DNC Media Beclowns again


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
The DNC is rightfully in a panic over the release of facts. They work diligently through the party propaganda networks to ensure facts are crushed before they are ever seen by the public. The Twitter drops have thrown the propaganda corps for a loop, but DNC propagandist Chris Hayes takes it to a whole new level - by using coup architect and traitor Peter Strzok to defend the "integrity" of the FBI:


You can't make this up...
Chris Hayes and MSNBC are not actual "News'.
They are propagandists for the far left knuttjobs to consume.
One of the things that makes the Democratic Party such a crazy cult is their complete lack of introspection.
Normal people will be contrite when they are caught lying or doing something wrong.
The Democrat Handmaiden News organizations cannot be trusted to be fair and to be truthful, because they are an intregal part of the Democrat Party's Crazy Cult.

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