DNC insider: Hillary Clinton’s campaign is imploding

Yes, of course. It's all in the news about Mrs. Clinton: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/14/us/politics/donald-trump-campaign-gop.html?_r=0

'In private, Mr. Trump’s mood is often sullen and erratic, his associates say. He veers from barking at members of his staff to grumbling about how he was better off following his own instincts during the primaries and suggesting he should not have heeded their calls for change.

He broods about his souring relationship with the news media, calling Mr. Manafort several times a day to talk about specific stories. Occasionally, Mr. Trump blows off steam in bursts of boyish exuberance: At the end of a fund-raiser on Long Island last week, he playfully buzzed the crowd twice with his helicopter.'

The New York Times is the source. I'm sure the reporter interviewed "unnamed sources" for this information.

Enough said.

I guess you don't understand how the free press works. These sources are later referred to as whistle-blowers. A reporter always protects their sources.
i.e.: Watergate, when Woodard and Bernstein had to carefully approach the DNC break-in after their sources informed them that President Nixon was behind the burglary. And we all know how that ended, don't we?

Yes, I do know how the New York Times works. Whenever they want to make stuff up, they just use an "unnamed source."

And do you know the phrase the ultra-conservative Wall Street Journal uses? "....According to people familiar with the matter...".
Mr. Brip, you don't read newspapers, so you don't know.

Only the editorial page of the WSJ is conservative. The news side is infested with leftwing hacks like Al Hunt.
Hence we understand the motive behind the victory dance her minions have been performing this week in the forum:

A website called Real. True. News. (RTN) published an interview on August 7, between RTN‘s Max Insider and an unnamed source within the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The source says Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is imploding because every weapon they’ve deployed against Donald Trump has failed, and Hillary may soon drop out of the race.

Note: Max Insider describes himself as having “20+ years of reporting for liberal news outlets in the Main Stream Media. Fed up with the lies, the manipulation, and the outright criminality, he is undertaking a crusade to bring truth, righteousness, and vigilance back to America. This is where the revolution starts.”

Here’s what the DNC source said:

1) Trump is polling far better than what the MSM say

“Not only is Trump’s polling far better than the media narrative shows but the even more predictive Social Media scene has collapsed to ‘landslide’ proportions in favor of Donald Trump.”

2) Trump’s campaign is more adept at using social media than Hillary’s

“Hillary inherited Obama’s ‘Victory Lab’ and analytics–but that was all geared to 2012 which was still pretty primitive by today’s standards–and to Mitt Romney who might as well have been a caveman by today’s standards. Things . . . changed. [quietly] Hillary didn’t…. Trump is what changed.”

3) None of the Democratic Party’s tried-and-true attack methods works against Trump

“None of the old strategies work on him [Trump]…. We called our opponents racist. It worked–like, 93-98 times out of a hundred–people would back down. Run. Back then there was zero counter-narrative. McCain played it soft-ball. Romney was pretty clean but he wasn’t ready to get nasty and take the heat. All their surrogates? Allies? Only Sarah Palin had the woman-card. That was it. We crushed them. Their online-portion of the vote? It was smaller than today–but they were demoralized. Shut down…. None of our focus groups were Trump voters. We just didn’t bring any of them in at the start. We tried racist. We tried misogynist. We tried anti-Islam. It worked on our focus people. On Trump voters? No effect–reverse even…. It made them stronger–more committed. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s like Trump didn’t collapse when we tired it on him and suddenly it didn’t work any more…. Right now tests have shown that attack-ads almost never have any lasting impact. Events like conventions? Like debates? They determine who answers the phone–not who changed their vote. The social media front might be the biggest deal going…. We have our response team go hard–racist. Sexist. Social Justice up the ass. It just pisses everyone off. It changes nobody’s mind.”

4) Hillary campaign has fake followers and the media’s collusion

“We bought fake followers. That used to be what everyone did. Trump? His guys are all real. We’ve got media-established narratives. Our coms-team works with the major outlets to shape the stories. That’s traditional. He doesn’t even have a Coms [Communications] Team–he just fires off tweets and they all go viral. Every last damn one…. We’ve paid like–like 300k for Politico. They [Trump campaign] paid nothing and they’ve got Breitbart. You know who Trump voters trust? Brietbart. Look at the numbers.”

On Hillary’s fake followers, see “Get ready for a $1M army of social media trolls for Hillary” and “DNC advertises on CraigsList for 700 actors to fill empty Convention seats”.

On the media’s collusion with Hillary’s campaign, see “CNN anchor Chris Cuomo admits media are Hillary Clinton’s bitch” and “Blatant media bias: MSNBC’s Joy Reid is a whore for Hillary”.

On the collusion between Hillary’s campaign and Politico, see “DNC advertises on CraigsList for 700 actors to fill empty Convention seats”.

Alright, so when will she leave the race and if she does not leave the race and win in November what will you write next?

Social Media trends?

You do realize that anyone can signup for Twatter and Farsebook and those liking Trump might be all Americans or could also have non-Americans and underage non-voters giving your Candidate the thumbs up, but please clinch to the Social Media trends as your last hope...

I mean those like you get giddy when reading the USA Today article about that one Application while not noticing it claims Trump is leading Clinton in California, and if you believe Trump will win California, well reality is not your friend then!

When the writing is on the wall and even the GOP brass has told Trump to clean his nonsense up or they will pull funding those like you search the internet for some article claiming Clinton will drop out of the race... I mean why not just use the National Enquirer to support your opinion with?

I know you will claim MSM is in the Clinton pocket including Fox News and those no name sites that write about how Clinton will fall are legit and I went to that site and it is another nutter site!

Might as well have used Drudge or some other nutter site to support your wish that Clinton will drop from the race...

Trump will drop before Clinton and if he does I will be the first one back here to laugh at you!
Go back to the early August time frame and look up their spanking of Attila over his remarks about a Gold Star family.
I'm well aware of the media generated brouhaha over Mr Khan, the douche bag Hillary crony.
Then you should be well aware that Trump lost a vast proportion of veteran support at that time; both individuals and fraternal organizations.

Given that most veterans are rather Conservative by nature, a Republican has to be a genuine asshole, to bring on that sort of reaction.

"Your Honor... the Defense rests."
ROFL! No he didn't. You imagine that a few Hillary supporting douche bag political hacks represent all veterans. They don't. No self respecting veteran supports Hillary. They despise Obama, and Hillary would be more of the same. She's the piece of shit who lied to the parents of the Benghazi victims.

I am a vet an I would hate to see the war monger Hillary win. I also didn't hear where the American Legion made a statement. But I would like to know if they did, cause if they did then I will send back my 25 year member card.

Douche bag thinks that some political hack at the VFW speaks for all veterans. He's probably a Democrat and undoubtedly an establishment piece of shit.

Its a classic left tactic, they find one person willing to flame Trump, put them on tv and try to paint all vet's as in agreement with their idiot. Kahn comes to mind, perfect example. Its the definition of spin.

The left has to lie and spin, they have no ideas, no solutions, the filthy punks need to be destroyed.
...What a fucking douche bag. Do you actually imagine that anyone believes you ever had any intention of voting for Trump?...
Don't get your panties all bunched-up, Princess...

I liked what I heard from Trump, early-on, about getting rid of the 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, although I thought his Wall was a stupid idea.

I liked what I heard from Trump about forcing manufacturing jobs back on-shore, and believe that some combination of penalties and tariffs, etc., should be tried again.

I liked what I heard from Trump about halting Muslim immigration, although I thought even at the time that he needed to pitch it a different way, to avoid too many brickbats.

But, as the primaries dragged on..

It became clear that Trump had far too many character flaws and far too many deficiencies in knowledge and temperament to trust the Republic to him.

I was just about at that point, at the time of the Khan controversy, and Trump's foolhardy reaction to the Khan assault and the VFW's response was the final deciding event.

The straw that broke the camel's back; the one that sent me across to the opposing camp; reluctantly, but decidedly and irretrievably.

It's not that Clinton is any good; it's just that Trump is that much worse.

Anyone here, who has seen me argue against Illegal Aliens, and in favor of other social conservatism causes, senses the truth in the above remarks.

What you, in particular, believe, about my candidate preferences, now or in the past, my little pissant, is of very little consequence, and of no practical interest to me.

...What are these half dozen "veterans organizations" that supposedly have spanked Trump? Do you actually imagine that 11 gold star wives speak for every veteran killed in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Veterans of Foreign Wars... 1.3 million members... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veterans_of_Foreign_Wars

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America... 150,000 members... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_and_Afghanistan_Veterans_of_America

An approximate 1.5 million veterans, for starters...

Close enough for gubmint work...

Next contestant, please...
Last edited:
Yes, of course. It's all in the news about Mrs. Clinton: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/14/us/politics/donald-trump-campaign-gop.html?_r=0

'In private, Mr. Trump’s mood is often sullen and erratic, his associates say. He veers from barking at members of his staff to grumbling about how he was better off following his own instincts during the primaries and suggesting he should not have heeded their calls for change.

He broods about his souring relationship with the news media, calling Mr. Manafort several times a day to talk about specific stories. Occasionally, Mr. Trump blows off steam in bursts of boyish exuberance: At the end of a fund-raiser on Long Island last week, he playfully buzzed the crowd twice with his helicopter.'

The New York Times is the source. I'm sure the reporter interviewed "unnamed sources" for this information.

Enough said.

I guess you don't understand how the free press works. These sources are later referred to as whistle-blowers. A reporter always protects their sources.
i.e.: Watergate, when Woodard and Bernstein had to carefully approach the DNC break-in after their sources informed them that President Nixon was behind the burglary. And we all know how that ended, don't we?

Yes, I do know how the New York Times works. Whenever they want to make stuff up, they just use an "unnamed source."

And do you know the phrase the ultra-conservative Wall Street Journal uses? "....According to people familiar with the matter...".
Mr. Brip, you don't read newspapers, so you don't know.

Only the editorial page of the WSJ is conservative. The news side is infested with leftwing hacks like Al Hunt.

You are an idiot, sir. The WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the current CEO of Fox News. Really, Mr. Brip. You are poorly informed.
...What a fucking douche bag. Do you actually imagine that anyone believes you ever had any intention of voting for Trump?...
Don't get your panties all bunched-up, Princess...

I liked what I heard from Trump, early-on, about getting rid of the 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, although I thought his Wall was a stupid idea.

I liked what I heard from Trump about forcing manufacturing jobs back on-shore, and believe that some combination of penalties and tariffs, etc., should be tried again.

I liked what I heard from Trump about halting Muslim immigration, although I thought even at the time that he needed to pitch it a different way, to avoid too many brickbats.

But, as time dragged on, it became more clear that Trump had far more character flaws and far too many deficiencies in knowledge and temperament to trust the Republic to him.

I was just about at that point, at the time of the Khan controversy, and Trump's foolhardy reaction to the Khan assault and the VFW's response was the final deciding event.

Anyone here, who has seen me argue against Illegal Aliens, and in favor of other social conservatism causes, senses the truth in the above remarks.

What you, in particular, believe, my little pissant, is of very little consequence, and of no practical interest to me.

...What are these half dozen "veterans organizations" that supposedly have spanked Trump? Do you actually imagine that 11 gold star wives speak for every veteran killed in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Veterans of Foreign Wars... 1.3 million members... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veterans_of_Foreign_Wars

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America... 150,000 members... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_and_Afghanistan_Veterans_of_America

An approximate 1.5 million veterans, for starters...

Close enough for gubmint work...

Next contestant, please...
Your belief that the political hacks who represent these organizations actually reflect the views of their members is where your claim falls flat. Veterans do not automatically agree with everything the head of the VFW says. They aren't drones like HIllary supporters. They each have their own opinions, and the majority of them despise Hillary.

You're simply a lying douche bag who was always in the tank for Hillary.
The New York Times is the source. I'm sure the reporter interviewed "unnamed sources" for this information.

Enough said.

I guess you don't understand how the free press works. These sources are later referred to as whistle-blowers. A reporter always protects their sources.
i.e.: Watergate, when Woodard and Bernstein had to carefully approach the DNC break-in after their sources informed them that President Nixon was behind the burglary. And we all know how that ended, don't we?

Yes, I do know how the New York Times works. Whenever they want to make stuff up, they just use an "unnamed source."

And do you know the phrase the ultra-conservative Wall Street Journal uses? "....According to people familiar with the matter...".
Mr. Brip, you don't read newspapers, so you don't know.

Only the editorial page of the WSJ is conservative. The news side is infested with leftwing hacks like Al Hunt.

You are an idiot, sir. The WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the current CEO of Fox News. Really, Mr. Brip. You are poorly informed.

Al Hunt heads the news side of the operation and he's a major league leftwing douche bag. Most of the reporters are leftwing. It doesn't matter who owns it.
...You're simply a lying douche bag who was always in the tank for Hillary.
Back to the Kiddie Table with you, my little pissant... you're not ready for Prime Time yet... no place for you at the Grown-Ups Table.
Yes, of course. It's all in the news about Mrs. Clinton: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/14/us/politics/donald-trump-campaign-gop.html?_r=0

'In private, Mr. Trump’s mood is often sullen and erratic, his associates say. He veers from barking at members of his staff to grumbling about how he was better off following his own instincts during the primaries and suggesting he should not have heeded their calls for change.

He broods about his souring relationship with the news media, calling Mr. Manafort several times a day to talk about specific stories. Occasionally, Mr. Trump blows off steam in bursts of boyish exuberance: At the end of a fund-raiser on Long Island last week, he playfully buzzed the crowd twice with his helicopter.'

But in interviews with more than 20 Republicans who are close to Mr. Trump or in communication with his campaign, many of whom insisted on anonymity to avoid clashing with him, they described their nominee as exhausted, frustrated and still bewildered by fine points of the political process and why his incendiary approach seems to be sputtering.''
Anonymous sources always agree with democrats. It's almost like the democrats are telling them what to say.
Hmmm, he hasn't lost them, dunce.
Go back to the early August time frame and look up their spanking of Attila over his remarks about a Gold Star family.
I'm well aware of the media generated brouhaha over Mr Khan, the douche bag Hillary crony.
Then you should be well aware that Trump lost a vast proportion of veteran support at that time; both individuals and fraternal organizations.

Given that most veterans are rather Conservative by nature, a Republican has to be a genuine asshole, to bring on that sort of reaction.

A real asshole.

"Your Honor... the Defense rests."

Military Times survey: Troops prefer Trump to Clinton by a huge margin
Most troops are little more than children, and really don't understand the world yet.

I know.

I've worn the uniform myself.

It is in the nature of troops to take a hard line on things... their world is very much a world of black and white with very little grey to cloud the issues.

That is why they are under the control of older, more experienced people.

Far better, to gain a balanced perspective, from veterans who (a) know what it's like to live in that black-and-white world, and (b) have managed to grow beyond it.

Our boys and girls on active duty deserve our unwavering support and affection and our best judgment, in how they are used, and how they are led.

I, for one, will exercise my own older-guy (and veteran's) judgment, on which candidate is most likely to be the better leader, and decider-er of how they are used.

Installing a knee-jerk-reaction, filter-less loud-mouth, is not the answer.

Far better, the crooked leader, than the insane one.

Well, you're not the only one to have served. I respect the opinions of the folks who are actually under the command of a Commander-in-Chief as well as the Secret Service who have to protect the President. Most all oppose Hillary.

Hillary and Obama now have us bombing Libya. Syria is a failed state because of their policies. ISIS is not a damn JV team. Most of the top brass who had some backbone and experience have been forced out of the military by Obama. Even Obama's security advisors have been caught cooking the books.

If you really claim to support our boys and girls who wear the uniform as you so tout, then listen to them instead of carry Hillary's water for her/.
...Well, you're not the only one to have served...
Never said nor implied nor even thought that was the case... so, non sequitur.

... I respect the opinions of the folks who are actually under the command of a Commander-in-Chief as well as the Secret Service who have to protect the President. Most all oppose Hillary....
You respect the opinions of anyone whose opinions agree with your own.

...Hillary and Obama now have us bombing Libya. Syria is a failed state because of their policies. ISIS is not a damn JV team. Most of the top brass who had some backbone and experience have been forced out of the military by Obama. Even Obama's security advisors have been caught cooking the books...
Oh, they're a miserable bunch, alright, and have to be watched like hawks...

It's just that the alternative is unimaginably worse, and I would not, in the past, have thought that possible. I was wrong. Trump is worse.

...If you really claim to support our boys and girls who wear the uniform as you so tout, then listen to them instead of carry Hillary's water for her/.
I am trying to keep our Republic in one piece, and trying to keep our boys and girls alive, and not to spend their lives on the whim of a madman.
...You're simply a lying douche bag who was always in the tank for Hillary.
Back to the Kiddie Table with you, my little pissant... you're not ready for Prime Time yet... no place for you at the Grown-Ups Table.
In other words, your story has been exposed for what it is: bullshit.
What story is that, my little butt-wipe?

The funny story you told about once supporting Donald Trump. All such stories are lies.
...Well, you're not the only one to have served...
Never said nor implied nor even thought that was the case... so, non sequitur.

... I respect the opinions of the folks who are actually under the command of a Commander-in-Chief as well as the Secret Service who have to protect the President. Most all oppose Hillary....
You respect the opinions of anyone whose opinions agree with your own.

...Hillary and Obama now have us bombing Libya. Syria is a failed state because of their policies. ISIS is not a damn JV team. Most of the top brass who had some backbone and experience have been forced out of the military by Obama. Even Obama's security advisors have been caught cooking the books...
Oh, they're a miserable bunch, alright, and have to be watched like hawks...

It's just that the alternative is unimaginably worse, and I would not, in the past, have thought that possible. I was wrong. Trump is worse.

...If you really claim to support our boys and girls who wear the uniform as you so tout, then listen to them instead of carry Hillary's water for her/.
I am trying to keep our Republic in one piece, and trying to keep our boys and girls alive, and not to spend their lives on the whim of a madman.

How do you know Trump is worse? He has never been in the political arena before. It appears that he would surround himself with some very capable people. Hillary will have us at war with Russia and China both.
...You're simply a lying douche bag who was always in the tank for Hillary.
Back to the Kiddie Table with you, my little pissant... you're not ready for Prime Time yet... no place for you at the Grown-Ups Table.
In other words, your story has been exposed for what it is: bullshit.
What story is that, my little butt-wipe?

The funny story you told about once supporting Donald Trump. All such stories are lies.
No, it's the true story of me once liking what I heard out of Donald Trump during the early going in the Primaries, as it pertains to kicking-out the Illegals, and banning Muslim immigration, and forcing jobs back on-shore, and repudiating trade agreements, until the passage of time proved him to be unfit for the highest office in the land, and me reaching the conclusion that the things I heard and liked (and still am in favor of), are not worth the high price and higher risk of putting such an unstable creature in the position of ultimate power, and then concluding that I had to bite the bullet and back the Lesser of Two Great Evils, rather than your boy, who is the Greater of Two Great Evils.

Next contestant, please.

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