Do American Lives Matter to Democrats?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Who in their right mind would open the borders, stop construction of the wall, invite the entire world to come to America, announce they won't deport anyone, and incentivize migrants with free lawyers, welfare, bus or air fare and, of course, free health care?

Even worse, who in their right mind would open the borders in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic?

Who'd be insane enough to demand every American citizen returning to the U.S. to take a COVID test but refuse to give COVID tests to thousands of immigrants illegally breaking into our country each day?

Who would spend $86 million on nice hotel rooms for illegal immigrants, yet ask our brave, selfless troops to sleep in freezing cold parking garages, on concrete floors, with only one bathroom for 5,000 troops?

Who would open the borders to the Mexican drug cartel, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and pedophiles? Who'd want to give easy entree to the U.S. for MS-13 murderers?

Think about the countries across the globe that hate us -- terrorist regimes such as Iran, North Korea, Syria, Somalia, Libya and our mortal enemies Russia and China. Our border is wide open and unguarded. Anyone can get in. You don't think they've noticed? You don't think they're sending spies and terrorists?

Can you tell the difference between a nice father and husband from Mexico or Guatemala, or a terrorist from Iran or Syria posing as a nice father? Of course not; no one can.

How many terror cells are walking into America at this moment? If I were the leader of a rogue terrorist nation, I'd send hundreds of bloodthirsty terror cells across the open border. If even one gets through, it's a victory. What if hundreds get through?

Think about the Syrian refugee who, just days ago, committed mass murder in a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store. He came to America as a child. Twenty years later, he committed mass murder. How many kids exactly like him are coming across that border? Ticking time bombs, who 10 or 20 years from now, will commit atrocities? Who would be dumb enough to let in thousands of future terrorists and mass murderers from countries that hate us?

How many murders, rapes, assaults, car-jackings and home invasion robberies will these strangers bring to our country? If I were the leader of a poor country, I'd open the prisons and tell my worst criminals to head for the U.S. border. Trust me, it's happening. Our cities will soon be overrun by violent crime.

At this point it's crystal clear. Biden and Democrats believe "American Lives Don't Matter."

The whole world is coming. Hundreds of millions in coming years. Maybe a billion. Maybe more. Biden has invited them all. They will turn America into an economic basket case. They will turn our streets into killing fields. They will bring disease and spread COVID. They will destroy our school system and health care system. They will create poverty from sea to shining sea. Taxes will reach 90 percent to pay for it all, and still not come close.

The Townhall author of the article above in italics ended his article saying "This is the end of America." Doesn't have to be, but anybody with a brain that takes a step back and looks at what's going on these days has to be at least somewhat alarmed, doncha think? And I'll tell you what, higher taxes and a bigger gov't is NOT the answer.
How about MI, its up 56% with the virus and we don't have influx of people fleeing here, unless you mean the Floridians.
Who in their right mind would open the borders, stop construction of the wall, invite the entire world to come to America, announce they won't deport anyone, and incentivize migrants with free lawyers, welfare, bus or air fare and, of course, free health care?

Even worse, who in their right mind would open the borders in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic?

Who'd be insane enough to demand every American citizen returning to the U.S. to take a COVID test but refuse to give COVID tests to thousands of immigrants illegally breaking into our country each day?

Who would spend $86 million on nice hotel rooms for illegal immigrants, yet ask our brave, selfless troops to sleep in freezing cold parking garages, on concrete floors, with only one bathroom for 5,000 troops?

Who would open the borders to the Mexican drug cartel, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and pedophiles? Who'd want to give easy entree to the U.S. for MS-13 murderers?

Think about the countries across the globe that hate us -- terrorist regimes such as Iran, North Korea, Syria, Somalia, Libya and our mortal enemies Russia and China. Our border is wide open and unguarded. Anyone can get in. You don't think they've noticed? You don't think they're sending spies and terrorists?

Can you tell the difference between a nice father and husband from Mexico or Guatemala, or a terrorist from Iran or Syria posing as a nice father? Of course not; no one can.

How many terror cells are walking into America at this moment? If I were the leader of a rogue terrorist nation, I'd send hundreds of bloodthirsty terror cells across the open border. If even one gets through, it's a victory. What if hundreds get through?

Think about the Syrian refugee who, just days ago, committed mass murder in a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store. He came to America as a child. Twenty years later, he committed mass murder. How many kids exactly like him are coming across that border? Ticking time bombs, who 10 or 20 years from now, will commit atrocities? Who would be dumb enough to let in thousands of future terrorists and mass murderers from countries that hate us?

How many murders, rapes, assaults, car-jackings and home invasion robberies will these strangers bring to our country? If I were the leader of a poor country, I'd open the prisons and tell my worst criminals to head for the U.S. border. Trust me, it's happening. Our cities will soon be overrun by violent crime.

At this point it's crystal clear. Biden and Democrats believe "American Lives Don't Matter."

The whole world is coming. Hundreds of millions in coming years. Maybe a billion. Maybe more. Biden has invited them all. They will turn America into an economic basket case. They will turn our streets into killing fields. They will bring disease and spread COVID. They will destroy our school system and health care system. They will create poverty from sea to shining sea. Taxes will reach 90 percent to pay for it all, and still not come close.

The Townhall author of the article above in italics ended his article saying "This is the end of America." Doesn't have to be, but anybody with a brain that takes a step back and looks at what's going on these days has to be at least somewhat alarmed, doncha think? And I'll tell you what, higher taxes and a bigger gov't is NOT the answer.
Sure they do, so long as they are the good little sheep that go along with the progroms.
So now suddenly Trumpsters care about brown people from Central and South America, and about COVID.

I wonder what changed.

nothing. Those Vermin should stay home. However ,it is the MEDIA coverage that is repellant. "Babys ripped from their mothers arms" when Trump was President. "Nice facilities with butterflies" when the filthy Dems are in charge. Yet conditions are far worse NOW than under Trump.
The Democrats never really cared for the average American. There has been countless proof, they just want these kids to be used as pawns. Instead of trying to "improve" America, they are purposely destroying it. Let's take an example of what is going on in Portland and Seattle. The Democrats praise ANTIFA every time they "peacefully" protest. But they rather go after anyone who opposes their ideology. Which is to turn this country upside down and tank her completely.
The Democrats could care less if the Cancel Culture wants to cancel anything they can come up with. Just as long as they don't get cancelled themselves.
Today's Democrats are not your grandpa's Democrats anymore. They are a new breed of misfits that don't care, period. They rather impose as much totalitarianism as they can. They want everyone to know - they are in control of the process. Despite how the country is heading now and into the future.

We have seen many proofs in Democrat blue states, just how horrible these cities are. Detroit used to be a blooming city. Now it looks like a third world country. Seattle and Portland are heading that way, as well. But the Democrats don't care. If they truly cared - they would have said, "Enough is enough already!!! Can't you all see what you are doing?"

The Democrats also knew once this COVID came into play, it would be a great opportunity to lockdown the country for a year. At the same time, fight for a stupid $15/hr National minimum wage. But could care less about small businesses that were devastated by their lockdowns. And now the masks mandates. As if they were going to "save everyone"! (Ask Governor Cuomo about how many people he saved during the Plandemic.)

The list goes on...

Who in their right mind would open the borders, stop construction of the wall, invite the entire world to come to America, announce they won't deport anyone, and incentivize migrants with free lawyers, welfare, bus or air fare and, of course, free health care?

Even worse, who in their right mind would open the borders in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic?

Who'd be insane enough to demand every American citizen returning to the U.S. to take a COVID test but refuse to give COVID tests to thousands of immigrants illegally breaking into our country each day?

Who would spend $86 million on nice hotel rooms for illegal immigrants, yet ask our brave, selfless troops to sleep in freezing cold parking garages, on concrete floors, with only one bathroom for 5,000 troops?

Who would open the borders to the Mexican drug cartel, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and pedophiles? Who'd want to give easy entree to the U.S. for MS-13 murderers?

Think about the countries across the globe that hate us -- terrorist regimes such as Iran, North Korea, Syria, Somalia, Libya and our mortal enemies Russia and China. Our border is wide open and unguarded. Anyone can get in. You don't think they've noticed? You don't think they're sending spies and terrorists?

Can you tell the difference between a nice father and husband from Mexico or Guatemala, or a terrorist from Iran or Syria posing as a nice father? Of course not; no one can.

How many terror cells are walking into America at this moment? If I were the leader of a rogue terrorist nation, I'd send hundreds of bloodthirsty terror cells across the open border. If even one gets through, it's a victory. What if hundreds get through?

Think about the Syrian refugee who, just days ago, committed mass murder in a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store. He came to America as a child. Twenty years later, he committed mass murder. How many kids exactly like him are coming across that border? Ticking time bombs, who 10 or 20 years from now, will commit atrocities? Who would be dumb enough to let in thousands of future terrorists and mass murderers from countries that hate us?

How many murders, rapes, assaults, car-jackings and home invasion robberies will these strangers bring to our country? If I were the leader of a poor country, I'd open the prisons and tell my worst criminals to head for the U.S. border. Trust me, it's happening. Our cities will soon be overrun by violent crime.

At this point it's crystal clear. Biden and Democrats believe "American Lives Don't Matter."

The whole world is coming. Hundreds of millions in coming years. Maybe a billion. Maybe more. Biden has invited them all. They will turn America into an economic basket case. They will turn our streets into killing fields. They will bring disease and spread COVID. They will destroy our school system and health care system. They will create poverty from sea to shining sea. Taxes will reach 90 percent to pay for it all, and still not come close.

The Townhall author of the article above in italics ended his article saying "This is the end of America." Doesn't have to be, but anybody with a brain that takes a step back and looks at what's going on these days has to be at least somewhat alarmed, doncha think? And I'll tell you what, higher taxes and a bigger gov't is NOT the answer.

Who in their right mind would open the borders, stop construction of the wall, invite the entire world to come to America, announce they won't deport anyone, and incentivize migrants with free lawyers, welfare, bus or air fare and, of course, free health care?

Even worse, who in their right mind would open the borders in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic?

Who'd be insane enough to demand every American citizen returning to the U.S. to take a COVID test but refuse to give COVID tests to thousands of immigrants illegally breaking into our country each day?

Who would spend $86 million on nice hotel rooms for illegal immigrants, yet ask our brave, selfless troops to sleep in freezing cold parking garages, on concrete floors, with only one bathroom for 5,000 troops?

Who would open the borders to the Mexican drug cartel, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and pedophiles? Who'd want to give easy entree to the U.S. for MS-13 murderers?

Think about the countries across the globe that hate us -- terrorist regimes such as Iran, North Korea, Syria, Somalia, Libya and our mortal enemies Russia and China. Our border is wide open and unguarded. Anyone can get in. You don't think they've noticed? You don't think they're sending spies and terrorists?

Can you tell the difference between a nice father and husband from Mexico or Guatemala, or a terrorist from Iran or Syria posing as a nice father? Of course not; no one can.

How many terror cells are walking into America at this moment? If I were the leader of a rogue terrorist nation, I'd send hundreds of bloodthirsty terror cells across the open border. If even one gets through, it's a victory. What if hundreds get through?

Think about the Syrian refugee who, just days ago, committed mass murder in a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store. He came to America as a child. Twenty years later, he committed mass murder. How many kids exactly like him are coming across that border? Ticking time bombs, who 10 or 20 years from now, will commit atrocities? Who would be dumb enough to let in thousands of future terrorists and mass murderers from countries that hate us?

How many murders, rapes, assaults, car-jackings and home invasion robberies will these strangers bring to our country? If I were the leader of a poor country, I'd open the prisons and tell my worst criminals to head for the U.S. border. Trust me, it's happening. Our cities will soon be overrun by violent crime.

At this point it's crystal clear. Biden and Democrats believe "American Lives Don't Matter."

The whole world is coming. Hundreds of millions in coming years. Maybe a billion. Maybe more. Biden has invited them all. They will turn America into an economic basket case. They will turn our streets into killing fields. They will bring disease and spread COVID. They will destroy our school system and health care system. They will create poverty from sea to shining sea. Taxes will reach 90 percent to pay for it all, and still not come close.

The Townhall author of the article above in italics ended his article saying "This is the end of America." Doesn't have to be, but anybody with a brain that takes a step back and looks at what's going on these days has to be at least somewhat alarmed, doncha think? And I'll tell you what, higher taxes and a bigger gov't is NOT the answer.

Trolling is your game. How about posting something reasonable and in touch with reality?
Who in their right mind would open the borders, stop construction of the wall, invite the entire world to come to America, announce they won't deport anyone, and incentivize migrants with free lawyers, welfare, bus or air fare and, of course, free health care?

Even worse, who in their right mind would open the borders in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic?

Who'd be insane enough to demand every American citizen returning to the U.S. to take a COVID test but refuse to give COVID tests to thousands of immigrants illegally breaking into our country each day?

Who would spend $86 million on nice hotel rooms for illegal immigrants, yet ask our brave, selfless troops to sleep in freezing cold parking garages, on concrete floors, with only one bathroom for 5,000 troops?

Who would open the borders to the Mexican drug cartel, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and pedophiles? Who'd want to give easy entree to the U.S. for MS-13 murderers?

Think about the countries across the globe that hate us -- terrorist regimes such as Iran, North Korea, Syria, Somalia, Libya and our mortal enemies Russia and China. Our border is wide open and unguarded. Anyone can get in. You don't think they've noticed? You don't think they're sending spies and terrorists?

Can you tell the difference between a nice father and husband from Mexico or Guatemala, or a terrorist from Iran or Syria posing as a nice father? Of course not; no one can.

How many terror cells are walking into America at this moment? If I were the leader of a rogue terrorist nation, I'd send hundreds of bloodthirsty terror cells across the open border. If even one gets through, it's a victory. What if hundreds get through?

Think about the Syrian refugee who, just days ago, committed mass murder in a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store. He came to America as a child. Twenty years later, he committed mass murder. How many kids exactly like him are coming across that border? Ticking time bombs, who 10 or 20 years from now, will commit atrocities? Who would be dumb enough to let in thousands of future terrorists and mass murderers from countries that hate us?

How many murders, rapes, assaults, car-jackings and home invasion robberies will these strangers bring to our country? If I were the leader of a poor country, I'd open the prisons and tell my worst criminals to head for the U.S. border. Trust me, it's happening. Our cities will soon be overrun by violent crime.

At this point it's crystal clear. Biden and Democrats believe "American Lives Don't Matter."

The whole world is coming. Hundreds of millions in coming years. Maybe a billion. Maybe more. Biden has invited them all. They will turn America into an economic basket case. They will turn our streets into killing fields. They will bring disease and spread COVID. They will destroy our school system and health care system. They will create poverty from sea to shining sea. Taxes will reach 90 percent to pay for it all, and still not come close.

The Townhall author of the article above in italics ended his article saying "This is the end of America." Doesn't have to be, but anybody with a brain that takes a step back and looks at what's going on these days has to be at least somewhat alarmed, doncha think? And I'll tell you what, higher taxes and a bigger gov't is NOT the answer.

Trolling is your game. How about posting something reasonable and in touch with reality?


You first


Who in their right mind would open the borders, stop construction of the wall, invite the entire world to come to America, announce they won't deport anyone, and incentivize migrants with free lawyers, welfare, bus or air fare and, of course, free health care?

Even worse, who in their right mind would open the borders in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic?

Who'd be insane enough to demand every American citizen returning to the U.S. to take a COVID test but refuse to give COVID tests to thousands of immigrants illegally breaking into our country each day?

Who would spend $86 million on nice hotel rooms for illegal immigrants, yet ask our brave, selfless troops to sleep in freezing cold parking garages, on concrete floors, with only one bathroom for 5,000 troops?

Who would open the borders to the Mexican drug cartel, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and pedophiles? Who'd want to give easy entree to the U.S. for MS-13 murderers?

Think about the countries across the globe that hate us -- terrorist regimes such as Iran, North Korea, Syria, Somalia, Libya and our mortal enemies Russia and China. Our border is wide open and unguarded. Anyone can get in. You don't think they've noticed? You don't think they're sending spies and terrorists?

Can you tell the difference between a nice father and husband from Mexico or Guatemala, or a terrorist from Iran or Syria posing as a nice father? Of course not; no one can.

How many terror cells are walking into America at this moment? If I were the leader of a rogue terrorist nation, I'd send hundreds of bloodthirsty terror cells across the open border. If even one gets through, it's a victory. What if hundreds get through?

Think about the Syrian refugee who, just days ago, committed mass murder in a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store. He came to America as a child. Twenty years later, he committed mass murder. How many kids exactly like him are coming across that border? Ticking time bombs, who 10 or 20 years from now, will commit atrocities? Who would be dumb enough to let in thousands of future terrorists and mass murderers from countries that hate us?

How many murders, rapes, assaults, car-jackings and home invasion robberies will these strangers bring to our country? If I were the leader of a poor country, I'd open the prisons and tell my worst criminals to head for the U.S. border. Trust me, it's happening. Our cities will soon be overrun by violent crime.

At this point it's crystal clear. Biden and Democrats believe "American Lives Don't Matter."

The whole world is coming. Hundreds of millions in coming years. Maybe a billion. Maybe more. Biden has invited them all. They will turn America into an economic basket case. They will turn our streets into killing fields. They will bring disease and spread COVID. They will destroy our school system and health care system. They will create poverty from sea to shining sea. Taxes will reach 90 percent to pay for it all, and still not come close.

The Townhall author of the article above in italics ended his article saying "This is the end of America." Doesn't have to be, but anybody with a brain that takes a step back and looks at what's going on these days has to be at least somewhat alarmed, doncha think? And I'll tell you what, higher taxes and a bigger gov't is NOT the answer.

Trolling is your game. How about posting something reasonable and in touch with reality?

View attachment 473913

You first



Rye considers keeping illegals out especially diseased ones as unreasonable and unrealistic.
Who in their right mind would open the borders, stop construction of the wall, invite the entire world to come to America, announce they won't deport anyone, and incentivize migrants with free lawyers, welfare, bus or air fare and, of course, free health care?

Even worse, who in their right mind would open the borders in the middle of this COVID-19 pandemic?

Who'd be insane enough to demand every American citizen returning to the U.S. to take a COVID test but refuse to give COVID tests to thousands of immigrants illegally breaking into our country each day?

Who would spend $86 million on nice hotel rooms for illegal immigrants, yet ask our brave, selfless troops to sleep in freezing cold parking garages, on concrete floors, with only one bathroom for 5,000 troops?

Who would open the borders to the Mexican drug cartel, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and pedophiles? Who'd want to give easy entree to the U.S. for MS-13 murderers?

Think about the countries across the globe that hate us -- terrorist regimes such as Iran, North Korea, Syria, Somalia, Libya and our mortal enemies Russia and China. Our border is wide open and unguarded. Anyone can get in. You don't think they've noticed? You don't think they're sending spies and terrorists?

Can you tell the difference between a nice father and husband from Mexico or Guatemala, or a terrorist from Iran or Syria posing as a nice father? Of course not; no one can.

How many terror cells are walking into America at this moment? If I were the leader of a rogue terrorist nation, I'd send hundreds of bloodthirsty terror cells across the open border. If even one gets through, it's a victory. What if hundreds get through?

Think about the Syrian refugee who, just days ago, committed mass murder in a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store. He came to America as a child. Twenty years later, he committed mass murder. How many kids exactly like him are coming across that border? Ticking time bombs, who 10 or 20 years from now, will commit atrocities? Who would be dumb enough to let in thousands of future terrorists and mass murderers from countries that hate us?

How many murders, rapes, assaults, car-jackings and home invasion robberies will these strangers bring to our country? If I were the leader of a poor country, I'd open the prisons and tell my worst criminals to head for the U.S. border. Trust me, it's happening. Our cities will soon be overrun by violent crime.

At this point it's crystal clear. Biden and Democrats believe "American Lives Don't Matter."

The whole world is coming. Hundreds of millions in coming years. Maybe a billion. Maybe more. Biden has invited them all. They will turn America into an economic basket case. They will turn our streets into killing fields. They will bring disease and spread COVID. They will destroy our school system and health care system. They will create poverty from sea to shining sea. Taxes will reach 90 percent to pay for it all, and still not come close.

The Townhall author of the article above in italics ended his article saying "This is the end of America." Doesn't have to be, but anybody with a brain that takes a step back and looks at what's going on these days has to be at least somewhat alarmed, doncha think? And I'll tell you what, higher taxes and a bigger gov't is NOT the answer.
How many more times does a gun save a life than take it?
Why do the people of countries that had gun rights and lost them keep telling us not to give up our guns?
Why do democRats use emotions and no facts to take our liberty teeth?
Why is our capital fenced with razor wire and troops?
Why do we allow a brainless fraud set in the White House abuse the Constitution and steal our freedom?
How long until our military honor their duty?
How long, if ever will the checks and balances become a reality again?
How long will it be before our Supreme Court have honorable men like Clarence Thomas?
How long before America turns to shit?
Trolling is your game. How about posting something reasonable and in touch with reality?
Yeah, I am sure that anything that goes against your ideology is considered "unreasonable and not touch with reality". We have a bunch of you on this board. We get that. It's okay to be a dumbass, since it's a free country to do so. It's your Constitutional right to be a dumbass. Just as it's our Constitutional right to disagree with a lot of what you post here.

Have a nice day!

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