Do Conservatives Have a 1st Amendment Right to Speak in Blue Cities? Or is it so Provocative it Amounts to Violence?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Tim Pool has a good discussion on this topic.

So many conservatives say 'Stay home and make money, then vote'. But is conceding the streets to communists like BLM a smart move for Conservatives?

Or will the Media twist any Conservative marchers as violence provocateurs, and effectively have no 1st Amendment rights?

Guess you've missed all the other rallies that conservatives held in support of Trump. There have been convoys of truckers, large groups of motorcycle riders, and just recently, there was a whole flotilla of boats out there in support of Trump.

None of those were covered in a negative way by the media. They just said that it was happening, and it was a bunch of conservatives exercising their free speech in support of Trump.

Sorry, but your premise that the media will call them a bunch of "agent provacateurs" is a bit wrong.
Guess you've missed all the other rallies that conservatives held in support of Trump. There have been convoys of truckers, large groups of motorcycle riders, and just recently, there was a whole flotilla of boats out there in support of Trump.

None of those were covered in a negative way by the media. They just said that it was happening, and it was a bunch of conservatives exercising their free speech in support of Trump.

Sorry, but your premise that the media will call them a bunch of "agent provacateurs" is a bit wrong.
Bullshit they were covered as FAR RIGHT wing bent on violence against the supposed peaceful blacks and liberals burning and looting.
Conservatives say "stay home and don't wear a MAGA hat or risk assault and death". Did you freaking look around? Anarchists are burning cities and assaulting anyone who dares to wear a freaking red hat.
Yes, the media has and will do that. However the media doesn't make the law. The left is intent on intimidation just like all other good little terrorists. Stand on the Constitution or lose it.
Bullshit they were covered as FAR RIGHT wing bent on violence against the supposed peaceful blacks and liberals burning and looting.

The media plays a very dishonest little agitprop game. They make sure to never identify antifa or BurnLootMurder as left, but ANY opposition to them is labeled far right. They then proceed to attach all manner of perfidy to this supposed "far right", so as to shift the public ever leftwards.
Tim Pool has a good discussion on this topic.

So many conservatives say 'Stay home and make money, then vote'. But is conceding the streets to communists like BLM a smart move for Conservatives?

Or will the Media twist any Conservative marchers as violence provocateurs, and effectively have no 1st Amendment rights?

No, 1A is gone for conservatives. 1A is for dems only.

Yes, any show of patriotism is unaceptable to the left. You must toe their party line.
However in the crowd will be blob supporters who crave violence. Its no accident that shootings and violence follow trump supporters around.

It's just the latest line. Totally ignore all the violence done by the rioters up until now and pretend that the only violence is coming from those tired of being targets and victims. They all got the fax, now they're all spewing the same line.

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