DnC wants cell phone carriers to fact check your text messages

Cool thread...

What I like about it is that the question becomes "who owns your text messages". When you sign up for cell service or internet....if it isn't spelled out in the agreement about who has copyright on what you create....it is an open question. Unless it says that "T-Mobile owns your messages", you're probably covered by copyright law. A bigger question becomes whether Verizon or T-Mobile or even the hardware makers--Apple and Samsung--can get into the game of censorship. If Apple doesn't like what you're doing with their devices, can they refuse to sell you a phone? If Verizon doesn't like what your messaging, can they just terminate the contract? It's not infringing on a copyright...its simply a termination of the contract.

As for Biden and whatever the video was (Grumps is here to steer traffic to YouTube...nothing more)...I'm sure it's all made up.

But the root question is interesting.
Copyright protection requires that the litmus test of “modicum of originality” be met, for example if you’re texting someone regarding the current weather conditions there is no reasonable argument to be made for originality, thus no basis for copyright protection. The other consideration is that a text conversation between two people even if it meets the originality benchmark would be subject to joint copyright protection, meaning that one of the two parties is free to use,distribute, modify the content without the consent of the other party.

There is also the question of FAIR USE which raises the question of the nature of the use, the nature of the copyrighted material and the effects of the use. So again your text conversation could be used, re-distributed, etc., without your consent if certain conditions are met even if the content met the criteria for copyright protection.

As far as termination of contract by a carrier (e.g. Verizon) could only get away with that if the subscriber violated the terms of the contract (aka terms of service) and the carrier can demonstrate such violation in court, otherwise it would be a breach. However said carrier could refuse to enter into a contract with you for any reason it deems appropriate, not subject to any preset terms. As far as an equipment manufacturer like Apple, they could refuse to sell you a phone for whatever reason they like, it’s a voluntary transaction after all, just like you could refuse to sell your garden hose to a prospective buyer because you don’t like the color of his hair.

If you’re really worried about a carrier misusing your messages then you can always go with a peer-to-peer, end to end encryption messaging system (e.g. Wire).
So essentially it comes down to the agreement you sign when you get service for your phone if I'm understanding you correctly--the TOS one carrier has could theoretically give them the right to terminate your contract.
Exactly, the TOS defines the circumstances under which carrier can legally terminate the contract. If they terminate your contract for any other reason you have legal recourse, just like you would for any other case of breach of contract.

Conversely you can terminate the contract under the terms of early termination defined in the contract with the carrier, however if you terminate for some other reason not covered by such terms the carrier can hold you liable for full payment for the life of the contract (non-performance).

That being said, most carriers are loath to terminate subscribers since given the competitive environment, once you lose that customer the chances are very high that you’ve lost them for life. So your violations generally have to be pretty egregious and sustained over time.

This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.
I'm guessing you dont realize they look at your messages anyway for key words?
So you are admitting Obama spied on Trump?
Scary, if true..
Well, far be it from you to spend 90 seconds reading and learning things, so that you can find out it isn't. Learning is for losers, right?
You tell 'em, sport... you lost me as soon as I saw "The New York Post" as the medium... I'll wait for the biggies to carry it...
You'll wait for those carrying the lefts water to report it.....

Hahahaha what a moron
Look, my little Internet Blowhard... I watch CNN, Fox, MSNBC, BBC and others... a respectable mix of Left, Right and Center.

I seriously doubt that you can say the same... being of limited tolerance for varying viewpoints... and needing to live in a right-wing echo-chamber.
BBC? MSNBC? CNN? I doubt Fox, if you do watch it at all, can smooth out that imbalance.

But your attempts to appear the impartial fair minded viewer are expected and appreciated
even if your idea of a "respectable mix" seems quite skewed.
You can doubt Fox all you like... doesn't mean that your doubt is a Reality... and it's not, by the way.

I watch 'em all at home, and I listen to 'em all on SiriusXM while commuting and while in my office once I'm on-the-clock for the day.

I am by no means "fair and balanced" and do not even pretend to be... I am a hybrid political creature... my loyalties are to God, Family, Friends and Republic.

I could give two $hit$ about - and feel zero loyalty towards - either the feckless, gutless, nutless Republicans, or the Bat$hit-Crazy Idiot Democrats.
Party loyalty, in and of itself, is foolish but there is one party pushing open borders, CRT, the Great
Reset and trillion dollar "stimulus" packages for the most part and the other one isn't.

Republicans fail when they refuse to stand up for what they claim to be. Democrats fail when they
push their socialist globalist agenda too blatantly and fail to hide themselves.

This is what happens when you give anti American leftists power.
I'm guessing you dont realize they look at your messages anyway for key words?
So you think this bullshit is ok???
Asclepias is an asshole liberal moron....but in this he is correct....it is already being done....
The only component now is whether they are allowed to intercept and actually delete the message you send and that would take an enormous amount of manpower that they do not presently have. They could turn it over to the master computers at the NSA in Nevada but then they would have to tweak 24/7 else the censoring creep of the computer would eventually expand to block everything rendering text messages unusable for anything. I seriously doubt that they can do it. Remember these are computer illiterates politicians asking for this... their tech people will tell them it's impossible to do ....or at least I think they will.
Scary, if true..
Well, far be it from you to spend 90 seconds reading and learning things, so that you can find out it isn't. Learning is for losers, right?
You tell 'em, sport... you lost me as soon as I saw "The New York Post" as the medium... I'll wait for the biggies to carry it...
You'll wait for those carrying the lefts water to report it.....

Hahahaha what a moron
Look, my little Internet Blowhard... I watch CNN, Fox, MSNBC, BBC and others... a respectable mix of Left, Right and Center.

I seriously doubt that you can say the same... being of limited tolerance for varying viewpoints... and needing to live in a right-wing echo-chamber.
BBC? MSNBC? CNN? I doubt Fox, if you do watch it at all, can smooth out that imbalance.

But your attempts to appear the impartial fair minded viewer are expected and appreciated
even if your idea of a "respectable mix" seems quite skewed.
You can doubt Fox all you like... doesn't mean that your doubt is a Reality... and it's not, by the way.

I watch 'em all at home, and I listen to 'em all on SiriusXM while commuting and while in my office once I'm on-the-clock for the day.

I am by no means "fair and balanced" and do not even pretend to be... I am a hybrid political creature... my loyalties are to God, Family, Friends and Republic.

I could give two $hit$ about - and feel zero loyalty towards - either the feckless, gutless, nutless Republicans, or the Bat$hit-Crazy Idiot Democrats.
Party loyalty, in and of itself, is foolish but there is one party pushing open borders, CRT, the Great
Reset and trillion dollar "stimulus" packages for the most part and the other one isn't.

Republicans fail when they refuse to stand up for what they claim to be. Democrats fail when they
push their socialist globalist agenda too blatantly and fail to hide themselves.
Republicans fail when they refuse to stand up for what they claim to be. Democrats fail when they
push their socialist globalist agenda too blatantly and fail to hide themselves.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one outside of the chronic mouth-breather wing of the Trump cult losers has been willing to jump on to this conspiracy theory bandwagon.

Some things are just too goddamned stupid for even most conservatives to fall for. Only the most hardcore Trump cult losers entirely lack the healthy sense of shame that prevents normal humans from embracing the stupid.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, no one outside of the chronic mouth-breather wing of the Trump cult losers has been willing to jump on to this conspiracy theory bandwagon.

Some things are just too goddamned stupid for even most conservatives to fall for. Only the most hardcore Trump cult losers entirely lack the healthy sense of shame that prevents normal humans from embracing the stupid.

Check your mail box the pee pee tapes were delivered today.

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