Zone1 Do Christians Proselytize out of “Love” - or Arrogance?

SO? the AIDS virus had not been identified
until the 1980s. ALSO---saudi arabia consistently DENIED the existence of HIV
in their "HOLY LAND"-----that idiocy became
non viable in the 1990s so they blamed it
all on "foreign workers. In conferences even
the muslim docs LAUGHED.

ARAMCO doctors were holding outreach clinics, treating burns and all kinds of disease and illness among the Saudis decades before HIV.
what's your point? the issue under discussion was the RELATIVE PROTECTION AGAINST AIDS
The AIDS virus was not identified in Saudi arabia and in the WORLD----until circa 1980. Why are you so intent on deflecting? Do you, ALSO want to claim that AIDS DOES NOT EXIST in Saudi arabia. UHM---sure---go ahead. Like the POLIO vaccine it is a zionist
plot. But it is Iran that claims that the zionists
are stealing rain clouds and some mad mullah
claims zionists are training special
snakes to selectively bite "ARABS". Feel
free to entertain me
ARAMCO doctors were holding outreach clinics, treating burns and all kinds of disease and illness among the Saudis decades before HIV.
SO? lots of skin diseases in the arab
population----well known fact----you
should continue to entertain me
what's your point? the issue under discussion was the RELATIVE PROTECTION AGAINST AIDS
The AIDS virus was not identified in Saudi arabia and in the WORLD----until circa 1980. Why are you so intent on deflecting? Do you, ALSO want to claim that AIDS DOES NOT EXIST in Saudi arabia. UHM---sure---go ahead. Like the POLIO vaccine it is a zionist
plot. But it is Iran that claims that the zionists
are stealing rain clouds and some mad mullah
claims zionists are training special
snakes to selectively bite "ARABS". Feel
free to entertain me

SO? lots of skin diseases in the arab
population----well known fact----you
should continue to entertain me
Polio was eradicated in Arabia by the mid 1950s.
....which is your interpretation. Which you are convinced is valid.
….and you are convinced YOUR interpretation is valid.

We all have different opinions. You have your opinion about the way to G-d, and I have mine. Yours is narrowly focused, and mine is more broad. And we are both equally entitled to believe as we do.
Polio was eradicated in Arabia by the mid 1950s.
right----thanks to Jonas Salk, New York boy.
Unfortunately there are still some outbreaks
of the virus in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq,
Somalia ----and recently the virus had been
found in ENGLISH SEWAGE. The situation has
galvanized Saudi Arabia to require proof of
vaccination for would be pilgrims to Mecca
right----thanks to Jonas Salk, New York boy.
Unfortunately there are still some outbreaks
of the virus in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq,
Somalia ----and recently the virus had been
found in ENGLISH SEWAGE. The situation has
galvanized Saudi Arabia to require proof of
vaccination for would be pilgrims to Mecca
And to add.…Jonas Salk was Jewish. IOW, Christians think the brilliant man whose development saved millions of lives is in Hell right now because he didn‘t believe in Jesus.
No, it IS to lead people to the Cross for the forgiveness of their sins. That was the entire purpose of the animal sacrifices in the first place. It was a foreshadowing of the coming Lamb of G-d. You cannot earn heaven, no matter how much you try to be a "good" person, without Yeshua's completed work on the Cross and His resurrection, everyone who does not trust Him for their salvation has already been judged guilty.
Jesus never once said, "Come to the Cross of the forgiveness of sins." During his ministry, he was constantly saying, "Your sins are forgiven." Notice the present tense. He did not say, Sins will be forgiven. The variant of that was, Repentance (meaning turning away from) for the forgiveness of sins. This was the Good News he said should be taken to the ends of the earth.
And to add.…Jonas Salk was Jewish. IOW, Christians think the brilliant man whose development saved millions of lives is in Hell right now because he didn‘t believe in Jesus.
it's worse than that----there is a "sense" in some muslim populations that the polio vaccine
is a zionist plot to "STERILIZE" muslims. Remaining polio outbreaks "happen" mostly in muzzie lands, The poliomyelitis virus is a tricky bastard----IT LINGERS and is transmitted via water-------anyone harboring it can shed it
into public waters
Jesus never once said, "Come to the Cross of the forgiveness of sins." During his ministry, he was constantly saying, "Your sins are forgiven." Notice the present tense. He did not say, Sins will be forgiven. The variant of that was, Repentance (meaning turning away from) for the forgiveness of sins. This was the Good News he said should be taken to the ends of the earth.
Repentance averts the evil (heavenly) decree
(for sin) is a PHARISEE APHORISM. Jesus did
"PHARISEE" all the time
it's worse than that----there is a "sense" in some muslim populations that the polio vaccine
is a zionist plot to "STERILIZE" muslims. Remaining polio outbreaks "happen" mostly in muzzie lands, The poliomyelitis virus is a tricky bastard----IT LINGERS and is transmitted via water-------anyone harboring it can shed it
into public waters
Jesus never once said, "Come to the Cross of the forgiveness of sins." During his ministry, he was constantly saying, "Your sins are forgiven." Notice the present tense. He did not say, Sins will be forgiven. The variant of that was, Repentance (meaning turning away from) for the forgiveness of sins. This was the Good News he said should be taken to the ends of the earth.
However, the Cross is the ONLY way sins can be forgiven. There is no universal salvation. John 1:12 dispels that.
There is no universal salvation. John 1:12 dispels that.
Not really. God has an everlasting Covenant with the Jews. Jesus said he came for the lost. Basically, there were people of the Covenant who were lost. God keeps His Covenant. He came for the lost.

Meanwhile, there were those who remained faithful to their own part of the Covenant. They were not lost, they had a healthy relationship with God. They are represented by the older brother of the Prodigal Son, the ones who note, Some boast of chariots and some of horses: but we boast of the name of the Lord our God. (Psalm 20:7)

Jesus was obviously familiar with Ezekiel 18:21 - If a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die.

Perhaps we should all value our "older brothers", the ones who remained with the Father without any expectation. How were they described? "You have been with me always, and all I have is yours..."

First and foremost what they have is redemption. They have always had it.
right----thanks to Jonas Salk, New York boy.
Unfortunately there are still some outbreaks
of the virus in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq,
Somalia ----and recently the virus had been
found in ENGLISH SEWAGE. The situation has
galvanized Saudi Arabia to require proof of
vaccination for would be pilgrims to Mecca

Saudi Arabia has always required proof of immunizations since I was a kid. Once I flew in from Zurich and hadn't gotten my cholera booster. They gave it to me before I left the airport.
No, it IS to lead people to the Cross for the forgiveness of their sins. That was the entire purpose of the animal sacrifices in the first place. It was a foreshadowing of the coming Lamb of G-d. You cannot earn heaven, no matter how much you try to be a "good" person, without Yeshua's completed work on the Cross and His resurrection, everyone who does not trust Him for their salvation has already been judged guilty.
Again, that is just your opinion. I wish you could understand that. Other religions teach differently.

My covenant with G-d remains valid. If there is a Heaven, I have as good a chance as any decent person of seeing it.
Saudi Arabia has always required proof of immunizations since I was a kid. Once I flew in from Zurich and hadn't gotten my cholera booster. They gave it to me before I left the airport.
Cholera is not Poliomyelitis. Cholera REMAINS endemic in Saudi Arabia (of
course---because of foreigners)
Cholera is not Poliomyelitis. Cholera REMAINS endemic in Saudi Arabia (of
course---because of foreigners)

They had 5 cases of cholera in 2017... Fortunately it didn't spread. Do you hate Arabs so much that lying is acceptable to you?
They had 5 cases of cholera in 2017... Fortunately it didn't spread. Do you hate Arabs so much that lying is acceptable to you?
what lie? when did I say that I hate arabs?
Five cases of cholera is very significant.
Cholera in the USA is confined to travel
outside of the USA and, rarely, consumption
of imported food. Your assertion ..."Lying is acceptable to you" is TYPICALLY VULGAR
what lie? when did I say that I hate arabs?
Five cases of cholera is very significant.
Cholera in the USA is confined to travel
outside of the USA and, rarely, consumption
of imported food. Your assertion ..."Lying is acceptable to you" is TYPICALLY VULGAR

Saudi Arabia has a million visitors just for the Haj.

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