DNC spokesman caught fabricating Kayleigh McEneny comment on science. Gets blasted on social media.

What a disgusting POS. He should be banned from WH briefings.

CNN's Jim Acosta blasted for taking Kayleigh McEnany out of context in viral tweet

CNN's chief anti-Trump reporter Jim Acosta was blasted on social media over a tweet that quoted White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany out of context.

During Thursday's briefing, McEnany reiterated President Trump's strong stance on wanting children to be going back to school in the fall amid a fiery debate about how educators can prevent the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

"The science should not stand in the way of this, but as Dr. Scott Atlas said -- I thought this was a good quote, 'Of course, we can do it. Everyone else in the Western world, our peer nations are doing it. We are the outlier here,'" McEnany said, quoting the former Stanford Medical Center neurology chief.

"The science is very clear on this. For example, you look at the JAMA pediatric study of 46 pediatric hospitals in North America that said the risk of critical illness from COVID is far less for children than the seasonal flu. The science is on our side here. We encourage localities and states to just simply follow the science. Open our schools," she continued.

However, Acosta tweeted about what McEnany said by suggesting she was anti-science.

"The White House Press Secretary on Trump's push to reopen schools: 'The science should not stand in the way of this,'" the liberal reporter tweeted.

Karen was not misquoted. Other countries opened schools after covid cases were controlled because their leaders got people to socially distance and wear masks, which Trump refuses to do.

Except for the fact everywhere I go I see people social distancing and wearing masks.

Accosta was bang on. The "other countries" where schools are re-opening first eliminated the infections. Trump and is his minions never mention that. They didn't try re-opening schools when they were leading the world in infections and deaths. They re-opening the schoola when they had a handful of cases, and no new outbreaks.

Our schools haven't announcing re-opening, but we are getting ready for Phase 3, within the next week are or two. We're now having gatherings of up to 10, and expanding our "safe groups". Despite some silly outdoor behaviour over the May 2-4 weekend, we haven't spiked horribly, or had to go back to lockdown. If anything, people are getting too cocky up here, but then the municipalities and stores are now demanding masks, so that set the anti-maskers back.

You believe a virus was eliminated. That's just dumb.
What a disgusting POS. He should be banned from WH briefings.

CNN's Jim Acosta blasted for taking Kayleigh McEnany out of context in viral tweet

CNN's chief anti-Trump reporter Jim Acosta was blasted on social media over a tweet that quoted White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany out of context.

During Thursday's briefing, McEnany reiterated President Trump's strong stance on wanting children to be going back to school in the fall amid a fiery debate about how educators can prevent the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

"The science should not stand in the way of this, but as Dr. Scott Atlas said -- I thought this was a good quote, 'Of course, we can do it. Everyone else in the Western world, our peer nations are doing it. We are the outlier here,'" McEnany said, quoting the former Stanford Medical Center neurology chief.

"The science is very clear on this. For example, you look at the JAMA pediatric study of 46 pediatric hospitals in North America that said the risk of critical illness from COVID is far less for children than the seasonal flu. The science is on our side here. We encourage localities and states to just simply follow the science. Open our schools," she continued.

However, Acosta tweeted about what McEnany said by suggesting she was anti-science.

"The White House Press Secretary on Trump's push to reopen schools: 'The science should not stand in the way of this,'" the liberal reporter tweeted.

Karen was not misquoted. Other countries opened schools after covid cases were controlled because their leaders got people to socially distance and wear masks, which Trump refuses to do.

Except for the fact everywhere I go I see people social distancing and wearing masks.

Accosta was bang on. The "other countries" where schools are re-opening first eliminated the infections. Trump and is his minions never mention that. They didn't try re-opening schools when they were leading the world in infections and deaths. They re-opening the schoola when they had a handful of cases, and no new outbreaks.

Our schools haven't announcing re-opening, but we are getting ready for Phase 3, within the next week are or two. We're now having gatherings of up to 10, and expanding our "safe groups". Despite some silly outdoor behaviour over the May 2-4 weekend, we haven't spiked horribly, or had to go back to lockdown. If anything, people are getting too cocky up here, but then the municipalities and stores are now demanding masks, so that set the anti-maskers back.

You believe a virus was eliminated. That's just dumb.
Dragonlady is always full of shit. She throws out the most outlandish lies, gets called out on them, and disappears.

I asked her for a list of these countries who eliminated the virus.................. :crickets:
What a disgusting POS. He should be banned from WH briefings.

CNN's Jim Acosta blasted for taking Kayleigh McEnany out of context in viral tweet

CNN's chief anti-Trump reporter Jim Acosta was blasted on social media over a tweet that quoted White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany out of context.

During Thursday's briefing, McEnany reiterated President Trump's strong stance on wanting children to be going back to school in the fall amid a fiery debate about how educators can prevent the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

"The science should not stand in the way of this, but as Dr. Scott Atlas said -- I thought this was a good quote, 'Of course, we can do it. Everyone else in the Western world, our peer nations are doing it. We are the outlier here,'" McEnany said, quoting the former Stanford Medical Center neurology chief.

"The science is very clear on this. For example, you look at the JAMA pediatric study of 46 pediatric hospitals in North America that said the risk of critical illness from COVID is far less for children than the seasonal flu. The science is on our side here. We encourage localities and states to just simply follow the science. Open our schools," she continued.

However, Acosta tweeted about what McEnany said by suggesting she was anti-science.

"The White House Press Secretary on Trump's push to reopen schools: 'The science should not stand in the way of this,'" the liberal reporter tweeted.

Quite simply, Acosta lies.
CNN lies.
The rest of the Dimm captured MSM lies.
All of this is nothing new.
What a disgusting POS. He should be banned from WH briefings.

CNN's Jim Acosta blasted for taking Kayleigh McEnany out of context in viral tweet

CNN's chief anti-Trump reporter Jim Acosta was blasted on social media over a tweet that quoted White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany out of context.

During Thursday's briefing, McEnany reiterated President Trump's strong stance on wanting children to be going back to school in the fall amid a fiery debate about how educators can prevent the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

"The science should not stand in the way of this, but as Dr. Scott Atlas said -- I thought this was a good quote, 'Of course, we can do it. Everyone else in the Western world, our peer nations are doing it. We are the outlier here,'" McEnany said, quoting the former Stanford Medical Center neurology chief.

"The science is very clear on this. For example, you look at the JAMA pediatric study of 46 pediatric hospitals in North America that said the risk of critical illness from COVID is far less for children than the seasonal flu. The science is on our side here. We encourage localities and states to just simply follow the science. Open our schools," she continued.

However, Acosta tweeted about what McEnany said by suggesting she was anti-science.

"The White House Press Secretary on Trump's push to reopen schools: 'The science should not stand in the way of this,'" the liberal reporter tweeted.

Karen was not misquoted. Other countries opened schools after covid cases were controlled because their leaders got people to socially distance and wear masks, which Trump refuses to do.

Except for the fact everywhere I go I see people social distancing and wearing masks.

Accosta was bang on. The "other countries" where schools are re-opening first eliminated the infections. Trump and is his minions never mention that. They didn't try re-opening schools when they were leading the world in infections and deaths. They re-opening the schoola when they had a handful of cases, and no new outbreaks.

Our schools haven't announcing re-opening, but we are getting ready for Phase 3, within the next week are or two. We're now having gatherings of up to 10, and expanding our "safe groups". Despite some silly outdoor behaviour over the May 2-4 weekend, we haven't spiked horribly, or had to go back to lockdown. If anything, people are getting too cocky up here, but then the municipalities and stores are now demanding masks, so that set the anti-maskers back.

You believe a virus was eliminated. That's just dumb.
Dragonlady is always full of shit. She throws out the most outlandish lies, gets called out on them, and disappears.

I asked her for a list of these countries who eliminated the virus.................. :crickets:

Dragonlady lives is a country that survives on the freedom we provide then questions the manner in which we provide it. A simple thank you will do. She doesn't have enough class. That's ok. Were not asking for the thank you.
Acosta should be banned from briefings, he has always been hostile to Trump.
In order to attend briefings there must be fair reporting of the facts, not blatant partisan lies.

Well if blatant partisan and self serving lies are not allowed, Donald and his press Sects wouldn't be allowed to attend.
Acosta should be banned from briefings, he has always been hostile to Trump.
In order to attend briefings there must be fair reporting of the facts, not blatant partisan lies.

Well if blatant partisan and self serving lies are not allowed, Donald and his press Sects wouldn't be allowed to attend.
Is blatant partisan and self serving lies the role of a White House correspondent?
Anyone who says that keeping the schools closed is for the benefit of the children is either a liar or a stooge.

The chances of an otherwise-healthy under 19 dying of the virus is in the hundredths of one percent. Around the same risk as riding to school in a Fiat.

As for the others who might be infected by kids, the level of risk is only slightly greater than for the kids, both because transmission by kids is very rare and because the health risk to adults is also quite small. Grandparents? Teachers who are health-impaired?

What it boils down to is, do we want the kids to waste a year (at least) of their lives in order to minimize the risk to people who should be smart enough to take their own precautions?

In short, NO.
Why is the WH Press Secretary trying to SPAR with Reporters instead of reporting on the news on the President and the Administration? When did journalistic integrity get thrown out the window?

Oh yeah Jan 20, 2016...
Why is the WH Press Secretary trying to SPAR with Reporters instead of reporting on the news on the President and the Administration? When did journalistic integrity get thrown out the window?

Oh yeah Jan 20, 2016...
How is the fact she calls out fake news throwing journalistic integrity out the window?

You have it ass backward you raving lunatic.
What a disgusting POS. He should be banned from WH briefings.

CNN's Jim Acosta blasted for taking Kayleigh McEnany out of context in viral tweet

CNN's chief anti-Trump reporter Jim Acosta was blasted on social media over a tweet that quoted White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany out of context.

During Thursday's briefing, McEnany reiterated President Trump's strong stance on wanting children to be going back to school in the fall amid a fiery debate about how educators can prevent the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

"The science should not stand in the way of this, but as Dr. Scott Atlas said -- I thought this was a good quote, 'Of course, we can do it. Everyone else in the Western world, our peer nations are doing it. We are the outlier here,'" McEnany said, quoting the former Stanford Medical Center neurology chief.

"The science is very clear on this. For example, you look at the JAMA pediatric study of 46 pediatric hospitals in North America that said the risk of critical illness from COVID is far less for children than the seasonal flu. The science is on our side here. We encourage localities and states to just simply follow the science. Open our schools," she continued.

However, Acosta tweeted about what McEnany said by suggesting she was anti-science.

"The White House Press Secretary on Trump's push to reopen schools: 'The science should not stand in the way of this,'" the liberal reporter tweeted.

Acosta should be barred for life from any Trump briefing
I disagree.

Let liars speak and expose themselves.

Only the commie left is afraid of free speech.
Why is the WH Press Secretary trying to SPAR with Reporters instead of reporting on the news on the President and the Administration? When did journalistic integrity get thrown out the window?

Oh yeah Jan 20, 2016...
Because asswipe reporters are trying to spar with the White House Press Sec.

What are they supposed to do? Sit there and take it without any kind of response?

This is not a Democrat admin. She's not gonna get nothing but softballs.
What a disgusting POS. He should be banned from WH briefings.

CNN's Jim Acosta blasted for taking Kayleigh McEnany out of context in viral tweet

CNN's chief anti-Trump reporter Jim Acosta was blasted on social media over a tweet that quoted White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany out of context.

During Thursday's briefing, McEnany reiterated President Trump's strong stance on wanting children to be going back to school in the fall amid a fiery debate about how educators can prevent the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

"The science should not stand in the way of this, but as Dr. Scott Atlas said -- I thought this was a good quote, 'Of course, we can do it. Everyone else in the Western world, our peer nations are doing it. We are the outlier here,'" McEnany said, quoting the former Stanford Medical Center neurology chief.

"The science is very clear on this. For example, you look at the JAMA pediatric study of 46 pediatric hospitals in North America that said the risk of critical illness from COVID is far less for children than the seasonal flu. The science is on our side here. We encourage localities and states to just simply follow the science. Open our schools," she continued.

However, Acosta tweeted about what McEnany said by suggesting she was anti-science.

"The White House Press Secretary on Trump's push to reopen schools: 'The science should not stand in the way of this,'" the liberal reporter tweeted.

Karen was not misquoted. Other countries opened schools after covid cases were controlled because their leaders got people to socially distance and wear masks, which Trump refuses to do.

Except for the fact everywhere I go I see people social distancing and wearing masks.

Accosta was bang on. The "other countries" where schools are re-opening first eliminated the infections. Trump and is his minions never mention that. They didn't try re-opening schools when they were leading the world in infections and deaths. They re-opening the schoola when they had a handful of cases, and no new outbreaks.

Our schools haven't announcing re-opening, but we are getting ready for Phase 3, within the next week are or two. We're now having gatherings of up to 10, and expanding our "safe groups". Despite some silly outdoor behaviour over the May 2-4 weekend, we haven't spiked horribly, or had to go back to lockdown. If anything, people are getting too cocky up here, but then the municipalities and stores are now demanding masks, so that set the anti-maskers back.

If he was "bang on", Dragon Lady...then why did he need to take the Press Secretary's words blatantly out of context?

The case to open schools or not is one thing...what Jim Acosta did is another! Do you condone such blatantly unethical behavior in someone who's supposed to be a journalist?

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