Interracial couples has a long tradition in our country.


If everyone is brown, that traditions ends.
You don't like my Grandmother that was Cherokee, like I give a fuck what you think..

Do you want to see the tradition of interracial couples end?
I don't care who people marry, that is their business..

So, why you respond to my post about the tradition of interracial marriages if you don't care?
To let you know I don't care....Why put up a thread if you don't want people to comment on it?
If everyone is brown, that traditions ends.
You don't like my Grandmother that was Cherokee, like I give a fuck what you think..

Do you want to see the tradition of interracial couples end?
I don't care who people marry, that is their business..

So, why you respond to my post about the tradition of interracial marriages if you don't care?
To let you know I don't care....Why put up a thread if you don't want people to comment on it?

Got it you don't care. Run along now. Have a nice day.
What follows is a rather simple explaination, as to why the perpetuated lie that "diversity is our strength"; is not a strength at all. But rather a liability.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius
He talks about diversity causing so many racial and religious problems.

Well the source of those racial or religious problems are down to systems of inequality that are put in place by the dominant group that comes to dominate a particular geographic space, a particular nation-state.

Another problem with his argument is that he ignores that white Europeans, spent the vast majority of history killing each other even though they were of “one race”

What's he talking about ?

And if it were so natural for white folks to separate then why would it be necessary to encourage whites to do this or to form groups to push that notion?

If it was natural, it would be impossible to move whites or any other group from that natural species instinct.

Whites wouldn’t have needed segregation laws to force separation


Whites wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.


Those laws were passed because white people weren’t so sure that they weren’t prepared to stray, weren’t so sure that it was natural to separate.

Questions ?

What about white flight ? Surely that shows that whites have a natural instinct to separate

White flight demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbours.

If you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you go to Russia, Serbia, Bosnia, Poland places were there hardly any black people and you talk to white folks who have never even been around black folks, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience. They’re getting it from somewhere, not from their own reality.

And finally whites will become half or roughly maybe 48% of the USA nation’s population by the latter part of the twenty-first century.

But this idea that whites will be able to have no influence on the culture.

Whites would still be the largest single group by far of any group in the United States.

This idea that white people can’t hang on at 45-50% when these other groups have managed to survive and thrive at 4% in the case of Asians in this country, 12% in the case of blacks, 12% in the case of Latinos, their cultures are doing quite well at being manifested and celebrated and the idea that whites can’t do that at 45%

I mean, whites must be an incredibly weak-willed or genetically defective or culturally retarded group of people if they can’t maintain their own influence at 45%, that just seems insane.

Not quite. The problem is their benevolent nature coupled with Democratic rule under our capitalist system. While predominately white, under democracy, the people flourished. But when our immigration policy shifted toward importing 3rd workers with no skills, coupled with our benevolence of giving them welfare; they breed like cockroaches and quite rapidly bolster their numbers to a level of political influence. And in a democracy... Once the people realize they can vote themselves gifts from the public treasury... The gig is up. The democracy you once cherished will be replaced, at the same time you find that you are a minority. This the death of your culture.
A quick breakdown on how diversity has failed, and is failing the native people's of Britain...

What have you been dispossessed from?

Well for one thing... Proportionate representation in government positions. The percentage of minorities in both government jobs, and even elected positions is not proportionate to their actual numerical representation in society. The ability to have freedom of association, is another. Try starting a United White Peoples College fund. Let me know how it works out.

The proportion of representation in politics is by voter choice...
You don't like my Grandmother that was Cherokee, like I give a fuck what you think..

Do you want to see the tradition of interracial couples end?
I don't care who people marry, that is their business..

So, why you respond to my post about the tradition of interracial marriages if you don't care?
To let you know I don't care....Why put up a thread if you don't want people to comment on it?

Got it you don't care. Run along now. Have a nice day.
No thanks, I'll stay if I wish and there is not a damn thing you can do about it....White boi..
Yet another dangerous example of what trying to paint a positive image, of an ideology which has precious few positive results to back up, can lead to.

Equifaxes hiring meeting went something like this...

"Is she qualified"?

"Well she majored in music composition but she is female"

" Great! What is her work history?"

"She struck a blow against the patriarchy at First Data Corporation for three years and before that she eliminated a white male with a degree in Finance at Sun trust Bank"

"Fine she is hired. Put her in charge of 200 million American's private data and sign her up to attend the Women in Tech meeting next month"
We all know diversity is a greater strength than being qualified. Thank Gaia Equifax didnt hire some white male with a degree in Information Technology for that position.
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Do you want to see the tradition of interracial couples end?
I don't care who people marry, that is their business..

So, why you respond to my post about the tradition of interracial marriages if you don't care?
To let you know I don't care....Why put up a thread if you don't want people to comment on it?

Got it you don't care. Run along now. Have a nice day.
No thanks, I'll stay if I wish and there is not a damn thing you can do about it....White boi..

Well, I'll be happy to respond to you if you have anything to say on the topic, moron.

The topic you don't care about.
What follows is a rather simple explaination, as to why the perpetuated lie that "diversity is our strength"; is not a strength at all. But rather a liability.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius
He talks about diversity causing so many racial and religious problems.

Well the source of those racial or religious problems are down to systems of inequality that are put in place by the dominant group that comes to dominate a particular geographic space, a particular nation-state.

Another problem with his argument is that he ignores that white Europeans, spent the vast majority of history killing each other even though they were of “one race”

What's he talking about ?

And if it were so natural for white folks to separate then why would it be necessary to encourage whites to do this or to form groups to push that notion?

If it was natural, it would be impossible to move whites or any other group from that natural species instinct.

Whites wouldn’t have needed segregation laws to force separation


Whites wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.


Those laws were passed because white people weren’t so sure that they weren’t prepared to stray, weren’t so sure that it was natural to separate.

Questions ?

What about white flight ? Surely that shows that whites have a natural instinct to separate

White flight demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbours.

If you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you go to Russia, Serbia, Bosnia, Poland places were there hardly any black people and you talk to white folks who have never even been around black folks, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience. They’re getting it from somewhere, not from their own reality.

And finally whites will become half or roughly maybe 48% of the USA nation’s population by the latter part of the twenty-first century.

But this idea that whites will be able to have no influence on the culture.

Whites would still be the largest single group by far of any group in the United States.

This idea that white people can’t hang on at 45-50% when these other groups have managed to survive and thrive at 4% in the case of Asians in this country, 12% in the case of blacks, 12% in the case of Latinos, their cultures are doing quite well at being manifested and celebrated and the idea that whites can’t do that at 45%

I mean, whites must be an incredibly weak-willed or genetically defective or culturally retarded group of people if they can’t maintain their own influence at 45%, that just seems insane.

Ironically the intramural rivalry between competing european states during medieval times, and through the renaissance, was the crucible that developed white culture to the point that it became the envy of the world. On the whole... That was white politics.
What follows is a rather simple explaination, as to why the perpetuated lie that "diversity is our strength"; is not a strength at all. But rather a liability.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius
He talks about diversity causing so many racial and religious problems.

Well the source of those racial or religious problems are down to systems of inequality that are put in place by the dominant group that comes to dominate a particular geographic space, a particular nation-state.

Another problem with his argument is that he ignores that white Europeans, spent the vast majority of history killing each other even though they were of “one race”

What's he talking about ?

And if it were so natural for white folks to separate then why would it be necessary to encourage whites to do this or to form groups to push that notion?

If it was natural, it would be impossible to move whites or any other group from that natural species instinct.

Whites wouldn’t have needed segregation laws to force separation


Whites wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.


Those laws were passed because white people weren’t so sure that they weren’t prepared to stray, weren’t so sure that it was natural to separate.

Questions ?

What about white flight ? Surely that shows that whites have a natural instinct to separate

White flight demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbours.

If you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you go to Russia, Serbia, Bosnia, Poland places were there hardly any black people and you talk to white folks who have never even been around black folks, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience. They’re getting it from somewhere, not from their own reality.

And finally whites will become half or roughly maybe 48% of the USA nation’s population by the latter part of the twenty-first century.

But this idea that whites will be able to have no influence on the culture.

Whites would still be the largest single group by far of any group in the United States.

This idea that white people can’t hang on at 45-50% when these other groups have managed to survive and thrive at 4% in the case of Asians in this country, 12% in the case of blacks, 12% in the case of Latinos, their cultures are doing quite well at being manifested and celebrated and the idea that whites can’t do that at 45%

I mean, whites must be an incredibly weak-willed or genetically defective or culturally retarded group of people if they can’t maintain their own influence at 45%, that just seems insane.

Not quite. The problem is their benevolent nature coupled with Democratic rule under our capitalist system. While predominately white, under democracy, the people flourished. But when our immigration policy shifted toward importing 3rd workers with no skills, coupled with our benevolence of giving them welfare; they breed like cockroaches and quite rapidly bolster their numbers to a level of political influence. And in a democracy... Once the people realize they can vote themselves gifts from the public treasury... The gig is up. The democracy you once cherished will be replaced, at the same time you find that you are a minority. This the death of your culture.

People like you assholes didn't like my Irish side of the family either, so again I say fuck you...This nation was founded and fought for by people from different nationalities, different cultures and they were not all white..This nation has never been all white...Too bad for you, the whites only don't get to share in this nation's glory of prosperity alone, the word freedom to you means persecution and denial of basic human rights..You are no American, you are a neo-Nazi idiot...
I don't care who people marry, that is their business..

So, why you respond to my post about the tradition of interracial marriages if you don't care?
To let you know I don't care....Why put up a thread if you don't want people to comment on it?

Got it you don't care. Run along now. Have a nice day.
No thanks, I'll stay if I wish and there is not a damn thing you can do about it....White boi..

Well, I'll be happy to respond to you if you have anything to say on the topic, moron.

The topic you don't care about.
I have been you dumb bitch..

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