Do 10 thousand muslims really want to come to the US? Really?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I don't know about you, but if I was a muslim refugee, the last fuckin place on earth I would want to take up space, would be the United States of America. Between 14 year old white mop loving black teens getting the shit beat out of em for jaywalking, to a 14 year old muslim soon to build a bomb terrorist making a damned clock and getting arrested for it, to the surge of ignorant white trash, still spassin over the Christian black guy in the white house being a muslim. This is a sick fuckin country filled to the brim of ignorant white people who can't seem to let go of stupidity and racism. Like a nigga who can't get over his fix for KFC.

If they come here, with this climate of anti every motherfuckin thing but white.....all we're gonna do is help create yet another on surge of terrorism within.
I am assuming because we have already brought in ~250,000 muslim refugees this past decade that most of them do....

But, they'll likely be with their own people within their own little communities.
I am assuming because we have already brought in ~250,000 muslim refugees this past decade that most of them do....

But, they'll likely be with their own people within their own little communities.
Most, which were families came through Catholic Charities and were screened....this however will consist of mostly males, something we all should consider.
I am assuming because we have already brought in ~250,000 muslim refugees this past decade that most of them do....

But, they'll likely be with their own people within their own little communities.
For one generation. That is what happens with people that come to this nation. Then the native born start mixing and matching. And learning they are free to chose another religion, or none at all, if that pleases them.
There are few places on earth, that are more tolerant than the US. To suggest otherwise is just ignorant.

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