DNC Bosses Contemplating a Superdelegate Coup if Bernie Sanders Leads in Delegates

Biden will declare this coming Wednesday, Bernie is toast. The DNC super-delegates will be directed to vote for Biden.

The day he announces will be his highest day in the polls, it will only go down from there. The commies really don't want the gaff machine on the trail.

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so once again they don't want to go with the system, they want their order there regardless of what the people want.

Um, its their system, their private primary. They are a political party, not a country.

Personally I'm against political parties existing but I'm not sure they can be effectively banned and I'm really not sure banning them would be constitutional.

Not sure about Grit Post but to change the subject, its their party and they can do as they want to with or w/o primaries to drum up news and name recognition.
Yes, the Party of ‘Electoral College Bad’ will use Super Delegates to override the majority again.

Its their party. It does look a little silly but what do you want, big government to take them over?
Don’t get me wrong, I applaud the Lefts hypocrisy. It entertains me.

Honestly this has been a very entertaining few years.

Speaking of Left vs Right.

I applaud the "2016 Right" for calling Reagan's NAFTA a terrible idea. Fluid world we live in. I'm not even sure what "right" or "left" means from day to day. Its almost like we should quit falling for the Russian tricks and debate some issues.
Ronald Reagan had globalists like Bush and many others in his sphere of influence. I believe his later years as President he was worn down as they took more control. His agendas were more narrow by then for success.
Now, superdelegates don’t get to vote until the second ballot at the Democratic National Convention, meaning the first ballot is just for pledged delegates.

Second ballot?

If you don't win on the first ballot ALL delegates are released
Now, superdelegates don’t get to vote until the second ballot at the Democratic National Convention, meaning the first ballot is just for pledged delegates.

Second ballot?

If you don't win on the first ballot ALL delegates are released
Rules will be changed to ensure the anointed one wins.
Now, superdelegates don’t get to vote until the second ballot at the Democratic National Convention, meaning the first ballot is just for pledged delegates.

Second ballot?

If you don't win on the first ballot ALL delegates are released
Rules will be changed to ensure the anointed one wins.
The proles will be told to like it...and they will.
Rules will be changed to ensure the anointed one wins.

Soooo...you just make shit up as you go..


Hillary Clinton rigged the primary and nomination process in 2016, and then she did her damnedest to try and rig the general election with the help of foreign agents. To think that it couldn't or wouldn't be done in the 2020 election cycle is rather naive IMHO.

The Democrat Party hasn't really learned a thing because they have been punished for their previous shenanigans.
Um, its their system, their private primary. They are a political party, not a country.

Personally I'm against political parties existing but I'm not sure they can be effectively banned and I'm really not sure banning them would be constitutional.

Not sure about Grit Post but to change the subject, its their party and they can do as they want to with or w/o primaries to drum up news and name recognition.
Yes, the Party of ‘Electoral College Bad’ will use Super Delegates to override the majority again.

Its their party. It does look a little silly but what do you want, big government to take them over?
Don’t get me wrong, I applaud the Lefts hypocrisy. It entertains me.

Honestly this has been a very entertaining few years.

Speaking of Left vs Right.

I applaud the "2016 Right" for calling Reagan's NAFTA a terrible idea. Fluid world we live in. I'm not even sure what "right" or "left" means from day to day. Its almost like we should quit falling for the Russian tricks and debate some issues.
Ronald Reagan had globalists like Bush and many others in his sphere of influence. I believe his later years as President he was worn down as they took more control. His agendas were more narrow by then for success.

Search for "Ronald" here.

Canada and NAFTA | The Canadian Encyclopedia

I REALLY think the free trade agreement and other open border economic policies are long held Republican ideals.
Biden will declare this coming Wednesday, Bernie is toast. The DNC super-delegates will be directed to vote for Biden.

You may be right. Biden has been around forever and has all of the dirt on all of the power players in the DNC..

He could easily be on the verge of achieving the Democrat Party nomination, which would be the pinnacle of his political career.
'Third time lucky?'
Anyone who believes the radical Socialist nut cases who now control the DNC will allow either Bernie or Biden.....both pushing eighty years old.......both WHITE!!!!!!.........both not openly anti semitic, to get the nomination is fucking delusional.
They have already formed a firing squad to kill off anyone who doesn't adhere to their radical Socialist Jew hating agenda.
Complaining about the right-wing in Israel is not anti-Semitism, brainwashed functional moron. And Jews will not be fooled by that stupid propaganda.
Now, superdelegates don’t get to vote until the second ballot at the Democratic National Convention, meaning the first ballot is just for pledged delegates.

Second ballot?

If you don't win on the first ballot ALL delegates are released

That is a crime against democracy

Then influence from a few wealthy people can override the will of the people

That is how crooks lie to voters and rigg their elections for their greed
Yes, the Party of ‘Electoral College Bad’ will use Super Delegates to override the majority again.

Its their party. It does look a little silly but what do you want, big government to take them over?
Don’t get me wrong, I applaud the Lefts hypocrisy. It entertains me.

Honestly this has been a very entertaining few years.

Speaking of Left vs Right.

I applaud the "2016 Right" for calling Reagan's NAFTA a terrible idea. Fluid world we live in. I'm not even sure what "right" or "left" means from day to day. Its almost like we should quit falling for the Russian tricks and debate some issues.
Ronald Reagan had globalists like Bush and many others in his sphere of influence. I believe his later years as President he was worn down as they took more control. His agendas were more narrow by then for success.

Search for "Ronald" here.

Canada and NAFTA | The Canadian Encyclopedia

I REALLY think the free trade agreement and other open border economic policies are long held Republican ideals.

No they are democrat and rinos greed way to enrich themselves off the backs of the American worker and they give part of that to China or another low wage nation
The DNC knows that Bernie will lose in the biggest landslide since Reagan / Mondale, that's why
The DNC knows that Bernie will lose in the biggest landslide since Reagan / Mondale, that's why

Sure, but would Beto the Phony Mexican, Farticus or Pocahontas do any better? How about Pete Butt, Creepy Joe or John Freaking Kerry? The D's are not in a good position. IMHO, they should concentrate their efforts in the House and Senate to help their chances with an impeachment during the 2nd Trump Administration.
History repeats.

I’m so old I remember when the popular vote was the one and only way to elect a leader.

DNC Bosses Contemplating a Superdelegate Coup if Bernie Sanders Leads in Delegates.
BERNIE VS. THE DEMOCRATS: This Time The Democrats Might Not Win.

Trump’s march through the institutions of the right. One by one, he took on and defeated the power brokers of the American conservative movement and Republican Party. He turned his “pledge” to support the nominee into a political coup, the beginning of his takeover of the Republican National Committee. He challenged the authority of conservative media critical of him, including such important brands as Fox News Channel and National Review. Burned by the right’s foreign policy hands and economists, he got by with a ragtag crew of wonks, intellectuals, and journalists. What money he raised came from small-dollar contributions.

Trump shook the Republican Party to its foundations. He forced it to recognize his power, drawn not from Beltway credentials but from the Republican voter base. It was not that Trump remained unchanged. Beginning in 2011, he adopted core Republican positions such as support for the right to life, for the Second Amendment, for supply-side tax cuts, and for constitutionalist judges on the bench. Once in power he listened and sometimes deferred to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. But the GOP changed more. It is no longer the party it was before Donald Trump. Never will be.

It might now be the Democratic Party’s time in the barrel.
Stay tuned. And remember, the Democrats greatly enjoyed watching Trump stride, Godzilla-like, through the institutions of establishment Republicanism — until he won the election.
The Dems are heavily invested in Clinton getting into the White House. That is what the Mueller investigation is all about. Giving her a platform to take what she believes is rightfully hers. She will be entering the campaign and all the pretenders will be done.
The Dems are heavily invested in Clinton getting into the White House. That is what the Mueller investigation is all about. Giving her a platform to take what she believes is rightfully hers. She will be entering the campaign and all the pretenders will be done.

If Trump was guilty of rigging the election as libs say, I don't see how they could deny the nomination to Hillary Clinton.

After all, if Trump rigged it, he would be illegitimate and Hillary Clinton is the uncrowned but legit President.

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