Diversity Is Not A Strength

What follows is a rather simple explaination, as to why the perpetuated lie that "diversity is our strength"; is not a strength at all. But rather a liability.

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius

Diversity doesn't make us stronger???!!!

The problem is when you import a group of people with "diverse" ideologies that do NOT share the principles that made America great. Libtards want everyone to live here regardless of what they believe.
Thats what Hitler thought too, but hes only liated in everyone's top 5 monsters of all time.

This is all insecurity. Cultures stand on merit.
Wrong. Cultures stand upon the accomplishment of their people, and the legacy they offer into the world, that other look to emulate. No one waxes nostalgic about the merits of the Egyptians. They are admired for their works.
you said "wrong" and then professed exactly what i had said.

gjob! :up:
I highlighted precisely what makes your assertion wrong.
i said cultures stand on merit, and you went forth to say this same exact sentiment in a larger paragraph

its rocket science is it?
Your comprehension has failed you. I said works. Pyramids, complex religion, and law. Things observable and admirable to this day. Not their opinions on social matters...
The Pyramids were built by slaves. Any admiration for the structure has to be tempered by the knowledge that they were built under duress.Not a great example.
Wrong. Cultures stand upon the accomplishment of their people, and the legacy they offer into the world, that other look to emulate. No one waxes nostalgic about the merits of the Egyptians. They are admired for their works.
you said "wrong" and then professed exactly what i had said.

gjob! :up:
I highlighted precisely what makes your assertion wrong.
i said cultures stand on merit, and you went forth to say this same exact sentiment in a larger paragraph

its rocket science is it?
Your comprehension has failed you. I said works. Pyramids, complex religion, and law. Things observable and admirable to this day. Not their opinions on social matters...
The Pyramids were built by slaves. Any admiration for the structure has to be tempered by the knowledge that they were built under duress.Not a great example.

They should be torn down and grounded into dust.

No one has a predominance of empirical evidence to prove that "diversity" is an overriding factor in economic, spiritual or human growth. I may not agree with the Jared Taylor presentation but agree that "diversity" is not only a myth, it's become a social crutch. The idea of America being a "melting pot" has been usurped with the diversity mantra. At best, diversity is just a factor in the equation....a small factor.
Wrong. Cultures stand upon the accomplishment of their people, and the legacy they offer into the world, that other look to emulate. No one waxes nostalgic about the merits of the Egyptians. They are admired for their works.
you said "wrong" and then professed exactly what i had said.

gjob! :up:
I highlighted precisely what makes your assertion wrong.
i said cultures stand on merit, and you went forth to say this same exact sentiment in a larger paragraph

its rocket science is it?
Your comprehension has failed you. I said works. Pyramids, complex religion, and law. Things observable and admirable to this day. Not their opinions on social matters...
The Pyramids were built by slaves. Any admiration for the structure has to be tempered by the knowledge that they were built under duress.Not a great example.
The political system under which their accomplshments were achieved is irrelevant. The pyramids were never intended to illustrate a moral stance.
By 2045 most humans will be half robot...!? I think we're done here...
uh, yes.

I dont think you follow modern science much, ehh? Google some interviews with the Head of Engineers for Google.

Have you heard of the Corporation called Google?

Its interesting.

And arent you former military? Dont you even have a BASELINE knowledge, at minimum, of what theyre currently doing with computers and robotics?

And youre worried about small brained shit like this.
You still haven't answered the question.
So. Tell us... Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
ask the arbiter of labels

your whine is whiney

be you, youre too insecure in caring what your label is...thats pathetic
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit

You fail to explain how bringing unlike cultures here add to our strength. Especially when those people/cultures are poor, unskilled, and many of them, like the muslims, have no intention of assimilating. When people don't buy into what you're selling, then you start insulting. Happens a lot on this board.

No one has a predominance of empirical evidence to prove that "diversity" is an overriding factor in economic, spiritual or human growth. I may not agree with the Jared Taylor presentation but agree that "diversity" is not only a myth, it's become a social crutch. The idea of America being a "melting pot" has been usurped with the diversity mantra. At best, diversity is just a factor in the equation....a small factor.
Diversity can be an enriching introduction, when such introduction is done in small enough quantities, that it gives the predominate culture the ability to accept, and reject the parts they see fit. When done in a manner that results in the displacement of the host culture, that culture is effectively "dead".
You still haven't answered the question.
So. Tell us... Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
ask the arbiter of labels

your whine is whiney

be you, youre too insecure in caring what your label is...thats pathetic
Rather than answer the question; you slink away, and cower behind aspersions. What's the matter. You thought you had a lot to say on the matter...? But when pressed for specifics, and detail; your zeal really loses steam. Why is that? Again...

Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
are you too fucking stupid to realize that i dont speak for others and why they label shit the way they do??? or...

i dont wake up and think about this insecure phony issue cornball shit
Feel free to speak for yourself on the matter. Directly...
Why is racial pride mislabeled as a belief in supremacy; only when expressed by whites. Yet for all other races, it is applauded as a "celebration of diversity"?
i attend italian and irish pride parades and see lots of black people there.

you need to go outside more.

white cultures where im from arent called supremacists for celebrating...

this is only an issue when you DECLARE supremacy as a group....THEN youre called supremacist...is my observation.

cuz i dont see any other groups except self proclaimed supremacists called supremacist

not where im from

you should move
Why would I move? If you go back and re-read your posts; you'll find that it was you, not I, that posited "supremacy" into the conversation... Just something to take note of...
Diversity can be an enriching introduction, when such introduction is done in small enough quantities, that it gives the predominate culture the ability to accept, and reject the parts they see fit. When done in a manner that results in the displacement of the host culture, that culture is effectively "dead".
You can attract more bees with honey, than you can with shit....or so the saying goes.
A quick breakdown on how diversity has failed, and is failing the native people's of Britain...
If you can't defend your position without having to call people racists

If your position calls depends on singling out a race as superior, that's the text book definition of a racist. So, don't be put of by the word, own it.

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