CDZ Diversity, What's Important?

What type of diversity is most important?

  • Racial

  • Gender

  • Ideological

  • Cultural

  • Wealth

  • Income

  • None, they are all equally important

  • None, diversity is unimportant

  • Other, please explain

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To me diversity is a bad word. It means you have to accept the unacceptable.

Depends, doesn't it.

I have to tolerate bible thumping idiots. I even have to sit there and smile politely when they start talking about Jesus....

So you can sit and smile politely when some dude introduces another dude as his husband. No skin off your backside.

The essence of liberty is being able to discriminate....not to be forced to go along with things one finds unacceptable.

Of course we all have to abide by the law and we are a nation of laws and homersexuality I think is now legal in all the states....could be wrong about that but my point being is that it is a kind of behavior many find un-acceptable and should not be forced to participate in it at any level(including baking cakes for gay weddings)

Now, concerning one is running around trying to force anyone to be a Christian....yet Christians should have the right to promote their religious beliefs. That does not mean you have to sit there and smile while they are doing it.

If you are a baker and a Christian couple comes in wanting a cake baked for their wedding you should have the right to refuse to do it.

In essence .....again..........the freedom to discriminate is the essence of liberty...aka the pursuit of happiness guranteed by the constitution.

That does not mean anyone should be allowed to discriminate when hiring somone because of race, religion or ethnicity...and of course we have laws against all that already.

In a nutshell you are one of the not feel bad. You have a lot of company.
I see nothing positive about 'embracing' failed cultures; most of that 'Diversity' rubbish is just whining losers sniveling about getting by passed by progress and far better cultural practices. Only total morons think we need to treat Aztec or Congo or Pakistani 'cultures' as something to 'admire' and encourage, just to name three; 'Diversity' is just a dog whistle word for black and brown racists and their infantile jealousies and bigotry.

Yes......diversity, multi-culturalism, integration and also such bullshite has been crammed down the throats of generations of innocent kids who being kids absorbed the nonsense and then in turn promoted it themselves.

How did it all get started in the first place? Who initially promoted it. Who gained by it? Why is it still the 'law' of the land when it has all obviously failed?

They're not even promoting real 'culture', just stupid caricatures of some propagandist's wish list of fantasies; it's commie tactic, like calling homosexuals 'gay', gimmicks like that. They complain about 'stereotyping' and claim to be insulted by 'blackface' or something, then turn around and do the same thing themselves. Watch the Grammies, or tabloid shows like TMZ, and see which 'black cultures' they're glorifying as 'important, scumbag street vermin 'rappers' and 'hip hop low lifes; compare that complete shithead sewer garbage to the great gospel, classical, and jazz contributions of the past from black musicians, which get almost no airplay or even mention anywhere any more. Who even knows of Winton Marsalis's classical music, for instance? I get blank stares from black kids even bringing up his name.

some schools have a ''diversity'' club
as Miketx stated, this FORCES people to accept/etc
you can't change humans from being human

Most of our public schools are little more than Federal Government indoctrination centers. Some exceptions not many.

The Federal Government should be excluded from our Public is the rifhtful domain of the states.
One of the problems for "tolerant" societies is bumping up against intolerant ones. What do you do when an ideology or religion is predicated upon being the only one, or even insists on tenets that violate yours, such as woman's equality?

When our founders declared this nation would have freedom of religion....they had no idea of how many religions would develop here.

Any religion that advocates the harming up to and even murder of others should not be tolerated...but it is. Any religion that advocates the destruction of America should not be tolerated but of course it is.

Thus we need a new amendment concerning freedom of religion that would deal with any religion that is dangers to society or America...such a religion does not deserve protection under our constitution and we all know who I am talking about.
Diversity seems to be a topic of conversation in many areas, including politics, business, school, ect. So, as a general rule, what would you say is the most important type of diversity? By that I mean, what is the ultimate goal of having a "diverse" group, whether it be a political party, a business, school, working group, work force, governing body, or citizenry at large? Is the goal to have a diverse looking group? Is it to have diversity of background? Diversity of ideas? Diversity of perspective? What is the ultimate goal?

Before anyone gets bogged down in the concept that it depends on the overarching goal of the group (and that is true in many cases), let's just say that's not the point. I am wondering what people think on the topic in general.

Is it better to have people who look different, but think much the same; or is it better to have people who think differently, and come from a variety of backgrounds, regardless of what they look like?

Note: This is intended to be a non-political/non-partisan discussion. Please, if you are unable to leave your partisanship at the door, move on.
The most powerful use of diversity is when I am in a meeting and I ask the person who was quiet through out the meeting what they think about it. Too often discussions are dominated by a select few and good observations, comments and ideas are left off the table. The power of diversity is engaging the quiet voice in the room. We have totally screwed up what diversity means by making it about quotas.

Including the person who doesn’t feel like they are part of the team and making them feel like they are part of the team is what diversity is all about.

First of all you need to define what you think diversity is.

Not saying you are wrong....I tend to agree with you actually. But there is a lot of coinfusion about the term for the point that I think it should be avoided.

The way it has been used by leftwingers is of course to promote minorities and multi-culturalism.
There are several ways of defining diversity but the central distinction is difference. It can be any number of things.

To me the best way to think of it is inclusion of individuals who for whatever difference that exists they are not being included.

I tend to focus more on diversity of thought and ideas more than I do on color or physical differences. I’m not a big fan of quotas. They don’t seem to work.
One of the problems for "tolerant" societies is bumping up against intolerant ones. What do you do when an ideology or religion is predicated upon being the only one, or even insists on tenets that violate yours, such as woman's equality?

When our founders declared this nation would have freedom of religion....they had no idea of how many religions would develop here.

Any religion that advocates the harming up to and even murder of others should not be tolerated...but it is. Any religion that advocates the destruction of America should not be tolerated but of course it is.

Thus we need a new amendment concerning freedom of religion that would deal with any religion that is dangers to society or America...such a religion does not deserve protection under our constitution and we all know who I am talking about.
To be blunt, "tolerate" has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Religions, ideologies and philosophies are not "tolerated". They exist in humanity. Given a human mind, or certainly a few of them, and the results will be as they have been across the thousands of human years.
Repress them and they grow stronger.
Destroying them is out of the range of possibility, aside from being a futile, barbaric act (see, 3rd Reich, Soviet Union).
We need erroneous religions to keep us in mind of the better path. Since we will have to live with them one way or another, in some form or other, we must keep them close, ever in debate with us to remind every generation of how we got better.
One of the problems for "tolerant" societies is bumping up against intolerant ones. What do you do when an ideology or religion is predicated upon being the only one, or even insists on tenets that violate yours, such as woman's equality?

When our founders declared this nation would have freedom of religion....they had no idea of how many religions would develop here.

Any religion that advocates the harming up to and even murder of others should not be tolerated...but it is. Any religion that advocates the destruction of America should not be tolerated but of course it is.

Thus we need a new amendment concerning freedom of religion that would deal with any religion that is dangers to society or America...such a religion does not deserve protection under our constitution and we all know who I am talking about.
To be blunt, "tolerate" has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Religions, ideologies and philosophies are not "tolerated". They exist in humanity. Given a human mind, or certainly a few of them, and the results will be as they have been across the thousands of human years.
Repress them and they grow stronger.
Destroying them is out of the range of possibility, aside from being a futile, barbaric act (see, 3rd Reich, Soviet Union).
We need erroneous religions to keep us in mind of the better path. Since we will have to live with them one way or another, in some form or other, we must keep them close, ever in debate with us to remind every generation of how we got better.

How have we gotten better?
One of the problems for "tolerant" societies is bumping up against intolerant ones. What do you do when an ideology or religion is predicated upon being the only one, or even insists on tenets that violate yours, such as woman's equality?

When our founders declared this nation would have freedom of religion....they had no idea of how many religions would develop here.

Any religion that advocates the harming up to and even murder of others should not be tolerated...but it is. Any religion that advocates the destruction of America should not be tolerated but of course it is.

Thus we need a new amendment concerning freedom of religion that would deal with any religion that is dangers to society or America...such a religion does not deserve protection under our constitution and we all know who I am talking about.
To be blunt, "tolerate" has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Religions, ideologies and philosophies are not "tolerated". They exist in humanity. Given a human mind, or certainly a few of them, and the results will be as they have been across the thousands of human years.
Repress them and they grow stronger.
Destroying them is out of the range of possibility, aside from being a futile, barbaric act (see, 3rd Reich, Soviet Union).
We need erroneous religions to keep us in mind of the better path. Since we will have to live with them one way or another, in some form or other, we must keep them close, ever in debate with us to remind every generation of how we got better.

How have we gotten better?
Reminds one of the Monty Python scene where guy accuses a woman of turning him into a newt. We see he is far from a newt, and the interrogator shows he is dubious, so the guy says, "I got bettah!".
Are we better?
As in, entirely well? As in improved?
As a pure comparative, American culture is unarguably better than any previous period of human history (as are many other cultures, perhaps even most other).
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa Many would find you un-acceptable boyo. So who do you think should have the power to decide for the rest of us what is acceptable for society and what is not?

You seem incredibly naive.

I think that is always decided by the majority.

Here's the thing... we have no "rights", we have what the majority thinks is fair and reasonable.
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The essence of liberty is being able to discriminate....not to be forced to go along with things one finds unacceptable.

Why do Conservatives always want to define "Freedom" as those with money and privilege having the ability to abuse those without it?

Now, concerning one is running around trying to force anyone to be a Christian....yet Christians should have the right to promote their religious beliefs. That does not mean you have to sit there and smile while they are doing it.

No, but they do want to seem to impose themselves on the rest of us. They whine and snivel about a "War on Christmas" and try to tell the rest of us who we can marry and what kind of birth control we can use.

Of course we all have to abide by the law and we are a nation of laws and homersexuality I think is now legal in all the states....could be wrong about that but my point being is that it is a kind of behavior many find un-acceptable and should not be forced to participate in it at any level(including baking cakes for gay weddings)

If you are a baker and a Christian couple comes in wanting a cake baked for their wedding you should have the right to refuse to do it.

Absolutely. You are totally free to close up your business if you aren't willing to do EXACTLY WHAT YOU PROMISED. It's called "Public Accommodation Laws", and we have them so people can get easy access to services. You don't want to provide a service, don't be in that business.
Women and men are different, yet equal.
Cultures can be different, but it is obvious that they cannot all be equal. One must, and usually can easily, determine which have the most to offer. Those that acknowledge the equality of women already have an advantage.
The essence of liberty is being able to discriminate....not to be forced to go along with things one finds unacceptable.

Why do Conservatives always want to define "Freedom" as those with money and privilege having the ability to abuse those without it?

Now, concerning one is running around trying to force anyone to be a Christian....yet Christians should have the right to promote their religious beliefs. That does not mean you have to sit there and smile while they are doing it.

No, but they do want to seem to impose themselves on the rest of us. They whine and snivel about a "War on Christmas" and try to tell the rest of us who we can marry and what kind of birth control we can use.

Of course we all have to abide by the law and we are a nation of laws and homersexuality I think is now legal in all the states....could be wrong about that but my point being is that it is a kind of behavior many find un-acceptable and should not be forced to participate in it at any level(including baking cakes for gay weddings)

If you are a baker and a Christian couple comes in wanting a cake baked for their wedding you should have the right to refuse to do it.

Absolutely. You are totally free to close up your business if you aren't willing to do EXACTLY WHAT YOU PROMISED. It's called "Public Accommodation Laws", and we have them so people can get easy access to services. You don't want to provide a service, don't be in that business.
The person you responded to never said a word about rich and privileged. But in fact the rich and privileged have the same rights as every one and discrimination is not abuse it is a human right. You discriminate, I discriminate we all discriminate and every individual has the right to do so. WHen I discriminate by chooosing the company of one over another it does not harm or abuse the one I choose to do without.

You may be correct about conservatives wishing to control others but that is not a valid argument for liberals doing the EXACT same thing. It is revealing that your argument is that of a pre schooler as in " well they did something bad too "

MO ONE promises to provide services to anyone who wants said service when they start a business. The purpose of starting a business is to control ones own life and provide for it. Public accommodation laws are a contradiction and a violation of human rights and you cannot excuse or dodge that fact. They were not passed to provide equality or equal access they were passed and act as a tyrannical control over the actions and thoughts of others.
The essence of liberty is being able to discriminate....not to be forced to go along with things one finds unacceptable.

Why do Conservatives always want to define "Freedom" as those with money and privilege having the ability to abuse those without it?

Now, concerning one is running around trying to force anyone to be a Christian....yet Christians should have the right to promote their religious beliefs. That does not mean you have to sit there and smile while they are doing it.

No, but they do want to seem to impose themselves on the rest of us. They whine and snivel about a "War on Christmas" and try to tell the rest of us who we can marry and what kind of birth control we can use.

Of course we all have to abide by the law and we are a nation of laws and homersexuality I think is now legal in all the states....could be wrong about that but my point being is that it is a kind of behavior many find un-acceptable and should not be forced to participate in it at any level(including baking cakes for gay weddings)

If you are a baker and a Christian couple comes in wanting a cake baked for their wedding you should have the right to refuse to do it.

Absolutely. You are totally free to close up your business if you aren't willing to do EXACTLY WHAT YOU PROMISED. It's called "Public Accommodation Laws", and we have them so people can get easy access to services. You don't want to provide a service, don't be in that business.
The person you responded to never said a word about rich and privileged. But in fact the rich and privileged have the same rights as every one and discrimination is not abuse it is a human right. You discriminate, I discriminate we all discriminate and every individual has the right to do so. WHen I discriminate by chooosing the company of one over another it does not harm or abuse the one I choose to do without.

You may be correct about conservatives wishing to control others but that is not a valid argument for liberals doing the EXACT same thing. It is revealing that your argument is that of a pre schooler as in " well they did something bad too "

MO ONE promises to provide services to anyone who wants said service when they start a business. The purpose of starting a business is to control ones own life and provide for it. Public accommodation laws are a contradiction and a violation of human rights and you cannot excuse or dodge that fact. They were not passed to provide equality or equal access they were passed and act as a tyrannical control over the actions and thoughts of others.

Absolutely correct!
The essence of liberty is being able to discriminate....not to be forced to go along with things one finds unacceptable.

Why do Conservatives always want to define "Freedom" as those with money and privilege having the ability to abuse those without it?

Now, concerning one is running around trying to force anyone to be a Christian....yet Christians should have the right to promote their religious beliefs. That does not mean you have to sit there and smile while they are doing it.

No, but they do want to seem to impose themselves on the rest of us. They whine and snivel about a "War on Christmas" and try to tell the rest of us who we can marry and what kind of birth control we can use.

Of course we all have to abide by the law and we are a nation of laws and homersexuality I think is now legal in all the states....could be wrong about that but my point being is that it is a kind of behavior many find un-acceptable and should not be forced to participate in it at any level(including baking cakes for gay weddings)

If you are a baker and a Christian couple comes in wanting a cake baked for their wedding you should have the right to refuse to do it.

Absolutely. You are totally free to close up your business if you aren't willing to do EXACTLY WHAT YOU PROMISED. It's called "Public Accommodation Laws", and we have them so people can get easy access to services. You don't want to provide a service, don't be in that business.
The essence of liberty is being able to discriminate....not to be forced to go along with things one finds unacceptable.

Why do Conservatives always want to define "Freedom" as those with money and privilege having the ability to abuse those without it?

Now, concerning one is running around trying to force anyone to be a Christian....yet Christians should have the right to promote their religious beliefs. That does not mean you have to sit there and smile while they are doing it.

No, but they do want to seem to impose themselves on the rest of us. They whine and snivel about a "War on Christmas" and try to tell the rest of us who we can marry and what kind of birth control we can use.

Of course we all have to abide by the law and we are a nation of laws and homersexuality I think is now legal in all the states....could be wrong about that but my point being is that it is a kind of behavior many find un-acceptable and should not be forced to participate in it at any level(including baking cakes for gay weddings)

If you are a baker and a Christian couple comes in wanting a cake baked for their wedding you should have the right to refuse to do it.

Absolutely. You are totally free to close up your business if you aren't willing to do EXACTLY WHAT YOU PROMISED. It's called "Public Accommodation Laws", and we have them so people can get easy access to services. You don't want to provide a service, don't be in that business.

'We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone'

What does "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" really mean? -
The person you responded to never said a word about rich and privileged. But in fact the rich and privileged have the same rights as every one and discrimination is not abuse it is a human right.

But that's the point, they don't have the same rights.

It's why the poor kid who gets caught with Oxycotin goes to jail and Rush Limbaugh gets rehab.
The person you responded to never said a word about rich and privileged. But in fact the rich and privileged have the same rights as every one and discrimination is not abuse it is a human right.

But that's the point, they don't have the same rights.

It's why the poor kid who gets caught with Oxycotin goes to jail and Rush Limbaugh gets rehab.
They do have the same rights trial outcome is not based on rights both were afforded the same rights

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