Do Any Dems on Here Care That Petraus Won't Be Testifying?


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Is that disturbing to any dems on here. Or, as usual, does the truth not matter to you?
Hey idiot. Congress can call for anyone to testify. You think the General has some sort of immunity because he committed adultrey? You Sir are a moron.
I'm not a democrat, but this certainly causes concern for me. As far as I'm concerned, the General has been forced into a situation where he is effectively "unable" to testify at any hearing.....which effectively covers Obama's ass. Until he gets out of office we'll never get the truth of what happened in Benghazi.
it was the CIA under Mr Petraus that was responsible for the security laps that allowed for the overrun of the compound - Petraus is being allowed to avoid the public ridicule by his resignation.
I'm concerned about the prospect of having to wade through about 6 dozen rightwing nut Petraeus conspiracy theory threads in 'politics' every time I'm trying to find something sane to argue about.
Hey idiot. Congress can call for anyone to testify. You think the General has some sort of immunity because he committed adultrey? You Sir are a moron.

Sure they can subpoena him but not sure if he can testify fully after losing his security clearance. Not sure what that would do. Shouldn't do anything but you know how stupid laws can be sometime.
Hey idiot. Congress can call for anyone to testify. You think the General has some sort of immunity because he committed adultrey? You Sir are a moron.

Sure they can subpoena him but not sure if he can testify fully after losing his security clearance. Not sure what that would do. Shouldn't do anything but you know how stupid laws can be sometime.

I fully support congress issuing the subpoena. If they don't, we'll know they're just playing politics.
Hey idiot. Congress can call for anyone to testify. You think the General has some sort of immunity because he committed adultrey? You Sir are a moron.

Sure they can subpoena him but not sure if he can testify fully after losing his security clearance. Not sure what that would do. Shouldn't do anything but you know how stupid laws can be sometime.

If they him to testify, he'll testify.

Since its been said he's "not needed" ... That kinda makes it sound like they don't need him.
Hey idiot. Congress can call for anyone to testify. You think the General has some sort of immunity because he committed adultrey? You Sir are a moron.

Sure they can subpoena him but not sure if he can testify fully after losing his security clearance. Not sure what that would do. Shouldn't do anything but you know how stupid laws can be sometime.


Is this a reaction to seeing yourself naked in the mirror?
Is that disturbing to any dems on here. Or, as usual, does the truth not matter to you?

If Dick Chaney and George Bush can falsify war intelligence in order to satisfy a long standing policy of regime change in Iraq...

and not be brought in front of a Grand Jury ...

(even when the result is the death of over 4,000 innocent Americans...)

than how can any American ever expect anyone to testify about anything

(unless it's Bill Clinton for lying about a blow job).

The Right boiled when Clinton - the biggest opportunist in history - moved to the Right and stole their small government rhetoric. And they hated it. He was going to re-constitute the Reagan Revolution (i.e., support for free trade, free markets, and deregulation) but with a small modification - that being a TINY 4 percentage point rise in taxes on the small group of special interests who own the Republican Party. They hunted him for it despite the booming economy. They secretly taped the conversations of his friends. This was the kind of Nixonian dirty tricks that would have done the KGB proud. They got him for a sexual affair - and they dragged him in front of a grand jury. Then - fast forward to Bush - when it became apparent that Bush/Chaney pressured the intelligence agencies to build a case for war, nobody was ever questioned. George Bush famously said that nobody from his administration would answer questions in front of a judge, a jury, stenographer or a tape recorder. He said that he didn't want any perjury traps sent. The perjury trap set for Clinton - forcing him to admit to an affair - was pure KGB.

Democrats testify because they're weak. Republicans, since Nixon, never testify.

Eliot Spitzer wrote a damning Washington Post article implicating Bush in the housing and derivatives meltdown. Then, the Bush Fed used the Patriot Act to track his finances. The second he withdrew over 10K, they got warrants to monitor his every move. They finally got him on sex with a hooker - but he was never prosecuted by the Bush Fed because the Fed NEVER prosecutes anyone for this because it is so petty. This is a local law enforcement issue; it is not meant for the Feds, who should be fighting terrorism NOT sex with a prostitute. The Bush Fed used the Patriot Act to push a powerful member of the opposition party out of power. This is pure KGB. It's no wonder Bush ignored the Bin Laden Determined to Strike Memos because his White House was purely political. They only saw the world in terms of their own power and never in terms of the safety of the country.

"You show me the man, and I'll show you the crime." This is what the KGB is famous for. They set up surveillance over political enemies until they caught them. The destroyed the careers of Clinton and Spitzer - meanwhile several Republican congressman have been allowed to skate for worse.

Pure KGB.

Clinton raised taxes on the very wealthy and created 22 million jobs. Bush lowered taxes and only created a million. And any political figure who tries to go back to Clinton years will face the KGB - destruction. That's how money the Koch brothers have. The game is over. The Dems are weak and they lost the country to a bunch of crooks. The fact that Obama is president is window dressing. They will filibuster him to death.
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Is that disturbing to any dems on here. Or, as usual, does the truth not matter to you?

If Dick Chaney and George Bush can falsify war intelligence in order to satisfy a long standing policy of regime change in Iraq...

and not be brought in front of a Grand Jury ...

(even when the result is the death of over 4,000 innocent Americans...)

than how can any American ever expect anyone to testify about anything

(unless it's Bill Clinton for lying about a blow job).

The Right boiled when Clinton - the biggest opportunist in history - moved right and stole their small government rhetoric. And they hated it. He was going to re-constitute the Reagan Revolution (i.e., support for free trade, free markets, and deregulation) but with a TINY 4 percentage point rise in taxes on the small group of special interests which own the Republican Part. They hunted him. They bugged the conversations of his friends. This was the kind of Nixonian dirty tricks that would have done the KGB proud. They got him for a sexual affair - and they dragged him in front of a grand jury. Then - fast forward to Bush - when it became apparent that Bush/Chaney pressured the intelligence agencies to build a case for war, nobody was ever questioned. George Bush famously said that nobody from his administration would answer questions in front of a judge, a jury, stenographer or a tape recorder. He said that he didn't want any perjury traps sent. The perjury trap set for Clinton - forcing him to admit to an affair - was pure KGB.

Democrats testify because they're weak. Republicans, since Nixon, never testify.

Eliot Spitzer wrote a damning Washington Post article implicating Bush in the housing and derivatives meltdown. Then, the Bush Fed used the Patriot Act to track his finances. The second he withdrew over 10K, they got warrants to monitor his every move. They finally got him on sex with a hooker - but he was never prosecuted by the Bush Fed because the Fed has NEVER prosecuted anyone for this. This is a local law enforcement issue. The Bush Fed used the Patriot Act to push a powerful member of the opposition party out of power. This is pure KGB.

"You show me the man, and I'll show you the crime." This is what the KGB is famous for. They set up surveillance over political enemies until they caught them. The destroyed the careers of Clinton and Spitzer - meanwhile several Republican congressman have been allowed to skate for worse.

Pure KGB.

Yep everybody should get away with everything. Got it.

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