DJ posts stealth pics of Obama’s ‘epic’ birthday party — before being forced to delete them

I wouldn't give a damn if he got on the dance floor with a hazmat suit on, racist trash like you are only whining about it because you want to critcize him. You will then around and take your pasty white ass to Trump rally tomorrow without a mask.
well yeah…we want to be critical of him and the dembots that aren’t following their own rules

The scary thing is how you continue to defend him
Really? Did someone say you can't have a party?

Buncha fake crybabies around here. You guys aren't happy unless you are bawling like little babies.
says the biggest whine ass on here....
and yea, the scum demonRATS ....stay 6 feet apart, and wear masks....except for the corrupted pieces of shit that belong to the scum demonRAT party....
I wouldn't give a damn if he got on the dance floor with a hazmat suit on, racist trash like you are only whining about it because you want to critcize him. You will then around and take your pasty white ass to Trump rally tomorrow without a mask.
Dude, pull your head out of your ass, take the fucking mask off, and be free like the rest of US, instead of being a progressive slave and allow your masters to dictate what you do. If you continue to deny the truth, then i will have to put you into the slave pen with the rest of the 150 idiotic morons who are already there.
the chinese flu is a hoax....made up by the scum harm AMERICA
and to get that gene altering jab into your body....
The vaccines don't affect your DNA dumbass.
Dude, pull your head out of your ass, take the fucking mask off, and be free like the rest of US, instead of being a progressive slave and allow your masters to dictate what you do. If you continue to deny the truth, then i will have to put you into the slave pen with the rest of the 150 idiotic morons who are already there.
One is free even with a mask on.
Masks? We don't have no stinkin' masks. Masks? We don't need no stinkin' masks.

A performer at former President Barack Obama’s birthday party managed to take stealth pictures of the opulent Martha’s Vineyard event and share them with Instagram followers.
Rapper Trap Beckham and manager TJ Chapman discreetly snapped pics of the event’s high-end food, drink and swag offerings and talked to their followers as the party unfolded, according to screenshots of the posts, which were later deleted under the event’s photography ban.
The recording artist and his handler posted themselves smoking cannabis — which is legal in Massachusetts.
Snaps of the open bar showed bottles of top-shelf liquor and cigars, and s’mores cocktails garnished with melted marshmallows.
Despite Questlove being enlisted to coordinate a meat-free menu, photos showed that steak, chicken and shrimp were also available, with rice, greens and potatoes on the side.


Guess they won't be invited next time.
Dude, pull your head out of your ass, take the fucking mask off, and be free like the rest of US, instead of being a progressive slave and allow your masters to dictate what you do. If you continue to deny the truth, then i will have to put you into the slave pen with the rest of the 150 idiotic morons who are already there.
First off all numb nuts, you are going to put me anywhere. It's because of ignorant Jackasses like you that the country is in the bind it is right now. You right wing fools listening to other fools and here we are.
What states am I bitching about Slies?
all of them. you bitch and complain about what others are doing in other states all the time.

Here your Messiah and the party of the klan is having a massive party, ignoring the guidelines on mask…and you are of course defending it and telling people they can’t be critical because they weren’t at the party

i would say it’s hypocrisy but we all know you are still on the plantation and frankly simply aren’t able to dare question.

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