DNC Nominee Must Pick Black Woman:NY Times

Biden will not choose Stacy Abrams.
After checking with the SS it has been disclosed that their budget does not allow for the purchase of the forklift that would be required to transport Stacy from place to place.
The negroes HATE 'Knee Pad' Harris who put negroes in prison for possession of dope while the bitch was smoking dope at home.
"Please assume the rectal position" Buttplug Pete is out of the question. Those negroe SB church ladies aren't into that shit!
After Bernie gets fucked in the ass for the second time by the DNC his 'Brown Shirts' are NEVER going to vote for a Biden Warren ticket. They KNOW Warren fucked up Bernie's chance by staying in the race and thereby taking away Bernie delegates.
Amy? Who?
HRC? Ya right! Five million people who had decided not to turn out and vote would show up on election day and vote against HRC just for the joy of shoving their ballot up her fat ass.
In due course when the DNC feels the time is right they will tell Biden who to publically nominate.
The problem with the DNC VP nominee is who in their right minds wants to burn up their political career by running with a guaranteed Presidential election loser?

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