DJ posts stealth pics of Obama’s ‘epic’ birthday party — before being forced to delete them

The Administration, the CDC, and Dr. Fauci say to wear masks indoors. The elites at Obama’s party said fuck that. That is the issue; not the party. No one was wearing a mask.
The party was outdoors. You do know the difference between "indoors" and "outdoors", right?
Again, the Administration, the CDC are telling people to WEAR MASKS whether you are vaccinated or not. Obama’s bash said “fuck that”
the rules didnt apply to Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro…they don’t apply to Putin and Xi, why do you think they’d apply to the dem leaders here?
You really are the petulant little progressive pajama boy, here we are showing you, how the progressive elites think that you arent worth a shit because they demand you as a slave to obey their rules of masking and hunkering down, while they go and have a grand party, without masks and social distancing. In the words of Marie Antionette. "LET THEM EAT CAKE"...

Stupid people vote for stupid progressive Democrats..
As compared to what, the big, bad, conservative internet guy. You're just a dumb ass Trump Humper who is being led around by his nose and doesn't know whether to shit or go blind.
says the racist thats shoved up barrag-o's ass....that was then, retard, this is now....supposedly when the dumb fuck demonRAT variant is more deadly....
If Trump were to hold a Klan rally tomorrow dumb asses just like you would be right in there cheering like a fool. What is it, Trump Humpers don't think it's a HOAX anymore.
Is on that beach front property where Prezident Global Warming retired to after telling us all for years the oceans were going to rise and drown us all in 10 years n stuff? lol obviously he never beleived that bullshit and knew he was lying.
If Trump were to hold a Klan rally tomorrow dumb asses just like you would be right in there cheering like a fool. What is it, Trump Humpers don't think it's a HOAX anymore.
Uhm the only Klan rally would be held by President Biden. You really are a racist prick to your own kind.

All those Democrat slackers, ready to pounce on any type of freebie. It must have been hell cutting that list down. You know a lot of tears were shed when the unchosen ones were deprived of free booze, weed, cigars and food. On the happy side, at least they didn't have to watch him dance (if that's what you call that)
All those Democrat slackers, ready to pounce on any type of freebie. It must have been hell cutting that list down. You know a lot of tears were shed when the unchosen ones were deprived of free booze, weed, cigars and food. On the happy side, at least they didn't have to watch him dance (if that's what you call that)

We don't know who paid for it yet, either; I don't see Barry and Michael Obama as the generous types.

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